I think my house is haunted..

Sounds like my school.

(Built in like, 1990 or something, too new [and aesthetically displeasing] to be haunted.[unless ghosts have no taste.]

scrating behind doors.

You can probably chalk that bit up to rats. :eek:

As far as buildings being too new, the building maybe new but the place where it was built wasn’t. :wink:

I think you read a bit too much into my post. I don’t go everywhere with my friend Kevin. I have spoken to him a couple of times but I can’t see him. I haven’t spoken to him for at least a year now, so I have no idea where he is. I moved to Somerset since, he could still be in Yorkshire for all I know.
And yes, your argument would be an explanation for it, but I have had enough health checks to be fairly certain that I am not suffering from any kind of brain damage.

You don’t have to belive these but I thought they might be useful to some.

  • having fresh lilacs in the house or room will keep ghosts away according to tradition.

  • hang alyssum up in every corner of the house, will allegedly exorcise the ghost.

  • if you want to feed an angry ghost to pacify it burry apples on All Hallows Eve.

Here are a few spells…

A rest in Peace Spell, The unknown ghost.
this is an ancient greek spell to to put a ghost to rest and is beneficial if the ghosts gender is unknown.

  1. make distinct male and female dolls from wood or true earthen clay.(has to be biodegradable and is crucial for the spells succes)
  2. Give the dolls a feast, a party in their honor, have real drink and food, and real fun.
  3. When the party is over, explain there wanderings are over too. Then bury them in land that won’t be disturbed(uncultivated land) and leave them there to biodegrate.

Rest In Peace Spell, The Proper Send Off
Give a ghost a proper burial they may have never had.

  1. Place a small doll in a small coffin.
    2.Have a great send off.
  2. Bury the coffin in a remote area or even in a cemetary itself.

If the ghost is extremely melevolent then it would be wise to take extreme action, but if it isn’t or just a little bit, try something peaceful like a co-existence spell such as having fresh lilles around the house, or a rest in peace spell if thats what they want. We have to try to remember that the ghost was put here or left on this plane for a reason and we should atleast give him or her some respect… ghosts can come from people who were not buried or people that suffered sudden accidents, or people who died violenlty.

       [color=violet]Hope this was of help to some[/color]

oh! burry the apples at crossraods… sorry.

haunted eh, just try to communicate with watever inhabits the house(if thats the case but it may just be EM phenomenon) and try to convince it (dont demand, make deals or somthing like that and it might work I’m not sure, I just sorta force em out but ya may not be able to control ur energy that well)

I think my house may be haunted…but Im not totally sure. Its like 100 years old so its very possible. Plus because Ive seen things Im pretty convinced.
I havent seen anything for awhile but there are differnitly noises. Heres a list of things that has happened over the last 2 years:
-My mum has seen a womans shadow inside my little sisters room (my old and very weird feeling room)

-Last year when I was asleep in my old room I woke up to some one standing over me…Im not sure now if this was an old hag experience or a spirit because it would have been easy getting them mixed up because I didnt know what the old hag was then.

-I saw a young child playing in my brothers room but it was only for a second. It jumped off his chair to his bed and disappeared.

-I was in my room one afternoon and my brother came into my room. He didnt notice me at first and then when he did he asked with a very puzzled look on his face: Tamlyn how did you get her so fast? I told him Id been in my room for the last half hour and he replyed "but I just saw you in my room.

-There are usually footsteps and voices when I wake up in the night…this could just be because I am half asleep.

There have been other things too but thats the main stuff.
I think there are spirts there, but what do you guys think?
Ive also thought of contacting them if there are spirits but I dont know if this is a good idea. Also my mum is very against contacting the dead etc. Advice?

I realy think that it is a good idea to contact them and maybe ask them to cut down on the noises and stuff(be nice, act as if you were talking to a living person) but if you do, dont forget to focus.

Thanx for the advice Bleh :content: . Im going to try tonight and hopefully whoever it is will finally leave my family alone.

It never hurts to ask. Most often spirit are just visiting somewhere they used to live in physical life, other times it’s nothing more than an echo of that person rather than an actual spirit.

Just be kind and don’t ask them to leave, they have just as much right to be there as you do. They are likely in their own “world” and may not even intend to be seen or heard in ours.

I agree Mohegan. I didnt ask them to leave. I was about to but I remember this spirit/ghost type thing I had watched on tv once and I felt a bit mean. I did talk to them though which I have done before and I just asked if they could try and be a bit quietier when they go about the house. I also sing to them. I dont know if thats a bit weird or not but I actually sing to them alot now that I think about it…I dont know why (because I really CANT sing but I do :neutral:

I also tried pendulem? If thats what you call it. I dont fully believe in it but my mum saw it on tv and you make a pendulem out of a crystal and string or something close to you. You then talk to the spirit by it moving one way for yes and the other for no. So I did it and its pretty weird… :bored:
i really know not much about it but I was curious and I got some replys like yes to when I asked if they were a child and some other things.
They agreed (if the pendulem thing works) to be quieter and so thats that I guess.
Does anyone know anything else about this pendulem thing??

the thing to remember about ghosts

one theory is that ghosts don’t actually know they are dead.

so when you think your house is haunted, the ghost (according to this theory) sees you as the intruder.

Yea Ive heard that theory too…does that mean to them we are like ghosts or what. You know like on that movie The Others.

another thing to remember (my friend told me this, he likes to read about this kinda stuff, i trust he’s not lying, because that would be stupid) is that ghost is different from poltergeist (german for noisy chost)

his “teachings” (and i use that term lightly :razz:) are that poltergeists are malevolent spirits, different from your average ghost

(shamless plug) The Discovery Channel has a show called “Haunted”. If you are into ghosts i suggest you check it out, it’s actually scarier then most horror movies nowadays and it’s really interesting.

I don;t put much value in TV programs, their main goal is big fat £$£$ cheques.

As far as the pendulum goes, it is just one of the many possible methods of channelling available along with automatic writing, clairvoyance, clairaudience, The Ouija (often misunderstood and given an undeserved bad reputation).

The pendulum is easy to accidentally influence which is why many people chose not to believe in it’s validity. You have to remember though that you have to ask questions you know the answer to first, to determine which way is a yes answer and which way is a no. :wink:

Some do, some don’t. Some never even lived a physical/human life before.

I have a ghost in my house. His or her presence is sometimes accompanied by a smell of cigarette smoke.

Well, it annoys my Mum, so one day when the smell started she told it, politely, that we were the owners of the house now and she didn’t want anyone smoking in it. So the smell stopped.

We’ve always tried to be good owners and we’ve always been respectful to the ghost and the house, and I think that plays a large part of it.