I will not settle down... I will not grow up.

Spiritual cornor? Where did this come from? Thanks I have a feeling Ill be spending alot of time in this room.
In my spiritual journey I think God is trying to teach me patiants, Ive been feeling very isolated latley. It seems like Im surrounded by people who just think life is ordinary, and repeative. Im scared, I dont want to get into the rut that I see so many people in these days. Everyone seems to be saying the same thing to me which is “Its time to settle down, its time to grow up” Go to work, come home watch T.V. repeat until I retire. There is so much more to life. I guess thats the prize I have to pay(not having anyone to relate to spiritualy) for having the mindset that I have. Like my brother in law for example who is 43 years old. All he does is complain about how much pain he is in, and how bored he is, but he just tells me that thats just life… That is BS with a cherry on top. There is so much going on in the world today, and if I expirance something amazing damnit, Im going to share it with others, like my co-workers, and family.I will talk about my dreams, and lucid dreaming, if I witness a amazing coincidence people will hear about it. I have no problem talking about 2012, and what lies ahead for the human race.Sometimes I feel like Im on such a spirutal high, and I get very excited only to have in thrown back in my face with statments like “grow up allready”. People seem to be zombies living there lives in a rut just waiting to die. I just feel so frustrated with people. Atleast I have you guys, but sometimes its just not enough, I want to see people pumped up about life. Ive bitched about this before, and Ill probley bitch about it again. There is more to life then what people think.

For godsakes people, if you are young stay young, be immature, dont settle down no matter how old you get, just because others get into the life rut dosnt mean you have to follow. If you feel alone spiritualy, you are not alone I know how you feel, but thats the challange that makes life such a great gift. Be who you are, times are changing, and there will allways be something to look foward to.
P.S. Im not finished yet, sure now people get pumped up about the negative things in life, hell its in the news we basicaly glorifie negative things. Drama, drama, drama, now I guess thats something to live for. Hell theres not enough drama in our lives we have to keep up with the celiberties, and the drama on reality T.V. We cant get enough drama. Heaven forbid printing anything in the news about how to lucid dream, or some random act of kindness. No we dont want to hear of it. Give me the drama!!!

Thanks for letting me vent. Im good for awhile.

Hell, there’s

contraction means is

if there is Hell
i wonder what He Will ?

what is his will ? Vicarious living ?

glorify what is good my sun, shining is the way,
to glorify and denounce what is eviL is to not Live properly

what is the difference between someone who watches the noose all day long, formulating ideas about how the world is in a hand-basket
and someone who watches people who watch the noose all day long, formulating how the world is in a hand-basket?

you are Write, we must Rise and Glorify Life, Live and denounce eviL and be in the sun, with the shine, and the skies, and even the moons, and our suns and daughters (moons),

we must be active, alive, joyous
making a LIVING for ourselves ?
not a DYING
not a dying

rehearse sitting on a couch long enough, and you might damned to not be able to get up off of it,

and yes, yes, watch the Simpsons, and be merry, and laugh, just remember, to LIVE life and celebrate

what is beautiful to you Kava? if you cannot answer that you are still in the same boat as the ones you condemn.

I am a man who likes his tea, and the mania it gives him, and I am a man who likes to see other men, who like their tea too, so they can be merry with me, and marry me in that spirit for a wHile, how are you ?

You’ve quickly become my favorite member of ld4all.
Your wit and manner makes me smile.

( I too enjoy tea! [asian tea] )

Edit: Oh, and Kava, great rant it reminded me of Alex Jones a little.

You guys do a good job at picking me up when Im down. Im not trying to bring you down with me when I get in these moods. I remmber someone on here telling me once that evil is just an illusion so that we can brake through, and evolve. I hope that that is true. God bless this forum, and please, please dont buy into my negativety, life is good, and worth living to the fullest.

thank you Tahku, my tai chi teacher came to america, and in Japanese Taco means squid, so he went to Taco bell and was very disappointed.

your name reminds me of him :smile:

Alex Jones, Alex Jones… dangerous fella, fierce with paranoia, listen to him enough and you might just believe the thought police are gonna nab ya

we have to watch the reality tunnels we push play and throw ourselves through, its hard to greet the world with happy eyes if you have just spun Linkin park in your brain, you know?

I sure hope so too!

Live is so much more powerful than eviL
eviL would be just brave enough to drive a tank
but would never be brave enough to stand in front of one.

this forum really does need blessing, strange times are transpiring, does anyone else just get battered with sorrow for no good reason? hopelessness? is it just me, is it just my home? I am working with my grandparents teaching them meditation, and it is more uplifting,than being here

remember, Hillary loves you, she is our Mom
ushering in the new era.

Who wants to grow up anyway, you lose the magic of being young, meaning; everything is still beautiful and breathtaking, everything is still a surprise.

Adults seem to, sigh, be desensitized to everything…almost like they are scared of showing emotion because they feel that it would weaken them.

Be young Kava, and enjoy your life!! grins


KID 4 LIFE. :happy:

I feel the same way about that. I’m going into a career that will hopefully take me places… and if not, well, I’ll make sure that I go places!!!

I also don’t want to get married. Blech. Never want to, never will.

I think Ive come to some sort of peace with it all. I feel my biggest problem is Im a Indego (If you believe in that sort of stuff) I really do feel I am. Now the peace Ive come to after taking along walk yesterday, and I had a conversation with God… I feel I have worked very hard doing my Indego job, again, Im not saying Im special, because there are alot of us out there. If you feel your an Indego, you will feel the way I do. You have your work cut out for you, and yes it is cool to be an Indego, but every rose has its thorn. You are going to feel alone, you will suffer from depression. Just remmber, and stay focused on your job. Your reward is coming up real soon. I feel I have earned a vacation, and Im going to take one for the next two years. I feel around 2011 is when Ill need to return to the game, and prepair for 2012. So Ive decided Im going to calm down, and calm down dosnt mean settle down. Im just going to take some time for myself, and work on relationships that Ive let fall apart, from being a workaholic with my spiritual life. Im just going to let everyone know how much I love them, and that Ill be there for them. I have alot of apologizing to do. Im going to fish, moe, and just enjoy life like normal people do. There has been many times, that Ive felt like throwing my hands up, and walking away from Indego Job, but you, and I cant do that. We have to open peoples eyes. It may seem like nobody is listening, but trust me. Use the tools like the enternet, and talk, talk, talk. You will notice alot of synchronicety, and have alot of pychic expirances being an Indego. These are the perks of the Job, the down fall is feeling like a freak, and being very sencative to emotion that will send you spiraling into depression. Just remmber, you do have an importent job. Keep up with your dreams, and learn from them. I may not be posting (Atleast not crazy post like I usualy post) for awhile. Like I said the next two years are mine. See you on the otherside, and good luck to everyone. We dont have long now. Its aproaching very fast.

Thanks for listning LD4all. Sorry If ive ever anoyed you. I was just doing my job. Do yours

Alas, this is more a symptom of the times than it is of age. Still, there are benefits to being desensitised. I think we’d all cope better with an alien invasion these days than they would have done in the 1930’s :tongue: Cynicism can be a powerful tool!

Oh don’t be silly! /me smiles
Why would we be annoyed…the whole point of a spiritual corner is to learn about other peoples beliefs, listen and share our opinions.

If its something that you are passionate about that won’t seriously offend anybody then I don’t see the problem…
Never give up in what you believe in, as long as you are happy with your life then, you are very lucky…

Perhaps one should read the description first?

This isn’t a religious beliefs forum, such topics are for the Lounge and/or Gathering.

You sound like me, Kava. The government dopes up the youth with TV and the media focusing on the rich people making them out to be the role models in society. The role models should be the people who do good for others. Our standard for success is measured by how much money you make. How red and shiny your new sports car is.

Success should be defined by what you do, not the money you make. All the kids born into this society aren’t given a choice in the life they are to live. You WILL go to the education centers. You will then either enter the economic machine, OR you can go to more education centers, to be…“educated”. God I could just go on for hours…

Kava-listen to “I’m the Slime” by Frank Zappa. You’ll enjoy it.

growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional.

I love that saying…It’s perfect…

the indigo discussion has been split to a separate topic here

Sometimes I feel the same way. Life is so wwwweeeird when you think about it, but it’s amazing and awesome. As for growing up, like 1move said it’s not mandatory… I mean, if you’re going in for a job interview you’re probably not going to scream and run around going “chase meeee!!!” Like I often do as a 14 year old kid (Immature, I THINK NOT… besides, I HATE the words immature and mature… they’re arrogant in a way) but yea, everybody gets calmer I guess you could say. The only thing is, people always say to grow up, and that pisses me off. I want to just live my life the way I want (which is why I’m part anarchist) As for growing old, that’ll suck. I think I’ll always feel like a kid at heart. Hell, I’ll be like 40 and spend a day crying like “I WANT TO BE A KID AGAIN!” lol. Oh and as for people loving life, and being pumped up about it. I do love life, but at the same time, I go through it sometimes looking at it from a depressed “whats the point view”, which I think comes from looking at all the people you hate, the people who hate you, your fantasy’s that never can come true, all the evil in the world, etc. So honestly, if someone were to come up to me and be like “BE HAPPPPPEEEEYYY LIFE IS GRREEEEEEAT!” I’d be a little annoyed, because those people don’t know the pain of some other people, and just think everyone should be happy. Even worse though, I hate when people tell depressed people to take drugs (medical) to be un-depressed. I think that taking medical drugs is a way of oppressing your true emotions, just because society doesn’t like them or whatever. Though they can be life saving, they can also be personality altering too as well… (sorry, love to say that also… too as well lol) I don’t really know how to put how I feel about all this into words, and this may all sound like random crap, but I’m trying to the best I can lol.

As for the government… F EM. I don’t like the government. I could explain why, but it’s all the same stuff you’ve heard from your typical part anarchist, part liberal, part not caring about politics and an all humanist. And as for being judged, it’s such BS how people are judged. Just my 2 cents.

Well, Ill be leaving out to go to N.C. if all goes right, but I want to leave you with one last thought on this topic. I dont want anyone thinking that just because you are an Indego that you have to be unhappy. The depression you may expirance is not a side effect of being an Indego. It is a tool of the trade, you will become stronger each time you come out of a spell, and for me they only last a week or two. The phycic expirances make it fun, and mysterious the depression makes it real, and gives you both strength, and wisdom. So yes you can be happy. I guess my religion, or spiritual belief is New age. So go out there, and get your chin up. In Feburary, I was going through one of my depression spells, and a Co worker came in, and told me he knew someone who had commited suicide, and thats all it took. I went through what felt like the worst week of my life. I couldnt stop thinking about this guy who I didnt even know killing his self. I was pissed off this guy. I called him every name in the book, I thought he was weak. Now if I were feeling normal that story wouldnt have effected me one bit, but I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, and in the wrong mood, and to make matters worst I had the flue, and a toothace, and it was cold, and raining. The perfect ingrediants for a very bad day, but i survived, and I feel alot stronger. Im thankfull for my depression ( atleast when im not going through a depression spell) Thats just to show you how sensative you are to emotions around you. So next time you feel your going down into a depression spell. I want you to remmber its all part of your job… Go to a mirror, and look in it, and say to yourself… “Lets do this damn thing, and get it over with” It will feel like the devil has you in a bear hug, but it will pass. Good luck, and talk to you soon.


We will miss you so much…