LD sex

Well it is something to do should the list of things to do run dry, that and simply having sex with those that you have no chance to now (aka: famous people, people that you cant get to now, historical figures etc etc)

I’ve was about to have sex in my LD last night :spinning: … but then I woke up :cry:

yes, but can you get STDs from dreams? no! :happy:
When you do it in a dream, does it come with guilt? no guilt! :grin:
Can you have a baby from having sex in an LD?..I hope not… :eek:

That’s why I would rather have sex in an LD instead of IRL :wink:
You don’t have to worry about anything!

  1. Condom (or just don’t do the hanky-panky with someone with STDS)
  2. Decide well, be mature about it.
  3. CONDOM. Or birth control…

I’m a freak about self-control and resisting masturbation is something I don’t want to break the habit of… Not to mention, it bores me anyway. Sex ain’t a priority to me. :wink:

Condoms and birth control don’t always work…And wainting until marriage would be a while not to have sex…that’s way people always do it before with the wrong person and get STD’s or a baby!
If you …erm… masturbate. You would be less curious about having sex with a girl (or a guy)…but that’s just my opinion…And having sex in a dream would be as close as you could get without having it IRL



(Sometimes things can only be expressed through smilies…)

Thank God the internet is anonymous… lol

Ok, I have no idea how to put links in, but I have another post in the Quest for Lucidity part with all my background, blah, blah, blah…

So, I have very powerd lucid dreams wher I am having sex of some kind,…Blush
These started at a realtively young age… I was into middle school, but it was before I kissed a boy or was even to concerned about them. As I got older I could… um… you know… without any manual help.
Now, up untill a few days ago, I was not educated about LD. I didnt know you could control your actions and all that… I woulda had a lot more fun if I knew :happy:

Does anyone else experience this?

about 2wice a week i have dreams with sex of some kind in them.
but usually in lucid dreams if you have sex you wakeup or lose lucidity. something about becoming excited?
when i was 5 i had a sex dream… it was weird

Ive never woken up. I was very aware, but it wasnt like having sex, per se… more like… watching a tape with youself in it and remember what you felt… IDK… weird

yea it is kinda like that
weird i wake up when and if i try it

you get sex in dreams alot more if you dont masturbate for a while BTW. makes for a cool expiriment.

try it sometime, if you can.

This topic continues in part 2 :cool: