LC #31: Congratulations Limitles!

I had one medium LD here.

Other than that I think I questioned if I was dreaming once in the past two days, but I can’t be sure.

This seems to be a rather fun challenge. Now I just need to have a lucid dream, and decide which game I’m going to emulate.

YOU TOO!!! i <3 minecraft and this is ganna be AWESOME!!! but better be careful- hopefully theres no creepers in the dungeon!! :tongue: I think i almost need to take a companion cuz this cood be creepy… I wanna use a sword to fight

This task is going to be so funny! I even had a ND about it this night! :happy:

ND’s can count toward task points, even if they weren’t lucid. Make sure to post it to get points :content:

Thanks for your hint Rhewin, I already posted it in my DJ just for fun, but I don’t think I’ll get points for it since I wasn’t really in a dungeon…

I also had an ND about the second task last night. Here’s a summary:

SPOILER - Click to view

There was a serial killer of some sort that we (me and some friends) were pursuing, although quite a bit further from him. We entered some underground sewer/dungeon kind of place, because for some weird reason, I had this in-dream knowledge that we’d find him at the end of the thing. We were attacked by mere rats on three occasions (though disgusting ones nonetheless), which we defeated by using some fiery magic-ish staff. Afterwards, we got to this place with a kiosk or something with food to replenish HP. The rats hadn’t dropped any gold (or items that could be converted to currency) so a friend used his badass skill and got us the food we needed. Not much after returning to our journey, an unfortunate series of decisions led us to the outside world without facing our real enemy. Afterwards, I was busied with stuff unrelated to the task.

took a nap today and in my dream i suddenly realized i was dreaming then had a false awakening but then i closed my eyes in the dream and saw “HI” then i rubbed my hands together to try to go in this “dream”. i got in it but everything i saw was moving up and down and i couldnt stabalize it. I eventually woke up. Took me some time to realize i actually had a FA and didnt wake up :tongue: The thing is tho- i fell asleep on my couch and the FA was in my bed… I GOTTA REALIZE THESE THINGS!!! :wallhit:

Wows, I was never planning to do the task yet but ehh :razz:. I went lucid in my dream and quickly remembered about the LC I skimmed through.First I was trying to find some recruits, people to tag along with. My lucidity went up and downs at times xD. But I had to first train them to fight…erm…there were like 6 peoples. Training was long.

Once I entered the dungeon/cave thing, my first encounter was a soldier, like from dynsty warriors xD. Basically everything at that point was like video-game. I had my sword and my companions ended up being, Cloud,Tifa, and Vincent from FF…haha. I killed the warrior very quickly. I just remember a series of slashing the head off…stabbing the heart, and cutting the throats. As I walked deeper into the cave I encountered more powerful things…but the main ones I remember, were three. Warrior/zombienurse/deadzombiething?

to make it short, I had to go through a boss level where I dropped lucidity a lot. I didn’t defeat the thing…and fell into an ND. It was very long…the entire thing felt like I don’t knows…2hrs or more xD. It was intenseeee.
I’ll be sure to post in my DJ, if you want to read more. :razz:

Last night I had an ND in which I created an instrument and played it. Here goes the whole dream, the quest related part is colored:

[spoiler] There was a party somewhere that I was invited to, so I went there. It was at a two-story building, though the ground floor looked a lot like a church without all the chairs and stuff on the ground. Luckily it was no music & dance party (loud music disturbs me a lot) though I don’t know what kind of party it was without 'em. I found a friend of mine and we spent some time downstairs. But soon, it was racked with all kinds of people, so we decided to go upstairs.

Upstairs was more like a house, though it was still cold to me with red as the dominant color in everything. My friend wanted to find a couch to sit on, so I followed her to the first room. It was huge and full of couches, though we didn’t have much time to sit. There was an old, creepy woman at the back of the room who started approaching us, so we backed off a bit. After some horror movie-like slowly walking and looking up through her uncombed, white hair with dark eyes later, the creepy woman freaked out and began some sort of transformation. Dream-knowledge said she’d devour us alive if she turned into her real form, which was luckily slow.

[color=green]We needed some sort of weird instrument and the loud music it makes in order to get her to be defenseless and kill her. So, we hurried out of the room and found some little statues in the hall as well as a metal knife. I sort of melted and reshaped the statues into a stone main-body-of-the-instrument using electricity and my friend turned the metal knife to strings of varying diameters. We fixed the strings to their locations, but we needed 4 more to complete the instrument. Luckily the necessary ones could be donated by my violin, so we did exactly that. We were done afterwards.

