Spiritual cornor? Where did this come from? Thanks I have a feeling Ill be spending alot of time in this room.
In my spiritual journey I think God is trying to teach me patiants, Ive been feeling very isolated latley. It seems like Im surrounded by people who just think life is ordinary, and repeative. Im scared, I dont want to get into the rut that I see so many people in these days. Everyone seems to be saying the same thing to me which is “Its time to settle down, its time to grow up” Go to work, come home watch T.V. repeat until I retire. There is so much more to life. I guess thats the prize I have to pay(not having anyone to relate to spiritualy) for having the mindset that I have. Like my brother in law for example who is 43 years old. All he does is complain about how much pain he is in, and how bored he is, but he just tells me that thats just life… That is BS with a cherry on top. There is so much going on in the world today, and if I expirance something amazing damnit, Im going to share it with others, like my co-workers, and family.I will talk about my dreams, and lucid dreaming, if I witness a amazing coincidence people will hear about it. I have no problem talking about 2012, and what lies ahead for the human race.Sometimes I feel like Im on such a spirutal high, and I get very excited only to have in thrown back in my face with statments like “grow up allready”. People seem to be zombies living there lives in a rut just waiting to die. I just feel so frustrated with people. Atleast I have you guys, but sometimes its just not enough, I want to see people pumped up about life. Ive bitched about this before, and Ill probley bitch about it again. There is more to life then what people think.
For godsakes people, if you are young stay young, be immature, dont settle down no matter how old you get, just because others get into the life rut dosnt mean you have to follow. If you feel alone spiritualy, you are not alone I know how you feel, but thats the challange that makes life such a great gift. Be who you are, times are changing, and there will allways be something to look foward to.
P.S. Im not finished yet, sure now people get pumped up about the negative things in life, hell its in the news we basicaly glorifie negative things. Drama, drama, drama, now I guess thats something to live for. Hell theres not enough drama in our lives we have to keep up with the celiberties, and the drama on reality T.V. We cant get enough drama. Heaven forbid printing anything in the news about how to lucid dream, or some random act of kindness. No we dont want to hear of it. Give me the drama!!!
Thanks for letting me vent. Im good for awhile.