How do you notice weird things as dreams? *NT

Old Title: “HOW?”

I constantly hear about how people say, that in their dreams they start to notice weird things or something that tells them its a dream and then they realize it is thus leading to a LD. What i dont understand is that in my dreams its like if i was watching a movie with me in it, i have no control what so ever i just play along, watch it or what ever. So basicly i have no control or sense of consiosness what so ever so i dont understand how you can acutally think or realize anything, well atleast in my dreams? Any input thanx

somebody less lazy than i can probably tell you what it’s called, but i read somewhere (possibly in EWLD) that there’s a part of the brain that is sorta responsible for… logical reasoning i guess you could call it, and it’s asleep in normal dreams

lucid dreaming is all about awakening that part of the brain to realize that something strange is up and it must be a dream.

it’s just something that you have to develop. hey i had a crazy ND this morning and missed all kinds of clues for lucidity.

you say your dreams are like a movie w/ you in it, are you saying that these are third person dreams?

anyway, give it some time, it’ll come. good luck :yinyang:

Weird things would be things that can only happoen in a dream such as flight or changing scenes. As oneiromancer said the critical faculty (logic reasoning) part of the brain is asleep. That is where it helps to do MILD because it usually causes the critical faculty to be or become more awake. And yes this does come from EWLD.

Some times my dreams are 3rd person sometimes its 1st

IZ- i think your problem (not conciously noticing ‘dream cues’) is a common one. If it wasn’t, lucid dreaming would be an easy thing for everyone.

After hearing about lucid dreaming, I began to study whatever info I could find on it, but it always came back to the same thing, which is noticing things in your dreams that are sure clues that you’re dreaming.

About a week after studying all the different info, I had my first lucid dream, and the dream cues that told me I was dreaming were very very subtle. In my dream, I went out to my car to go to work and it was gone. I started panicking, wondering how I was going to get around now that my car had been stolen. Almost everything about the scene in my dream was as it was in real life except for a few very subtle things that I noticed were out of place. I noticed that the mailbox in my driveway wasn’t where it was supposed to be, and although my house appeared to be the same, the shutters were white instead of black. At that moment I knew what was happening and suddenly I had this incredible feeling of joy and empowerment, and I turned around to be greeted by this scene of pristine mountains and flowing streams. My lucid dreamworld had taken on a greater vividness and my self awareness was greater than in real life almost.

So don’t just look for flying elephants and other such ‘bang you on the head’ dream cues, (although don’t forget about them either!) but look for anything that’s out of place, and tell yourself you are going to notice those things when dreaming.

I can’t tell you the amount of frustration I’ve had, waking up after missing the most obvious cues that I was dreaming, while noticing a simple thing like an out of place mail-box or shutters of a different color.

Keep at it, eventually it’ll pay off.

Thanx for all the tips i just dont know if i am going to be able to become conscious enough to even realize weird things but im gonna keep on trying.

When I look back over my log of lucid dreams, I notice that it is usually a dream sign that started making me wonder if it was a dream. It’s different for everyone, but keeping a record of your non-lucid dreams helps you see what weird things occur over and over in your dreams.

Also, it’s good to think about your most vivid non-lucid dreams, because just thinking about what they were like is a good way to prime you for recognizing them in the future. And think about what you would like to do in a lucid dream. For instance, I like to levitate and fly in LD’s, but I often find myself actually flying first, THEN realizing it’s a dream. So I guess some part of me knows that it’s a dream before all of me knows it.

Then there’s the occasional lucky LD. This morning I had a dream where I was going to sleep in a class. I had an LD, then when I “woke up” from the LD, I went back to that same class and had to make an excuse for sleeping in class. :content:

Hello iz,
I’m about like you : my dreams are very weird once i wake up but they feel perfectly normal while i dream them.

So far my best result ( that occured since i started ld’ing 3 mounthes ago) is the following:
I was running of bad guys in a town then i see that i’m on a cliff and only way to escape them is to jump (at this point for a split second i think ‘oh nevermind i can’t be hurt’ and at the same time i feel the fear of jumping because i could die) then finally i jump out and after a long time i finally reach water …

So technically i have been low lucid for like 0,1 sec ( the exact moment where i thought about the no real danger) but it faded right away and never at any time the weirdness of this scene occured to me.

