meditation is very helpful and lucid dreaming would be one of many byproducts of it.
in order to truely transition consciously from the waking to the dream state at will focus is required.
meditation (generally on the breath) will entrain you to always be aware of your breathing amidst distractoins, and it teaches your brain that all you want to do is breath and not anything else.
then, while falling asleep, you can stay aware of the breath and use it to WILD by simply breathing in and out while drifting out.
But really meditation should be done for the sake of meditation, lucid dreams, like thoughts, are distractoins from enlightenment. If you read this and think whateverrrrrrr then i will explain. Lucid dreams are great, and through meditation you will be more aware of your dreams, but there are states of bliss indescribable [these are also not the goal! the goal is freedom from suffering, sounds paradoxical kind of, but if you are free from suffering then everything is good.] and the ultimate goal of meditation is complete and total freedom and happines in every waking/sleeping moment.
For the sleep yogi, conscious deep sleep is more spiritually rewarding than lucid dreams. Lucid dreams are and can be useful but they can also be just as distracting as a train of thinking.
You could use lucid dreams to gain tremendous insight into how you work as a person, or you could steal cars lol. So really the dream state is just like the waking state in terms of how your mind/thoughts/distractions/ideas go.
So if you meditate, yes it will help with WILD, and yes LDs can help with improving yourself and being happy. But we meditate FOR the sake of meditation, in order to improve ourselves constantly each time we do it, gradually wearing away the illusory barrier between RIGHT NOW and ETERNAL PEACE. Because eternal peace is indeed here, we jsut have to erode the obstacles.
It’s like going to Disney Land, sure you get to ride the log ride, but Disney Land isn’t just about the log ride, its about the sum of all experiences.