Description of the instrument: This is something half the size of a 1-person bed. The body’s made of stone, but it’s hollow with holes periodically spread upon it in order to amplify the sound. There are 20 or so strings going from one end to the other, and 4 strings perpendicular to those, which also go through specifically created nodes in the 20 strings. The nodes help the vibration to flow. Two people have to play it at one given moment, and they sit at the short sides of the rectangular instrument. It is played by basically pressing on specific locations of the 20 strings and plucking on the 4 strings.

The creature completed transforming just at the time we completed the instrument, so we immediately went to our places and started playing. It was horribly music actually, and my ears hurt, and it didn’t work but we kept on. Then, the owner of the house came and said “Grandma, are you scaring my guests again? Leave them alone.” and then the beast suddenly turned back into human and left.[/color] [/spoiler]

And it turned out to be quite a long dream.

Limitless: Your first dream gives you|30 for the mediumLD, +35 for making an Instrument again, but also +15 for getting some notes out of it. Also + 20 early points and 30 points for accomplishing a task while lucid, making a total of = 130 points. For calculating reasons, you get only 95 points, since you got the +35 for making an instrument already in you previous dreams.|. Realizing that you are dreaming gives you |10 points|.

StarryGwee: This LD gives you |20 points|. The other LD however gives you |+15 for having a party and 15 for entering the dungeon. Then you get 4*15=60 points for all your fights, except for the boss fight, which gives no points since you lost :wink:. Also you get +40 points for the long LD,+20 for being early and +30 for accomplishing a task while being lucid. This makes a total of 180 points|.

Thorn: That Lucid Moment still gives you |10 points|.

Puce: That Lucid Moment also gives you |10 points|.The ND gives you no lucid points, but you get a lot of points for that adventure:|15 for entering the dungeon and 15 for having a friend with you. You fought the evil rats 3 times, making 3*15=45 points. In the end, you found the exit for +25 points. You had this ND early for another 20 points, which makes a total of 120 points| for the ND.
The musical ND gives you|+35 and +15 for creating an instrument and playing it. To me it sounds as if you played a song with your friend, which gives +20 for the song and +5 for having a DC playing with you (the duplicating part is not that important in this case). This makes a total of 75 points|.

Rhewin:You get |20 points|for the short LD.

Leijona: The LD gives you |20 points|.

Scipio Xaos:The medium LD gives you |30 points, also 5 for wondering if you dream|.

Dablooey:The short LD earns you |20 points |.

I just hope I did not forget anything or anyone. If I did so, please tell me.

Thus, the current standins are:

The current standings are:

  • Thorn |10 points|
  • Limitless |220 points|
  • Ghostie|0 points|
  • StarryGwee|240 points|
  • Leijona|50 points|
  • Puce|255 points|
  • BeRightBack |30 points|
  • Rhewin |85 points|
  • Scipio Xaos |35 points|
  • Hexaditiom |160 points|
  • Kitsun313 |0 points|
  • Wyvern |0 points|
  • Geekboy |30 points|
  • KunaiDreamer |0 points|
  • Knightdreamer |0points|
  • Dablooey |20 points|

had a nightmare last night and in the middle of it i became lucid, i remembered the task but the “evil” thing that was chasing me was outside and i decided i wouldnt look for a dungeon as i was too scared. I couldnt try flying either cuz i would have to be outside. i was too afriad to confront the monster :sad: instead i apparently tried convincing the people inside the house that we were dreaming… :tongue: not the smartest way to spend being lucid… haha

Zero points? Didn’t you see my short LD up there on the page before this one? I’ve got another one right here as well:

Morning of September 3, 2011
I had another short, nose RC induced LD where I was again laying in my bed in semi-darkness. The dream started off with me rubbing my hands to prolong my lucidity and trying to gain vision in my left eye, as in the dream it didn’t work and all I could see out of it was gray splotches. All of my efforts to do so failed and eventually I gave up, deciding to move on to trying something else. I tried to make a blue lucidity pill appear on my bedside table, and it may have, but if it did, I didn’t know it; there was WAY too much clutter on my bedside table. I shouted “Let there be Light!” a couple of times, and while the darkness got somewhat lighter, there was still really no light by which to see. I tried a method of transportation I had thought up IRL, but it didn’t work. All in all, I didn’t achieve anything. But still, a lucid is a lucid.

