How long was your longest lucid dream?

I think never over a minute.
But I think once or twice was more then 20 sec, well dream time was maybe over a minute.
I got this problem with memory, i forget almost entire dream. I am totaly :grrr: :sad: :cry: :cry: because of that.

Around 15 minutes…I think. Time feels different in dreams than in real life for me, like I don’t notice time is ‘there’, you know?

7-10 minutes for your first one? Very nice

Heh, my problem is I ALWAYS find the nearest girl and start banging her :content: . I can’t think of anything else to do. I’ve had maybe 10-15 lucid dreams rangeing from 5 to 30 seconds. And in each one that got past 10 seconds I ended up nailing some chick and wakeing up or looseing lucidity shortly after I start. :help: I wish I wasn’t such a perve sometimes.

And in reply too BenDrummin58

That’s incredible! Could you elaborate some?

15 minutes. [edited later: after verification, it’s 30 minutes.]

Bendrummin58 is kidding a little. His dream lasted 1 week in the dream world,
and about 1 hour IRL… :eek: which is still impressive!

wow, that’s Amazing. I can’t even begin to contemplate that. :smile:

i wasn’t talking about that dream…but yes thats another. lol.

You had 2 like that?? WHat happened in this one?

Mine last from average 5-7 to longest 15 minutes. I’m trying to increase the length though…

I had about a minute long one last night! Somewhat vivid but for some reason I didn’t look more then 10 feet into the distance.

And for once I didn’t rush to find a chick to do.

My longest ones feel like an hour, but I think that in RL time they are about 15 minutes.

I think my longest one was around 45mins … well felt like it , and the real time did match it so i assume it is…

I never managed to stay lucid for more than 30 seconds, maybe up to a minute, but my normal dreams are very long. A few days ago, I had many dreams, all of them connected in a 'story. They took place right after each other through all my naps. If you were going to count them all as one, I’d say… four hours? :content:

2 hrs or so…

even if i know it’s been 2 hrs, sometimes (semi-rare) i will feel like it was much longer, yet much shorter at the same time.

usually they seem to last about 10-15 mins.

About 2 hours for me also for the longest. Most of them are usually just a few minutes.

1/2 day to a day – average lucid dream

for me they could on for days but most of the time like half a day and its cool.

But I generally only normally happens in a 10min session of actualy sleep up to 30mins but not much more it tends to be when in the morning as rem sleep makes it not good conditions to lucid dream like the storm before the sun

You know, I’ve always wanted to experiment with time distortion in a dream.

a couple of months fake time, a couple of hours real time. Best dream ever, I remember it fondly.

I’ll be damned…couple of months! What techniques did you use?

Ive had years dream time, only last a few minutes, sometimes even seconds IRL.

I can have these whenever i want to, but they tend to take something out of the feeling of being lucid, like the exciting feeling is stretched out, and isnt as big a rush. So i dont do these all the time, but i do them occasionally, like if i have to write a paper in real life, and dont have time to think one up, ill write it in a dream, and then type it up the next day. So far ive had nothing but A’s on those :smile: