I just got my driver's license today!!!

I just thought I’d share.

Congratulations! :grin:
Are you planning on getting your own car now or are you going to borrow the family one?

Well thats great Repleh! I got mine in march but am still not allowed to drive in my parent’s car :neutral:

Have fun driving!! :ok:

Nice Repleh :wink:

Now go get a Flintstone car :grin:

I want to get my own car, but it’ll probably be awhile until I do. So, my parent’s car for now :neutral:… better than nothing, I guess, though

When I first got my license I was so excited and I loved them. My brother attempts to burst my bubble by saying “They won’t be so fun in a year after everybody wants a ride.” :neutral:

well, he was crazy because I love every second of driving, but he was also true. Watch those back seat passengers and their cigarette butts or trash, you’d be surprised how trashy seemingly polite people can be. :tongue:

My current car I’ve had for 7 years in August, and I have put >120,000 miles / >193,121km on it. A 2 seater! :lol: No accidents at all, so here are a few tips.

-find your music and have it ready before driving
-always buckle up, but you know that, right?
-drive the speed limit at ALL times even if somebody is riding your bumber.
-ALWAYS! look both ways twice!
-if the roads look even slightly wet and you are going the speed limit you are going to fast. (yes, my first car was lost off a bridge after hydroplaning )
-yellow doesn’t mean speed up.
-and please for peat sake be patient and calm, enough people already using driving as anger outlets so just laugh at them because they look funny :lol:

I’m sure I can think of others, and when I do I’ll reply. :wink:

Thanks for the tips, DreamAddict. I’ll be sure to follow them all and be a safe driver :wink: Heh, you sound a lot like my driving instructor.

And thanks for the congrats and everything moogle, Kat, Jeff, and DreamAddict :happy:

No problem Repleh!
I like your Avatar btw its simple but good!

When you got your own car please put a pic of you and the car on the forum!~


"-drive the speed limit at ALL times even if somebody is riding your bumber. "

hell no, it’s just not safe to drive the speed limit sometimes.

i.e. my grandpa is an idiot, he’ll ride up in a semi trucks blindspot, but he like, doesn’t want to speed, so he just SITS THERE for minutes on end, paralell with a damn semi truck.

if you want to drive safe, this is how you drive safe.

maintain 2-5 seconds behind cars as much as possible

be paranoid as hell

PASS FAST, if you’re passing a guy that’s going 64, you need to be going at least 69, it is horribly unsafe to ride next to a car for more than a small handful of seconds, you’re just asking to die in a horrible crash when he forgets you’re there.

obey the rule of general speed, meaning, don’t be in the left lane unless you are
A) speeding
B) passing (and therefore using my pasing rule)

and if you’re going the limit in the left lane, being an asshole by blocking up traffic like those old guys in vans that ride paralell to someone for miles on end… (ala my grandpa) and someone come up to you aggressively, do one of two things.

  1. drastically slow down, (not good, the guy gets mad)
  2. go about 5mph faster than the traffic to your right, and get over as soon as safe.

now if a guy is tailgating you and you’re in the right lane, and there is nothing you can do about it beacuse there is tons of traffic in front of you and you are trying to maintain 2-3 seconds behind them, screw him, let him try and pass you if he wants.

but if you’re tailgated in the left lane, you have no business being in there, people will get aggressive and angry, and you don’t want them trying race car bullshit on you, so just speed that baby on up pretty fast (5-10 over the traffic beside you) and either give him a huge hole to go around you, or get in the right lane.

this is common sense. you never want to be slow or doing the limit in the left lane, and if someone is tailgating you, get out asap, you do that by sometimes having to speed a bit.

and you never want to be paralell to anyone, ever, regardless of what lane you are in, slow way down, or speed way up, just don’t ride paralell or in someone’s blind spot, ever.

me I will go 10 under if I have to to get myself out of a traffic gaggle, I will not be paralell to a car, even if i’m in the right lane, for more than 5-10 seconds… if that means I have to slow down a bit and piss people behind me off, that’s fine, pretty soon i’ve got the road to myself for a few miles.


people are dumbasses and drive in groups, it’s a pack mentality thing, avoid that, it’s a death trap.

if you’ve gotta go 80mph to blow by a traffic cluster of idiotic grannies or a semi truck convoy, do it.

it’s the safest thing for you, just use common sense and be reasonable.

as for open highways use caution when speeding i do it, but i listen to instinct and therefore have not been ticketed yet, you don’t speed through towns, you don’t speed around lunch time usually… if it’s unsafe to speed, don’t speed… if you have the road to yourself, it’s your decision, do what you are comfortable doing, I stay about 10-12 over to avoid carless driving charges if pulled over.

carless driving, hmm, interesting, i mean careless driving.

speeding is not even remotely the same as being reckless or stupid… it has its place, and can be harmless in an open highway, but you’ve gotta keep it reasonable and know when to slow down, know when it’s safe to do, when it isn’t.

A similar thing happened to me when I got my first car. I did not wreck my car but did end up in a ditch. It was barely raining out and I was going the speed limit. Nevertheless I went to go around a curve and my car just kept going right of the road. Fortunately both myself and my car was ok.

Anyway, congratulations on getting your license.

Man, this is kind of sad.

Repleh: “I just got my license. Thought I’d share.”
Everybody else at the forum: “Do this, don’t do that, be wary of wet roads. . .”

Haha, kind of takes the fun out of driving, all that “serious” stuff, ya know! Ah, I’m just joking. Lord knows the world is filled with terrible drivers and good advice is always appreciated, I just didn’t expect that reaction from that many people.

Anyway, good luck with your driving. Remember, you’re in the age bracket that is most likely to get into an accident. Was that not very supportive? Eh. . . :tongue:

HaVe FuN!1! :grin:

[color=green]i dont think ill ever get my license. i could get it as soon as the 31st of this month but i totally suck at driving and need more practice. problem is i play WAY too much Grand Theft Auto so im afraid of going crazy behind the wheel and going all GTA on somebody. my friends who already have thier licenses say that the driving test is easy as hell. they say that if you just go 5 under the speed limit during the test you’ll pass it. but if and when i do get my licence i want to get a Mini Cooper for my first car. i absolutly LLLOOOOVVVEEE those cars. there so damn cute! everytime im in the car with my dad and a mini drives by im always like “OMG A MINIII!!!11!! i want one of those SOOO bad!!”, just to remind him. id like to get a convertible one but i dont think those are out yet, preferebly in jetblack or gunmetal.

oh yea and congrats, i envy you now.[/color]

Thanks on the comment on my avatar Jeff, I’m quite fond of it (besides, I love the moon), and I’ll try to remember to post a picture of myself, just need to get my scanner working :tongue:

Thanks for the advice, holy reality, I’ll take all I can get from experienced driver’s, and thanks for the congrats, milod, and I’ll watch out for the hydroplaning, especially since I live in Ohio, where we have crazy weather. We can have really nice, warm weather at the beginning of the day, and at the end it’ll be storming with rain and hail.

And I know what you mean sno_isulli, I wasn’t expecting any advice, but I’m glad to know there are people on the site who don’t me to get hurt. And I know I’m at the age where I’m likely to get into an accident. Scary fact: if I die at the age I’m at now (i’m 16), it’ll most likely be because of a car accident :sad:

Anyway, thanks again for all the help and congrats :happy:

This is the best tip for being safe anyone can give you… ALWAYS have good tires. that is one of the most important things on your car. to check to see if your car is still good take a penny and place it upside down in the tread of your tire. if you can see the top of Abe lincolns head then it is time to change your tires. also, Have your brakes checked regulary. Always make sure your tires are properly inflated also. and remeber, driving too slow is almost as bad as driving to fast. don’t listen to the people that tell you “drive 10 under the speed limit if possible!” because if you do that, people will just take advantage of you on the road and you might even be in a wreck due to not going with the flow in traffic. and always remeber to check your blind spots… enjoy…

exactly right nic! great point!
I have always suspected my hyrdoplane accident was from bad tires. Luckily a pot hole was there to take the blame and it was judged not my fault.

Interstate, city roads, and country roads are all different animals. I’ve noticed on some country roads that people will drive on your bumper no matter how fast you drive. When I was younger one of the few times I got up to 120mph was when a truck kept riding too close. I drove faster, and he would drive faster, and so on until we were at 120mph and stayed there. That we very dangerous, but I should not have let it esculate to that. If people are in that much of a hurry there are passing lanes.
On interestate it is best to stay with the flow of the traffic. Here we have Interstate-85 and I suppose people think that is the speed limit. It’s really 70mph but that’s going slow. I bet even your DMV teacher would advise staying with the flow here even if it means speeding.
If you are in the city you better stick with the speed limit. Especially in town where people may be shopping on the streets. Cops are much more strict here for obvious reasons.

In South Carolina we have speed limits and speed minimums on some roads. If you go too slow you could get a ticket.

welldone Repleh :smile: must be a relief getting through that. I’ve been having lessons for a while now but I’ve got a long way to go till I take any tests.

go where your friends went.

I had a horrible history with my driving test, Oklahoma, from what I gather, is rather strict… I’ve heard horror stories of girls being failed for not staying at a stop sign for precisely 5 seconds or longer, etc… being 1 inch too far away from the curb…

so anyway

test #1: doing great, fail paralell parking (what’s the point? who paralell parks? I’ll go find an empty lot and walk a mile if i have to, paralell parking is useless)… so… there’s this left turn he has me make…

there’s a dumptruck along the side, parked by some houses…

so if I turn into the right side of the street, I will hit the dump truck… there just, was not enough room for me to turn in to the right, THEN go around the truck… I was like “well hey, it’s clear just turn into the left side of the street and go around, it’s easier and safer”

so I turn into the left (aka wrong) side of the street, pass the dump, then move over.

Well, he fails me because of that (using common sense is frowned upon, believe me, don’t use common sense while taking a drivers test) and because of the paralell parking.

test #2… man, I was cursed… the car was off, thought it was on (had the AC on) i’m hitting the gas, nothing happens, we both get a good laugh… my mom’s suv had a broken gas pedal … or something… maybe not this time, anyway, doing a curb park… run over the curb… ughhh…

paralell parking… there was a crappy diagram drawn where the cars were supposed to be and I didn’t understand it, so, I screwed it up a lot… otherwise I would have nailed it.

failed… by one point…

test #3… accelerator pedal is broken, I have to stomp on it to get the car moving.

Uphill parking, hit curb.

Guy “Well that was a great test until you hit the curb, I’m going to have to fail you”

test #4 (i took a brief driving course in which they taught me to paralell park, and told me to ■■■■ uphill parking, just do it crappy and be too far from the curb, rather than totally hit it)

I took that advice, drove for a whole 2 minutes, passed.

so here is what I have to say.

Do not hit the curb, ever, it’s better to be too far away from it… not REAL far away, but don’t do the rest the wheel up against it thing, that is risky, if you’re in a small car fine, it’s hard in an suv.

follow all the rules from your manual very anally.

stay at least 5-10 seconds at a stop sign.


and you should be okay. they fail you for 5 over and 10 under I think, just do the normal limit, it’s alright if you accidentally speed a tiny bit, just back it off and be careful.

Lol Holy Reality you would be a great lucid driving instructor :happy:

go where your friends went.

I had a horrible history with my driving test, Oklahoma, from what I gather, is rather strict… I’ve heard horror stories of girls being failed for not staying at a stop sign for precisely 5 seconds or longer, etc… being 1 inch too far away from the curb…

so anyway

test #1: doing great, fail paralell parking (what’s the point? who paralell parks? I’ll go find an empty lot and walk a mile if i have to, paralell parking is useless)… so… there’s this left turn he has me make…

there’s a dumptruck along the side, parked by some houses…

so if I turn into the right side of the street, I will hit the dump truck… there just, was not enough room for me to turn in to the right, THEN go around the truck… I was like “well hey, it’s clear just turn into the left side of the street and go around, it’s easier and safer”

so I turn into the left (aka wrong) side of the street, pass the dump, then move over.

Well, he fails me because of that (using common sense is frowned upon, believe me, don’t use common sense while taking a drivers test) and because of the paralell parking.

test #2… man, I was cursed… the car was off, thought it was on (had the AC on) i’m hitting the gas, nothing happens, we both get a good laugh… my mom’s suv had a broken gas pedal … or something… maybe not this time, anyway, doing a curb park… run over the curb… ughhh…

paralell parking… there was a crappy diagram drawn where the cars were supposed to be and I didn’t understand it, so, I screwed it up a lot… otherwise I would have nailed it.

failed… by one point…

test #3… accelerator pedal is broken, I have to stomp on it to get the car moving.

Uphill parking, hit curb.

Guy “Well that was a great test until you hit the curb, I’m going to have to fail you”

test #4 (i took a brief driving course in which they taught me to paralell park, and told me to *** uphill parking, just do it crappy and be too far from the curb, rather than totally hit it)

I took that advice, drove for a whole 2 minutes, passed.

so here is what I have to say.

Do not hit the curb, ever, it’s better to be too far away from it… not REAL far away, but don’t do the rest the wheel up against it thing, that is risky, if you’re in a small car fine, it’s hard in an suv.

follow all the rules from your manual very anally.

stay at least 5-10 seconds at a stop sign.


and you should be okay. they fail you for 5 over and 10 under I think, just do the normal limit, it’s alright if you accidentally speed a tiny bit, just back it off and be careful.

That is freaking bull shit… why the heck were they so strict wtih you? man, i live in oklahoma… I am almost to the age of getting my license. in just a few months. i have my permit now. i took and passed drivers education with an A. so I will take your advice on that test! man that is rediculous. stay at a stop sign 5-10 seconds? no one does that. ever. I just think it is so rediculous that they are so strict with these driving tests… and as for parallel parking… everytime i have tried that I did it perfect… but that was only 3 times and there was no car behind me. but the drivers ed teacher told me it was flawless. so i will believe him lol.