How to get more LDs? stuck in bad places in dreams

Well I identify as androgynous, but female, but when I was in Pittsburg (and a lot of my LDs are triggered by being back at University of Pittsburg) I felt I was meant to be male and would bind my chest and wanted top surgery, I was on testosterone for 3 or 4 years. But I found Jesus and went back to being female and discovered that I really just wanted a very muscular body and a flat chest. I am into martial arts and gymnastics and power lifting. It was like I was sexist against myself thinking I couldnt be a strong athlete without testosterone. But now I am so much stronger and more muscular not on any hormones or steroids except for preworkout suplements that have amino acids, creatine, caffiene, and some other things. but they arent steroids.

Hmm ok. I’m kind of gender-fluid between female and agendered {born female, but a lot of the time I just feel like I fit as neither male nor female and just drift into limbo :content: .} Gender is a really complex subject and even I know hardly anything about it. IMO there shouldn’t really be specified, strict roles to play gender-wise. everyone’s so diverse and unique and different! someone can definitely identify as male but his fav color is pink, or be female and enjoy football, etc. However, we’re so complex that things can happen before we’re born, in terms of genes and hormonal baths and whatnot. Like autism, for example, there’s like tons of genes that contribute to variations of that.

And I need more research, but is it possible that something happens during the development of that unborn baby that has an influence on how they perceive their maleness or femaleness later? And I know in some cases, people could misunderstand their desires to not fit in the box as being transgender when it might not be what’s happening, but for others it’s pretty intense and can show up at a very young age. I do still think it’s necessary to just let people be themselves, to be free to express their personality and interests without being shamed for not behaving according to the roles and rules.

I was a sociology major so I agree that gender is a social construct and that sex and gender are two different things entirely! Although also I agree with the scripture that says, God made them male and female. So my feelings about gender mix and are fluid.

my workout today was only 35 minutes :frowning: I usually like to do 2 and a half hour workouts at least 3 times a week. Yesterday was only 25 minutes. I guess Im giving my body a break this week. The park is wet so I cant go practice gymnastics, my clothes would get so dirty!

How about intersex people, who dont fit in the female or male categories? Or Güevedoces, males who appear to be female until 12 years of age?

There are also tons of animals that have both male and female body parts {like snails}, or who can spontaneously change from female to male {many fishes do this.} Many organisms also reproduce asexually as well. Aphids are all born female and pregnant. like tribbles! And on rare occasions they may produce a male to mate, but otherwise its just endless generations of females begetting more females. Nature can be pretty cool!

cool thats interesting!

good conversation :slight_smile:

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I came so close last night! I dreamed Pitt said I could come back if I pay 700 and I was at Pitt, I asked myself if I was dreaming and decided I wasnt dreaming even though i was :frowning:

oof, yeah that happens sometimes, its always frustrating because you get so close, and yet so far away…

yeah. I’ll try again tonight :slight_smile:

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yes, perhaps you will have better luck this time ^^