How messy is your room?

My room is so messy…I haven’t gotten around to cleaning it for about a week. Let’s see…there’s my cheerleading uniform and all that stuff in a pile on the floor, my container of paint next to my desk, the canvas that I started painting and didn’t finish, my blankets from my bed cluttering the floor, and that’s just part of it :tongue: .

It’s driving me crazy having it messy, but I’ve been too lazy and busy to clean it this week. I clean it tomorrow…yes, tomorrow :tongue: .

I’ve started to clean my room, cause I move to college tomorrow and I need to pack :smile:

Whoo- Josh is going to college! :cool_laugh:

The living room is… clean enough. Haven’t seen a roach in a few days, so I’m good. :grin:

You need an exterminator Wolf. Those darn things will not go away so easy.

i cant even walk into my room anymore soo much dirty clothes and work everywhere. it is horrible i can barely stay awake with the amount of homework i have to do, how do i clean my room with that. i swear i probably lost my little sister in that mess. :grin: