I think my house is haunted..

I was as suspicious as you, but my parents insist to this day that they weren’t involved. My mom was there once or twice, but as it happened more often I just did it by myself. And the one time I actually saw anything happen was when neither of them was there- the thing with the button. So I believe in it, even if maybe it was my mom at the beginning. :smile:

I don’t really know what to believe with ghosts, I live in a 231 year old house, and there has never been anything happen that couldn’t be put down to the imagination…

As for your alarm clock, in my bedroom my computer speakers play the radio (FM band) every night when they’re not plugged in, but I think it is because they are really old and are not shielded from EM radiation, so they pick it up somehow. It absoluely terrified me the first night they were there :lol:. It’s a mystery to me however how they manage to play a mix of Radio 1 and Classic FM, it is very annoying! :grrr: Anyway, perhaps it is something to do with this?

Sounds like you live in a neat old house Area 51…double bonus if it’s haunted too! I’m packing my sleeping bag, I want to come visit. Maybe we should have a ghost-busters get together :smile: Weird phenomena can happen to use at certain times and places in our lives. I used to have a typewritter that would run even when unplugged, it happened a few times. I thought I was losing it or maybe LDing but I wasn’t dreaming. So I did a silly thing - I took took the typewritter back! My friend said I should have kept it so we could have experimented with it :smile: Oh well, there’s always the TV that likes to come on in the middle of the night…

What color does the room have? If its a red, or purple room (of any gradient-degree) then thats probably why you feel uncomfortable, combined with lots of other things like perhaps the room has a lot of things in it, and maybe the room in unsymetrical in a way wich makes people uncomfortable. Are there windows in the room? What do you see outside from the windows? The sixth sense is mostly a conclusion wich the subconsious make out of all kinds of things, so perhaps its just how the room is. I learn about this at school.

About the alarm-clock… that could happen to anyone, it was probably just a dream.

When I was studying in Coventry I lived in a house that I think was haunted. Whatever was in there never really bothered us. It just did some strange things happen. Once me and my housemate were in the kitchen chating when the kettle started boiling itself. Another time I went into the kitchen to take something. Everything was normal. I went to my room and came back literally 5 seconds later(my room was right next to the kitchen) to find half of the kitchen cupboards wide open.This was 8 in the morning and I was the only one awake in the house. But even if I wasn’t, there is no way that someone did it and got out of the kitchen in 5 seconds, they would have to pass infront of my room to get to the kitchen so I would have seen them. Other times I would hear footsteps in the room above me when the girl that lived there was not in.All of us that lived in that house saw, heard or felt strange things. But we were not threatened by it. It didn’t seem like it had bad intentions. I think it just wanted to make its existence felt. It might sound weird but one night all of the housemates sat down and talked to it.Of course it didn’t reply. We just said that we know it’s there, we are not afraid of it and the only thing we want is that it doesn’t disturb us as we don’t disturb it. Since we all (us and it) had to live there we shouldn’t cause eachother problems. Nothing bad ever happened. It just liked to remind us every now and then that it was there.So I agree with you chambered_nautilus.If it’s not bothering you might as well just live it there.

A 231 year-old house? Do they last that long in UK? (I thought it had a bad climate for a house to last that long)
Anyway, I haven’t experienced anything like this.

That doesnt mean if you have a 100 years old house , you have strange things happening.

I agree that usually you don’t need to worry about ghosts. I share my room with 4 of the buggers. Occassionally it makes me uncomfortable to sense them watching me all the time, but they never relly bother me.
If you actually manage to talk to them, it can actually be quite interesting.
Kevin, the one I’m most familiar with as he followed me from my old house, is an American Star Wars fan who died in a car crash. He’s been around me for at least five years now and I don’t think I could get rid of him.

A friend of mine had a really scary experience with a ghost in her house. The ghost was an old lady, and the family who lived there had kind of gotten used to sounds, and other weird happenings in the house. They even sometimes saw a person walk by, when not looking directly in that direction. My friend also experienced frequently that she would hear someone open the door into her room at the middle of the night while she was sleeping, and then walk in and sit in a chair. Yes kind of creepy, but it`s getting worse…

One night, the same thing happens. She was so used to this, so the didnt even bother about it. But this time, the person opens, and she would hear the sound of the door going up, but she didnt hear any sound the person sitting down in the chair. So she opened her eyes, and a old lady was leaning down into her face, starring at her, next to the bed! My friend was terrified by this occurance, and didn`t sleep in that room for a while.

Sylvan: How much research did you do on the actual indentities of these ghosts? Or how did you get them to disclose their identities?

Childhood: That totally sucks for your friend. I totally know what it is to wake up with something in your face like that. It isn’t funny and the feeling of anxiety is incredible, let alone the fear.

Sounds like the old hag, to me.

Interesting. Spirits generally don’t stay somewhere they weren’t close to while alive. Was this person previously a friend?

It’s possible that he’s your spirit guide, that would explain his presence if you were close/know each other in life.

Could might aswell have been yes :happy:

Im sure its old hag.

Doesn’t sound like old hag, there is no meantion of feeling like someone is on top of her and an evil pressence in the room.

Sounds my like a vision of spirit - or left overs of a dream that make it feel like you are seeing something as you wake up but was really the end of a dream.

It may have even been a false awakening, but doesn’t sound like old hag to me.

But there are spirits that follow certain people around. For those that believe in reincarnation, that spirit could be someone from another time. And those that die suddenly by trauma or surprise are the one’s that are sometimes lost.

How exactly do you know that these are ghosts and not just something made up by your own mind? Have you somehow verified that there was a Star Wars fan named Kevin with this description?

It could have been only a shock for the brain and you go everywhere with your friend Kevin.

Its not weirder than Schizophrenia !

Sorry for not replying in a while. I completely forgot that I posted here. (I used to be Sylvan. Changed my name now)
I’ll answer each of your posts in order:

How much research did you do on the actual indentities of these ghosts? Or how did you get them to disclose their identities?

Didn’t do any, I’m afraid. I wasn’t skeptical enough to. Besides, I have no idea how I would go about that.
My cousin can speak to ghosts by kind of going into a trance but not, so he translated for me. It’s hard to explain and impossible to teach. I’ve only managed to do it once.

It’s possible that he’s your spirit guide, that would explain his presence if you were close/know each other in life.

Now there’s a thought. But I doubt it. Although…
I’ll find out when I go lucid.
No, I’d never met this person before in life. We live (lived) in seperate continents.

How exactly do you know that these are ghosts and not just something made up by your own mind? Have you somehow verified that there was a Star Wars fan named Kevin with this description?

I can’t prove his existence. If I could the press would be having a lot of fun right now. All I can tell you is that I’m positive that he, and the others are real.
For starters, I’ve always had a vague psychic ability and I can sense them. Of course, that could also be in my own mind, but I think not. There are other ways you can tell they’re there. One is to feel the air where you think they are. It’s faintly like running your hand through water. Also, if you focus, you can just about see their outline. Of course, it can be argued that this is all in my own mind and I’m just seeing what I want to see. That’s for you to decide.

Secondly, before my cousin and I spoke to him, he moved things. That is how we knew he was there in the first place. I used to have an old set of star wars lego and I organised it in a very particular way. I entered my room one day and it looked as if a child had been playing with it. Some were lying dead on the floor whilst others stood victorious with their lightsabers.
And before you ask, no, nobody else had been in there that day. My mother was convinced they’d fallen over when I shut the door or there was a freak wind. But their movements had been too complicated for that. Some were on the complete other end of the table, some had been holding objects and weren’t anymore. Others had spun around.

Thirdly, I wasn’t the only one who spoke to him. We can’t both have imagined it.

i wouldnt mess with the spirits that haunt your house, have you ever seen that show “a haunting” its true ghost stories, and they are insane, ghosts are creepy