I wondered if I’m dreaming in one of my last dreams but my RC failed… Also had a short WILD during a nap, hadn’t time to do the task…

Had the longest ND of my life last night and it was all about like the end of the world. There were storms, earthquakes, and stuff of that sort. It lasted for several days. Me and my family were struggling to survive :sad: But in the middle of it i became lucid! :grin: Here it is starting from the lucid part----[spoiler] Me and my family were on a beach- it seemed to be the calm of the storm and there was supposed to be another one tomorrow. I was just sitting in the sand when i suddenly realized i was dreaming. I stood up and looked behind me, i saw my brother and a big hole behind him. Remembering the task i said, “hey wanna explore a dungeon?” and he said sure. We walked up to the hole and it was like stairs out of sand and went lower and lower it was really cool :smile: I saw like a knife in the sand and picked it up and was ganna use it to fight.

During this i was thinking like, " in minecraft i need… torches !!" Then i looked around and picked up some twigs. The whole was very big and very very dark. I started going down sticking the twigs into the sand walls expecting them to light but they only let out a small glimmer. Anyhow i kept goin down further- To the point where it was pitch black and i had to focus just on the feel of the sand on my feet and my hands on the wall. Unable to see though i headed back up. When i started seeing light i saw that my brother had started filling the hole up -____- i had to squeeze to get out. Then i saw the twigs in the wall and said “OOH, i placed them in backwards!!” So i put it in the other way and it glowed brightly but burnt out after only bout 5 seconds. Still it was very very cool. I then woke up. Next time i should take like a lantern instead of “torches” from minecraft haha [/[/spoiler]spoiler]

Wierd thing was when i went back to bed… I went back into the ND of storms and catastrophe… Very vivid… very scary

but on the bright side, this task is improving how often i have LD’s significantly!!!

I had a long LD (which also includes me losing and regaining lucidity) this morning in which I completed one of my personal tasks. The ND part was also quite long, but it’s also very irrelevant so I’ll just start with the part I became lucid:

[spoiler] After getting hit by a sports car but not getting even one bit hurt and thus having to lie to the sports-examiner, I notice I am dreaming. I think about what I wanted to do, and the first thing that comes up is that I wanted to spend time with and learn something from my DG.

I approach a window that’s big enough for a person to go out from and I look down. I’m probably at the 4th or 5th floor, and the building seems to be a well-preserved old gothic palace. I go back in, and summon my DG. He arrives quickly, as if he was just around the corner. I ask him what we should do next, and he says we should explore. So he pulls me out of the window, starting to float. When he lets go of me though, I start falling (When I normally fly, I move, when I don’t move, I can’t stay in the same location, so I fall). He gives me instructions on what to specifically feel and which muscles to tense and how to keep myself in the same place. As I do what he says, I get better and better at this, and start floating as if it was my second instinct after all.

Then I start observing my surroundings. There is a roofless ancient Greek structure in the view, and there is a tornado-ish thing right over it. We want to investigate so we go there. There’s a man with really long white hair, and apparently he’s the one who cast the spell for that. The man is quite evasive, but we catch him at last. I lose lucidity here. We kill him in a weird, ritualistic way so that the spell would fade. And fade it does, but one of the underlings of the magician (despite my efforts) resurrects him and the zombie-guy starts running away, so we have to keep pursuing him. I grab whetever I can to use as weapons, though it doesn’t turn out quite as I expected. I have a gun in my left hand and an orange highlighter in my left hand. This strikes me as odd, and I become lucid again. The magician starts babbling about how I killed Agamemnon just like this too, but I beg to differ because I had killed him with a gun and a yellow highlighter. Just as I get ready to stab him (with the highlighter), I wake up. [/spoiler]

I know the pen’s mightier than the sword, but a highlighter? :eh:

Had a medium LD and I completed the first task. I grabbed a sign post and a mail box, combined them together. When playing them (blowing through the post), it sounded like a didgeridoo. I managed to play through a whole song… at least, I think it was a song. Didgeridoos make odd solo instruments >.>


Had a medium LD of which I fled an insanity asylum :razz:


I had a long LD where I lost a regained lucidity once, performed a DEILD near the end and located the entrance to a dungeon though I did not make my way in. I did call The Doctor but lost lucidity around when he showed up.


Dablooey: I quickly looked through the posts after i posted the last challenge, and they all looked like comments in the first place, so i didnt check closely. I added your points and edited the last post with the points. Your second LD will be added when I calculate the points the next time. Sorry again :wink: