I think my quest for lucidity is over v_v

I think I’m going to give it up. All because I’m afraid of this ‘Old hag’ thing. It sounds so corny but it’s so true. I get SP ALL of the damn time but never saw an old hag or a shadow or anything of the like.

But ever since I read this forum it’s been brought to my attention and now I just think whenever I get to bed I’m going to have it.

Three nights ago I recalled the most dreams I ever had in a night… then I had read about the old hag… I have been sleeping with the light on since then and haven’t recalled ONE dream.

SP used to be the the scariest times of my life… I managed to completely overcome that fear and for a while I had no fears in my life, death doesn’t even frighten me.

Man I’m such a sissy. The sad thing is in real life I come off as not being afraid of anything and some what of a daredevil… but I actually have a fear of sleeping which is really sad. I’m only posting here because I’m anonymous.

Only time I was ever scared in my life was when we were scuba diving in the bahamas diving with sharks when all of a sudden they all swam away. A 16 foot great white shark swam right after the pack of sharks and no more then 30 feet from us… other then that I’ve never been scared of anything.


Everybody has the fear-factor to contend with… I’ve bailed out on a couple of WILD attempts just because the whole thing got too damn ‘trippy’… but once you get a few proper lucid dreams under your belt, you realise it is WORTH pushing through! The fear-factor is something to be conquered.

Sleep Paralysis is like a gift to the lucid dreamer. You are literally right on the boundary between being awake and asleep, and can easily step straight into a lucid dream. I have never had any ‘old hag’ come visit me. I totally appreciate what you are saying (that just by reading about it, the thought has entered your mind and freaked you out) but honestly, it is really quite rare. And even if it DOES happen… if you are fully lucid, its nothing you can’t handle. Even if a shark swims up to you, and even if it bites a chunk out of you, if you are fully lucid it is nothing you can’t handle! :smile:

lol i was afraid of the old hag the first night i read about it. then i just decided… heh fuck it. its not even real. and I sleep on my stomach so it would be pretty dificult for some old bitch to sit on my stomach. and if the old hag ever appears, she dies in the next LD… :cool:

I grew up with a fear of sleeping on my back for some unknown reason… I really don’t know why the heck I had the fear. But I got over it and sleep on my back regularly in the past year… and now I just found out about the hag and when ever I realize I’m on my back I flip over immeadiatly.

I also got a song that makes me feel good for some reason, man it does wonders. The Rain Song it’s called.

Today I’m waiting until daylight before I start my dreaming quest… I have no fear of sleeping when the sun is out for some reason… but will this hamper my ability for Dream Recal? I could care less about becoming lucid right now, it’s been 3 months and I’m only recalling 2 dreams a night… mostly only fragments though.

I am working on Dream Recall right now, I should just give up WILDs until I have an LD where I don’t wake up after becoming lucid.

Everytime I try to WILD I go into SP and take my self out of it because the HS and the fear of the hag totally freaks me, I feel like I’m being abducted by aliens for some reason.

(oh, if you’re in open ocean and see a white shark swim by with its scarred snout, black eyes, and enormous jaws you’d be scared ****less. I don’t care who you are… when you are in a situation you can’t control you’d get scared… at least I hope you would)

Heh I meant a dream-shark… but the same could apply to ‘reality’ situations. Fear is a ‘natural’ reaction, yes, but like all natural reactions it is, at the end of the day, subordinate to Will (‘free’ or not). For example, a psychologist could tell me that my habit of, say, fiddling with my jacket is an outward expression of my inner anxiety. I could then take that knowledge and ‘decide’ to stop fiddling with my jacket in future. The anxiety may or may not still be there, but the fact remains that the previously ‘natural’ action was conquered by exercise of Will.

Another point to make is that experience strengthens Will. I could say “I am not afraid of death” now. But I could then turn on the tv, read a news report of an impending nucleur strike on my city, and suddenly all my previous experience goes out the window. I could find myself completely terrified.

However, if I were to survive the strike I could then say “I do not fear death” and the statement would have more validity, especially ‘death by nucleur bomb’. Because I’ve already (virtually) experienced it and can therefore focus my Will on it more clearly. This is why of all people who say they do not fear death, ‘Near Death Experiencers’ should probably be given the most validity.

I guess what I’m trying to say is ok, so a ‘Hag’ could molest you during a dream.

a) we are telling you the Hag can’t hurt you, so you have expert opinion on it, which you can take into account and act on
b) if the hag DOES attempt to molest you (which I believe is unlikely) then, in any case, you will be even better equipped to exercise your Will to conquer it in the future.

‘Fear’ is just a lack of understanding. Don’t let it hold you back. :smile:


But more importantly, I had an FA into SP and let me tell you what that was like because I think I over came my fear of the old hag.

I had the LD and I go to pick up a dream object when everything fades to black, the next thing I remember is awaking into SP. I am on my back and I feel someone sitting on it when their hands on my shoulders. I could breathe and everything but I would NOT open my eyes. I remember reading something on this site and I said it to my self during the SP. I said, “fear is the mindkiller.”

I was not afraid for some reason, I then thought to my self, “lets capitalize on this situation and do a WILD.”

I had relaxed while in SP and the second I relaxed I felt like the bed was shaking and I just said to my self, “the beds incorporated into the foundation of the house, it’s not real.” The bed couldn’t shake so I just relaxed and tried to wild.

The SP suddenly stopped. I remember being in a room that was all black, I wasn’t standing, sitting, or laying down, I just remember being there… very weird feeling. The first sense I get is a sound. I hear a very familar voice tell me, “open your eyes.”

I do as instructed. The first thing I see is my dad sitting on my chest crying. I say “dad, what’s wrong?” The tears ended and he said, “I thought I lost you!.” He got off from ontop of me and sat next to me and told me that I had screamed and when he came to my room I wasn’t breathing or something like that.

Then I remember awaking… in real life. I looked up, then at the time, it was 3:34 PM… the only thing I said was: “damnit”

Then I wrote the whole experience down.

I’m going to be posting the whole dream over in the apropriate forum if you want to find out what the LD was about. The weird thing is it spurred from this topic.


I couldn’t have said it better my self. I’ve never been happier in my life, its a feeling I’ve never had before in my life, over coming a fear. It feels almost surreal… as if I still have the fear but I don’t. It feels like I’m missing something yet I don’t care it’s gone.

It’s totally weird, but AWESOME to say the least.

That’s good. Reading about the old hag had kinda shoke me up a bit too. And has kinda made it hard to concentrate on haveing a lucid dream before I go to sleep because I’m afraid I’ll open my eyes and see it.

are you still afraid to sleep in the dark?

if so maybe in your next LD you should conquer you fear of sleeping, tell it to come forth and stop bothering you, or kill it and the ask it for a present, then you will have no more fear of sleeping.

I have no fears that I know of now.

And the next time I LD I will be SURE to do that… last nights LD lasted about 30 seconds to a minute… but it seemed a whole lot longer but in retrospect it was only that long.

The ND I had after and the FA lasted about 2 minutes.

I’m just glad the old hag thing is OUT of my memory, like its a non issue now.


You can’t give up now that you have had a lucid dream. Right !!!

If WILD scares you too much you can still LD. Just practice MILD, DILD etc instead.

Good luck

thanks for your support.

and wilds don’t really freak me out much anymore. I’ve got over my fear through dreaming… if you can understand that.

I had an LD last night, it was great.

The thing I was afraid of… was the Old Hag. Now I can talk about the old hag like nothing, I can read the Old Hag topic many times over and not have the fear and in an hour I will be sleeping fear free with the lights off.

And the main reason, I experienced the old hag last night, but it wasn’t the old hag, it was my dad. And get this I finally understand how I got over my fear.

I was scared of the ‘hag’ and that was why I was scared. Well last night I had the hag in an FA, I FA’d into SP and the hag was on my chest, I just knew it. But when I opened my eyes my ‘hag’ was my dad, and he was scared of me(my well being). And the only reason I know this is because I asked why.

I found out that when something in your dreams you are scared of is afraid of you, it is no longer a fear.

why don’t you try talking to the old hag in your next LD too, then maybe she could become a Dream Sign that helps you go lucid whenever you see her.

Or you could turn her into a hot chick, assuming you are a man, who likes woman (hehe), and then get the hot chick instead of the old hag to be your reacurring Dream Sign.

Just some random ideas.

Litany against fear 2nd person format!

You must not fear.
Fear is the Mindkiller
Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration.
You have faced your fear.
You have permitted it to pass over and though you.
You have turned to see fear’s path, after it left you.
You saw that where the fear has gone there was nothing.
Only you remained.

Hmmm ? I don’t understand Garlic reaction… Is there a terrific tale about the Old Hag in anglo-saxon countries ? If so, could you tell me ? We don’t have a such tale in my country and I don’t know what to be afraid of :smile:

Way to go DUDE!

What an amazing turn-around. :beer:

FA’s can be a nuisance if you want to have a long uninterrupted ld but at the same time they are very interesting. Anyway I’m gonna go check out the whole dream on the other forum.

Inspirational stuff, well done. Welcome to the world of Lucid Dreaming!

congratulations to you!!
i am just curious, is your dad living?

For some reason this site has helped me and hurt me yet in the end it was so much worth it.

I never heard about the old hag until my first day here, and that’s what instilled the fear in me because I have SP all the time.

Then I have a lucid dream and I over come my fear of the hag and it was actually my dad crying which is totally cool.

I also found out one of my dream signs is the Ocean which is really really really cool. At least I think the ocean is my dream sign, I’ve had two dreams so far.

I find that talking about my dreams and writing them down really helps. I try for 4 months to become lucid, I start coming here and have my first lucid dream.

Oh, and the person who posted the thing about Fear… that is so so so true. I just read that and it’s exactly what happened to me.

the LAF(litany against fear) is great for handling fear.

i use it in almost every fearful situation