So any hints you could give as to developp the laberge ‘critical state testing’ would greatly intrerest me also :smile:


just tonight I had a dream in which I made a sandwich plastic bag (the see-through ones) levitate. I remember screaming to myself (thinking in my head) HIGHER HIGHER… until I eventually had the easy will to make it move to whatever place I wanted it to…

tho… I was NOT lucid…

how about that btw… thinking in dreams??

about the thinking in dream i noticed i can think in mine too (in the last night i remember to think to myself to be conscious of my cousciousness but the pharse didn’t made any sense to me at that very moment and faded away) i can have inner thoughts in dreams too ( like in the real world when you think about something in anticipation and its kinda weird when you think about it ( a thought in a thought world…) but not impossible since i read peoples had dreams in their dreams also…

Dunno if i’m on the right track but afterward i notice these anticipation thoughts tends to realize themselves in the dream :
If i fear i be attacked by someone i usually end up being attacked, if i walk in a tunnel and wonders where the exit is i usually see a light that mark the end of it, if i’m thirsty i notice i have a bottle of water in my hand etc…

so far in those 3 monthes of trying my only real success is the amazing dream recall i now have :
before i remembered like 1 dream every few mounthes, now i recall at least 1-2 every night ( i pass half an hour everyday writting them)

If only i could remember to be aware its a dream i would be so happy :smile:

The only things that have triggered lucidity for me in the past, is when light switches don’t work right, and when I start getting really scared in my dreams.

Although the times I get scared, I only end up becoming aware enough in my dream to know that I need to change the dream settings to something better.

The light switch thing will trigger momentary lucidity, but it doesn’t last very long. Usually when this happens I get scared because it freaks me out or something, and I usually either end up waking myself up or changing my dream COMPLETELY to something else and falling out of it again. – a funny story about waking myself up… I dreamt I was at my grandparents in their dining room talking to them, and I went to turn the light on and it wouldn’t work, and it triggered lucidity. And I was like “oh my god, you’re not really my grandparents…” and suddenly they were like turning evil or something and I was scared to death. So I closed my eyes and starting spinning around on myself and I was like “WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!” and, well, I woke up. lol.

The longest lucid dreams I have had, have come from falling asleep IN my dream, and waking up in my dream, knowing I’m dreaming. From these dreams, I will wake up in my dream, thinking that I’m actually awake. Once I even tried to do a reality check, but I told myself I was silly for trying so I stopped. LOL. big duh @ me :tongue:

I can’t think at all in dreams i’m sure,when i become lucid i just do. I’ve noticed remembering back on a lot of my lucid dreams ( i can’t be bothered writing them down) i have noticed that roads or transport trigger lucidity for me.

Also lately any sexy looking lady turns me lucid, i try to tread as litely as possible in this area as not to wake up by doing anything too exciting.

Hi! I can’t really make myself have lucid dreams, I’ve only had a few, and they’re almost all started by dream signs. I don’t really start to question if I’m dreaming or not, it’s just like all of a sudden I know I am. This is mostly because the only reliable dream sign I have is flying. I’ve had so many flying dreams before that I’ve told to people, for some reason whenever I start to fly it just clicks, and I know I’m dreaming. So my advice to you is to find a recurring thing in your dreams. It might even be seeing yourself in the third person, if that’s what your dreams are like. And think a lot about it during the day, maybe tell a friend or two about a dream you had in the third-person or about a dream that had that recurring element in it. That way you’ll build up a “trigger” to lucidity. That’s how it works for me, anyway.

i think it wouldn’t work for me…see, im so stupid that in my dream i was talking about ludicity with someone and i didn’t realize i WAS dreaming… :wink:

I have the same problem. Ill miss the most obvious dreamsigns.Especially when looking in the mirror in my dreams. Ill have short hair when Im supposed to have long hair. Ill think, hey! when did I get a haircut…owell…
Especially when i do something in my dreams and i think , hey this always happens in my dreams.
you think i would catch on but no…instead it just inda happens, ill just out of the blue realize im dreaming. wheres the justice in that! :confused:

I always end up somewhere without any pants on and thinking… well hope people think my boxers are my football shorts… I don’t even play football… stubid!

My dreamsign that I’ve noticed before and became lucid on(for a second, then I woke up! :tongue: ) is that all the lights go off and I am incredibly scared. I try to turn on the lights but they wont turn on, and every time I’m just like ahhhhh!!! Then I remembered lucid dreaming and that one scene from Waking Life and well there ya go. I wish I had those dreams more often cuz I would easily become lucid.

last night i awoke really pissed at myself for my blatant ignorace. in a dream i was havng i was arguing with my sisiter about dreams. when she left i looked in the mirror and saw that everything seemed normal except for the fact that was wearing shades.

the thing that pissed me so much when i woke up was the fact that the shades were black, but i saw everything as if i had no shades on at all… :grrr:

When you talk about lucidity to someone, it’s a good idea to demonstrate the reality check with your watch!

My only Ld. Umm, well I just did a RC by random moment. Nothing I just want to do them all the time and i do.