Hypnogogic Hallucinations?!?!

Hello guys! Though I am not a beginner at Lucid Dreaming I am slightly confused with the terminology. :confused: What is a hypnogigic hallucination?

Hypnogogic is the state between wake, and sleep with random hallucination, and thought. Most people never notice it as they drift off to dreamland. There is allso Hypnopompic, which is the state between sleep, and wake. Its where the images of dreams, can clearly be seen in waking life right after you wake up.

o…interesting, I know exactly what you talking about.

Hypnagogic doesn’t need to be random, you can influence it too.

Scary… :eek:

Why’s it scary?

Cuz of those terrifying hallucinations you see, i mean, how can someone like that kinda stuff? :eh:

They’re not terrifying.

They can be anything at all - including dah sex-ah lah-days :wink:.

How do you control hypnogogic hallucinations? They scare me too. The last one I had I was trying to WILD with meditation and I had this picture of a flying neon eye in the dark and it was really bothering me (very ugly, like someone had taken out their eye and given it wings and green and purple lights). And I had to fully wake up to get rid of it and it was difficult to do. I get this feeling sometimes that I can’t change my perception either, it feels like I’m seeing outside of my head. Sorry I don’t know any other way to put it. :confused: And there are always alot of shadowy forms that frighten me.

IMO, you can’t change that and you can’t control HI. They’re random. But you don’t have to be afraid.

As far I understand, what you see are not HI. They are phosphenes PLUS your imagination. What you call the “flying neon eye in the dark” (you really have found a great name!) :smile: is probably a phosphene that Skidzz and I have noticed in this post :
Did I just SEE my third eye?!
And about the “shadowy forms”, I noticed them too. Sometimes, phosphenes moves (they rotate or translate repetitively). Generally, when they’re static, we notice the luminous dots. But when they’re moving, the curious thing is that we first notice the dark areas between them. If these dark areas are vertical, our brain may interpret them as silhouettes and, if the dark area increases in size, as a movement towards us, which can be surprising or frightening.

So, if I understand well what you’ve seen, you should notice that they are just dots of lights, or the areas between them, and your imagination gives them a strange form they haven’t, like in a Rorschach’s test. If you notice that, you won’t be frightened. :content:

Thank you so much for clearing that up! Is it normal to stay stuck too? Is that sp or does sp only happen when you are waking up?

Oh I just found the other thread. So sp can happen before you sleep too. OK

For me HI are not random points of light, they are random images, like that of a tree or a pencil that take shape from a hardly visible “mist” and disappear as suddenly as they appear. The mist itself is like different shades of black in the background (i hope i’m making sense). Sometimes I can become slightly more aware in that state and I can “guide” the HI, and sometimes I start seeing the thing I’m thinking about (like if i think about a pencil, I start seeing one), but most times if I become directly aware of the images they go away. i don’t see flying points of colors… Maybe what I see is something other than HI?

I see what you see too Dark Sider, I think they can be controlled to some extent if I think of something scary I see all sort of horrible deformed faces. Don’t let it scare you because it really is quite fun.

I am almost certain they can be changed, and they probably don’t need to disappear when you look at them. I think that is just because we don’t like them being there because they aren’t ‘real’.

Edit : Oh, I remembered something else. The voices you hear before you fall asleep… “bite out, spit out, kick out” I thought that was funny at the time so I remembered it.

I agree with you, Dark Sider. IMO, anamcara was seeing phosphenes, as I pointed out above:

It’s possible to maintain HI, but’s it seems to be not so easy. And I don’t think it’s because we don’t like them that they disappear. It’s something more complex, cause they participate in the generation of thoughts. You probably need to practise a form of meditation to be able not to loose consciousness during a half second when they appear. And when you regain consciousness (so you notice them), they’re sort of destroyed.

my friend was sleeping over at my house once. he fell asleep while we were awake. he woke up and looked at his chest and closed his eyes very tightly. in like a minute or so, he started screaming. he said there was something on his chest like some old person with blonde hair, big eyes, and the biggest smile. he was totally freaked out. i didnt know what to say because me or my friends couldnt see it. please tell me what this was. was it a hallucination?

Ofcourse it was. You think there really was an old blonde smiling person on his chest? :razz:… This kind of hallucination is called hypnopompic images, the kind that you can get when you wake up. Your brain is then still in dreaming mode so you can see all kinds of weird stuff.

ok thank you for the info

I usually just hear voices (whispering). But I do also sometimes get images. It’s always weird - I can feel my eyelids are shut, yet I can see…

Actually I take a liking to things that seem unreal or like from a horror movie. Yeah, it would be freaky though. :bored: