I luuuuuuv this forum!!

I love this forum too! :content: People here know me better than people in RL! lol … :tongue:

I definitely really really think this forum and the people here are very very cool. I’m mad I had to go back to the torture called school, I loved being online all day. :sad:

hey , kenny :smile:

I love the people here :grin:

Aww! :content:

/me gives Petter a big warm hug :hugs:

[size=100]You know what? Me too![/size]

The atmosphere of the threads seem to change–I dunno how to explain it, but it seems like this’s an actual place that you could just walk into :content:

I confess I have other, more beloved forums, but ld4all is very nice. I may be around for a while… can’t say how long