Killing your SG?

lol, thats funny. Have you chatted it up with him since, or is it everytime you call on him, he mauls you? :happy: lmao

I agree! :sad:

I’m quite protective of my SG…I don’t know why but I have some feeling (just me), that it works as some type of psychological barrier or messenger and I feel it would be far from a good idea to harm it.

(Note I usually ‘think’ stuff, all of this is ‘felt’ up stuff)…

I haven’t even cared to try, I got rid of him when he started acting like a tool. Maybe I’ll give it another shot sometime if I remember.

What is up with HebrewB’s violent streak?

He’s getting it from me! :devil:

Your hearing too much evil voice ! :wink:

I wish I could LD so I could find my SG. Id kill him the day I met him then Id kill a bunch of things then myself. Everytime I want to transport to a new place in my dream maybe I coud just bloe my head off. Thats what I`m going to do the first time I LD if I can.

I guess my question really is: What would you accomplish by killing your SG?

Heh, my SG and I got bored in Sam’s Club (see last LD in my Archive), so we had a gun fight. I knew that no matter what happened, we couldn’t get hurt. After about a 100+ shots, and equal number of dodges, I got him right in the temple on the side of his head. He fell then about a second later the wound healed and he stood back up, and was fine. :content:

He was suprised to have underestimated me :ebil:

That’s my experience with killing my SG.

All I got out of it was a fun time, and a ton of “Matrix Moves” :cool:

Maybe he wasn’t hurt, because you expected him to be fine if he got killed :smile:

Personally, I don’t think you can.


They are already dead.

Hmm I need to find my spirit guide first of all. I would never think of killing it though. I think I would miss out on the advice it would give to me.

You mean: they’re not properly alive.

Well, you can always try to kill them, and you might accomplish doing so, but so what? What’s this in aid of? :eh:

Yes, they are just dead in our world. Exactly.

Well, we’re dead to their world whilst awake, aren’t we? :tongue:

It all depends on whether you think of them as an actual person, or a spirit, or a person made up from your mind, or anything else.

Hey- I’m not dead, right? :content:

I have two main guides. A young girl who washes my hair & reassures me, another who shows me collectives. I dont know what all this talk of Killing them is all about though.
Sometimes I make them chase me through differend scenes and obsticles, one of them only just touched me once but I got away straight away.
Its a wonderfull playground and its a gift to us all

It’s the first time I hear this opinion about SG’s. :eek: Where did you find it?

I think he maybe suggesting what I believe, that spirit guides are real and were people who have died in the physical world.

Why do they have to be people who died, or need to be defined as alive or dead? They could be hallucinations. (Note: the human mind can invent things. You can see things that aren’t there.) Moreover, I state that this resembles the placebo effect. You are told they exist, so your mind tricks itself into believing it, even to the point of creating your own SGs which are just elements of your own conscience.

On your dream citizen registration form:

DC reg form:
Please check the correct answer:
Name: ______________
Job: Spirit Guide_
___Another IRL person (SD)

It’s a curious yet interesting point of view. I think I’ll create a special thread about it. :smile:

[Edit: thread created. You’ll find it here. ]