I have a few questions

First of all, hello!

I have a few questions about lucidity and dream recall.
Last night, my second night trying to have a LD, I tried the WILD and MILD methods in a sort of mixture. I first said to myself that I will realize that I’m having a dream, and when I do, I will perform a reality check. I thought of this as I was going to sleep, and I eventually felyt it working a bit. My body felt tingly and like it was shakes, like what’s supposed to happen (I believe, at least). Then, I started having trouble breathing and had to breathe harder and harder, and my heart beat rose. After a few minutes of this, it slowed down and evenntually went back to normal. I opened my eyes and did a few RCs, like reading the time, looking away, and reading it again, trying to put my finger through my palm, and trying to breathe out of my nose with it plugged. Everything looked normal, so I just went to sleep because of how tired I already was.

So… is the breathing thing normal?

Also, about DR’s.
I haven’t remembered a dream I had in months, literally. Is that a problem? How should I fix that. I tried telling myself to wake up 6 hours after I fell asleep and remember my dreams. I woke up in almost exactly 6 hours, but I couldn’t remember anything that was remotely a dream. I’m guessing that it takes a while to get my DR up to remembering a dream a night. Any tips on how to do that what I can’t even remember one dream a month?

Thanks in advance to anyone that answers me.

Hi, and welcome to LD4All :welcome:

Have you been keeping a DJ? If not, start one. When you go to sleep at night, you should tell yourself “I’m gonna remeber me drem tonight and when I wake up, I’m gonna write it down.” Then, picture youself writing in your DJ when you wake up. I started doing this, and my DR jumped from maybe 3 a month to almost nightly.

As for your other problem, well, i dunno. Sorry. :shy:

I have a DJ all ready to write in. Now, all I need now is a dream. >.>
I’ll remember to say the writing down part to myself, too. All I said so far was that I’m going to remember my dream when I wake up.

Wow… geeze… I guess your gonna need help from a more expirenced LDer… sorry :clown:

That’s perfectly fine. Any amount of information helps. :happy:

I’m kind of worried about me having trouble breathing. Does lucid dreaming affect anything like that? Do you think that I was too nervous or exite to breathe properly?

A good way to try and remember your dreams is to tell yourself before you go to sleep, you will remember your dreams. And on top of that, wake up at random times during the night, and one should probably be in the middle of a dream. Now upon waking up, wake up VERRRRYY SLOOWLLYYYY and recall everything from your memory. If you pick up a fragment, and think back, go back in time and back trace what happened in the dream, and whatever other pieces of the dream you receive. With enough practice this should prove to be a little useful :content:

That with the breathing is normal and nothing to worry about.
You do need to work on your DR befor you start working on LD’ing. You might be having LD’s every night now, and just not rember it. :sad: Until you have good DR, you can’t know if your attempts at LD are working.

That’s good advice… :seer: Try not to move at all when you wake up. Just lie there and try to remember your dreams.

As for the breathing thing, don’t worry about it. I’ve noticed that sometimes as I lose consciousness, my breath will suddenly startle me… It’s hard to describe, but it’s like someone else is breathing for me - that I’d have a hard time forcing a breath even if I wanted. Like I no longer have control over it.

I imagine that you might be feeling something similar (but more gradual), where your conscious control is fading away. In any case, it happens every night - so don’t be alarmed by it… :whew: Your body will take care of itself.

If you’re still freaked out by it :scared: , try Wake-Back-To-Bed and MILD instead of WILD.

Thank you. :smile:

You’re welcome :smile: - and good luck with your Wake-Back-To-Bed (since I’m assuming there’s not much else to do in Vegas at this hour… :tongue: )

I’m not really freaked out about it, I just wanted to see if it was normal. :tongue:

Every time I do it, though (it happened again last night) it makes me wake up. :meh: I can tell that it’s working, but is there any way to not be woken by it?


lol I have to wake up at 4AM for school… I don’t really have time for WBTB except on the weekends :bored:

So… should I just keep my mind clear and try to remember my dreams until I do, then start trying to LD again?

Generaly, you should be able to remember 1-2 dreams a night befor you start working on LD’s. If you are remembering less then that, it could be that you have LD’s and don’t remember them.
You can start trying earlyer, but then you might give up bcause you think you are not having LD’s just because you don’t remember them. You just can’t tell if what you are doing works, unless you remember your dreams so that you know if you are having ND’s LD’s or pre-LD’s.

You can work on both dream recall and lucid dreaming - but like Don said, you might be more inclined to give up if your recall is poor.

You did mention that you were getting “shakes” with your WILD attempt… If you mean that you’re getting the so-called-vibrations, then you’re super close. For me, the vibes start small and gradually build up to a fork-in-the-outlet feeling… There’s a definite electric quality to 'em, and a loud buzzing sound accompanies them. If that’s not what you meant, I’d say work on recall and MILD and Wake-Back-To-Bed instead of WILD, as WILD tends to be more difficult to learn.

To be complete, here’s what I do to get the vibrations… :astral: First, I lay down and relax my body. Then I lay completely still (no scratchin’) and count backwards from 100 to 0 (again and again) while listening to the ringing sound in my ears (sound of silence). Eventually they just happen. When the big vibrations are occuring, that’s the time to act… I simply stand up.

Wow… Between school at 4 AM. and The Great American Challenge, Vegas sounds like a very odd place… I’d be doing reality checks constantly! :tongue:

Haha yes, I do RCs much more often than someone who lives elsewhere :tongue: