how do you dream? [1st person - 3rd person]

usually 1st person… about 1/4 of the time 3rd.

Before I started actively LD-ing I had a lot more 3rd person and DO than 1st person, but now it’s mostly 1st with some 2nd and much less DO.

1st person, always. I’ve never dreamed in 3rd person, which is probably due to too many video games.

Especially since the only games I play are 1st person shooters :wink:

Wow, I take back my last post. Since then, ALL of my dreams were first person. I guess I kind of go in spells…

Well actually one of the last dreams I had was in 3rd person, and it seemed like GTA and WOW, so I think that games influence my dreams a lot.

i dream in first person like 80% of the time i think.

I have no clue. Sometimes it’s like both at once.

I dream in 1st person generally…

heres a weird one for you though…
All my fairly distant memories (from when I was about 2-5 years old) are in 3rd person.

My nightmares are always 100% of the time 3rd person.

whats 2nd person?

First person - I/me/my (through your own eyes)
Second person - you/yours (interacting with yourself as if another person)
Third person - him/her/he/she/it (watching yourself interact with others, not through your own eyes)

I dream mainly in 1st person…actually it’s been a long time since I’ve had a 3rd person dream. More of my dreams lately have been meaningful though, which I believe is harder to convey in 3rd person.

hmm… i tend to switch between 3rd and 1st person. otherwise its random, half-half

merged into existing topic :moogle:

Okay, I’ve had a few friends that told me some of their dreams before. They said they “saw” themselves in their dreams and doing something in it. This always made me wonder, but not actually say it until now but… what perspective do you view your dreams in?? 1st perspective? 3rd?

Whenever I dream, I always see in 1st perspective. In fact, I have NEVER seen myself in a dream except this one time when I looked at a mirror :tongue:

How about you guys? Do you always see in your view or see your dreams like a movie with you in it? I’m just curious :slight_smile:

My dreams tend to vary. Sometimes in a dream my point-of-view changes a lot. This is mostly due to me playing a lot of videogames, I suppose. Mostly it’s 1st person, though.

I most always dream 1st person, only a select few dreams are 2nd person, where I am watching myself do something…

I’ve never had a dream with 3rd person, I don’t think

Mostly first person.
Occasionally 3rd. (although i am never viewing MYSELF.)

Mostly 1st person for me with a bit of 3rd person thrown in. I can’t say that I remember watching myself in third person though.

1st, 2nd, 3rd and very very rarely all at once, that was an incredibly interesting mental experince.

This is a rare view, I was in another one and saw what he saw, but I couldnt decide his moves :shy:

My dad has that pretty often. Mostly in dreams like that the person he’s inside is having some sort of trouble and he spends the dream helping them out.