Last words ever said

“Muss es sein? Es muss sein.”
(Meaning ‘must it be? It must be’.)

Some famous words by Beethoven.

well no one would ever hear me but my last words would be:

Well that sucked.

They would be because if i was the last one alive i would of been bored for a while alone there for saying that life alone sucked…Oh yea in english.

i got it. this is would it would be


I’d refelct on my life and man-kind and then say… “It was worth it. Oh holy one above, here i come…”

On the other hand, isn’t poetry a message in itself? A message whose core is itself, in all the senses, its referent, its speaker, its receiver, its code, its structure?— A message created from a language, but also in spite of a language, a message that could communicate the ineffable but can never easily be translated into objective words?

In that sense, a world where you’re the last living person, where language is in its borderline, between losing its sense for there is no interlocutor for it to take place, and having the strongest meaning it has ever had for there is hope that someone from outside, or from beyond, can still receive your message… Language in its extreme, in its peak, the farthest high it has ever reached but also a sign of its immediate fall… Wouldn’t all language, any language be extremely poetic at that moment?

I frankly don’t know what I would say. Due to a couple of figments of madness from my troubled mind, I’m pretty sure it would be “it was all worth it,” but really, I can’t imagine myself in that situation to know how I would feel and what I would say. But I’m sure that, whatever it was, it would be the most poetical thing ever said, the euphoria caused by the climax which is immediately killed by the dénouement.

My last words would probably be in a loud song, in any language. Maybe something about how i got to be the only one who saw the end of the story.

Hmm… interesting question. I think that the last words i’d ever say would be:
I love you
Three simple words with a lot of meaning. I wouldnt be refering to anyone specific, i’d mean everyone i’ve ever loved and everyone who’s ever loved. That’s probably what i’d say… And it would be in english. I know im greek but english somehow seems closer to me (i even think and dream in english :eh: ).

Ma tulin, ma elasin, ma imestasin, ma olen läinud.

This is in Estonian, literally it means: I came, I lived, I was amazed, I am gone.

It’s a line from the twilight zone…

Ok, one last change:

“And, no ball or chain or prison shall keep…”

“Living, loving, she’s just a woman!”

hahaha, I’d probably say something with more meaning if I were the last person alive, but I couldn’t resist a Zepp reference :tongue:

I’m sure the human race can sleep well tonight knowing that if they all die and Jon is left alive, humanity’s legacy will be compressed into a line from a Led Zeppelin song.


MY last word would simply be : “why?”
if i cared enough and werent to depressed for saying anything that is …

“From here on… I Will Stand in Heaven”

“Thank you, it was worth it” :content:

Just to be certain:

“Ain’t I dreaming right now?”

as it would be quite likely :smile:

“i wanna go again”.

“So this is how it ends.”

Good for a movie. :content:
nah… i guess i wouldn’t say anything. But probably be thinking something.

I’ve actualy thought about it. and depending on the situation I’d say one of the following:

“I expected more”
(If such a time would come too soon or too far behind on the ladder of advancement of the human race)

“And all because of that?”
(after remembering exact instance that triggered chain of events to lead to hypothetical end of world with me being last living person)

“Why should this be me?”
(Being that me, 1 in like 13,000,000,000 people-- would be the last person left before the final extinction)

“I want to try again”
(If my life ends up completeley sucking between now and whatever time this event may occour)

Though most likeley of all I would just let out a light snicker and say “Wow”

Let me appologize to begin with
Let me appologize for what I’m about to say,
but trying to live this life was harder than it seemed,
and somehow I got caught up in between

between my

pride, and my promise
between my lies, and how the truth gets in the way
the things I want to say to you get lost before they come

The only thing that’s worse than one is none…