It all began with an OBE. It was the Friday night that I got my copy of Matrix: Revolutions in the mail and watched it then decided to sleep on the couch in the den rather that relocate my kids that had fallen asleep in my bed with my wife while watching a more appropriate movie.
I probably was asleep 2 hours when I was awakened by my wife opening our bedroom door (which is adjacent to the den).
I thought about getting up but decided to stay “asleep”. It was at that point I noticed a slight “vibration”. I remembered reading about these vibrations in a text file I had downloaded off Kazaa a couple years ago. I had practiced techniques for OBE back then with no results and had given up on the idea but I now realized I was possibly on the verge of one.
I focused on the center of my forehead (the “3rd eye” if you will) and visualized myself floating. The vibrations came on stronger and a loud static-like noise filled my ears. Suddenly I felt a “woosh” and I knew I was floating in my body. It was an incredible feeling. I could sense things better that I could actually “see”. I sensed exactly where and what my wife was doing. I sensed her pouring something into a glass.
I waved my hand in front of my face and at first saw nothing but gradually saw a greyish blue arm moving back and forwards as if I was waving it underwater. I decided to try and float out of my body but was unable to completely unattach myself. Before I could try anything else my physical eyes opened and I was wide awake.
I felt exhilarated! I finally felt like I was more than the sum of my parts. I knew I had a “soul self” and the possibility of their being a real God finally became possible. You see, I had been losing faith in not only the existence God but also whether I was any different or better, evolution- wise, than a common cockroach. Well this at least gave me something to think about.
Over the next couple of weeks I pursued the OBE with vigor. I downloaded every alpha-theta, hemi-sync, meta-music file related to OBE I could get my hands on. I started reading material offered on websites and text files. I meditated and tried every technique I could find. Nothing happened but I was not discouraged. I was so excited about this new adventure that I started telling family and friends. Big mistake. The ones that didn’t look at me like was a new-age kook told me I was dabbling in the occult. I was being told that by opening myself up to “latent powers up the soul” that I put myself in a position to be influenced or even possessed by demons and/or Satan. Fear is an amazing thing. Before you know it I start believing some of what I am being told and was / am afraid to outright attempt another OBE.
But I didn’t want to waste all of this other expanded awareness stuff I’d been learning and I recalled reading a little about lucid dreaming. Since OBE and LD are similar in nature I decided I would start focusing on that. Before you know it I have 2 LDs and am thoroughly immersed in the subject.
However there have been two occasions now where I “slipped” into OBE. I was practicing techniques of inducing LDs and have had the “vibrations” start and, against my best efforts, the “woosh” happens anyway. Once I rolled over out of my body and the other time I simply floated within my body as I did the first time.
Well now I have to wonder whether this is something truly evil or a natural God-given experience. I asked my friends and family that gave me these warnings to provide some kind of proof directly from the Bible but they have yet to show me anything concrete. I have found several scriptures that DO say it is good to meditate which is a form of expanded awareness like OBE. Should I pursue this and just let it happen or avoid it just in case there is some kind of evil involved? I still haven’t made up my mind.
Edited to correct by abbreviations.