How many dreams can you recall at once?

I remember exactly one dream every time I wake up. I’m pretty sure I only have one at a time, because they tend to be VERY LONG. They’re quite consistent, as well, so perhaps when other people would be dreaming of two or three completely different things in the same amount of time, they’re sufficiently different enough to seem like separate dreams. Whereas mine tend to be just one very big long story all heaped together (though it might have different parts within it).

That’s not to say I only have one dream per day - I often have more, but it depends directly on how many times I go back to sleep during the day.

i remember 3-ALL, it varies alot but when i started doing DJ for real I have started to recall all of them and more accurately, its only a matter of practise. (btw i had my first 1h LD two days ago, and i know it was 1h coz I fell asleep conscious and watched the clock before going back to bed and when i woke up 1 hour had passed :smile:

Up to 5-6

I’ve got a new personal record since this last night, I could remember up to 6 dreams :cool: .

Actually, I would talk about scenes rather than dreams : there might be a forgotten link between them that would reduce the number of dreams, but anyway I consider them individually in my dream journal…
Just notice that generally the last dreams I remember are those which are the most detailed and consistent (which responds to the increasing length of REM periods during the night, as I could read on a topic), and that writing them down in the middle of the night helps much…

(maybe the question dealt with dreams naturally remembered at waking time, without any night notes ?)

Sometimes when I wake up in the morning I can recall all of my dreams that night. Every-so-often they all get bundled up and I’ll remember them as one dream, forgetting where one left off and the other began.

I usually wake up in the morning and even if my mind is blank at first, there’s this nagging feeling that there was a lot of dream activity throughout the night. If I just lie there, eventually I’ll recall and recall and recall some more until I’ve recalled enough that I’m satisfied there isn’t much else to remember and the nagging feeling is gone. My record is 4-5 which is a pretty consistent number. Concerning the nagging though, sometimes I’ll be going about my day and something will trigger something in my head and I’ll just stop and I know that a dream is about to emerge or an event in the dream is about to emerge. It’s really cool but takes patience since I’ll be drawing a blank and still know there’s something there then suddenly I’ll see the scene over again. One morning in the act of getting out of bed, showering, and making breakfast I had ten instances like that.

Sometimes I wake up recall one dream and go back to sleep then wake up and recall another. Other times I can recall more then one when I wake up in the morning.

Ussualy I’ll only wake up once that I notice. From that I’ve had times when I remembered 3 dreams, also sometimes during the day I’ll recall a fragment of a dream when something jogs my memory such as in seeing my school I may remember a dream that took place in school.

Usually I only remember one or two dreams. But the rare times that I do remember lots of dreams, they are all at once and I have to rush to write all of them down before I forget them.

I can recall a few dreams a the same time.
I don’t happen often, but it does happen.
But it’s irritating, cause I’m afraid I’m gonna forget the other dreams because I have to write so much. But that’s sometimes with 1 dream too. But mostly I see it as one big dream where I go to several places.

i always remember my dreams as one big dream with changing scenes, i will wake up in the night or right after dreaming and just go back to sleep then log it down in the morning, but most the time i am unable to differenciate between seperate dreams.

Just this morning I remembered 4 dreams clearly and the 5th cloudy.

Depends on the night last night only three…I’d say that’s about average I guess, but sometimes more

Lucky you I usualy remember one to none dreams, only if I wake up several times, I have chance to remember a dream or two.

I’ve had about 15 once on Calea :razz:

I had 5 or 6 lucid dreams in one night once

and last one was followed with waking up and levitating, believe it or not above my bed!!!

What’s Calea?

That’s happened to me before! I had a false awakening and was floating over my bed…except I was at a 45 degree angle with my feet higher than my head. What’s with that?

If you come across a term you don’t know, it’s a good idea to use the search function and so find topics on it. I did a search and there were 15 topics … this seems to be the best one the BIG Calea zacatechichi topic as you will see calea is leaves and used to make tea usually

Usually 2-4 dreams. Lately I’ve been getting 5-7 though.
The most I’ve gotten was 12 dreams.