LD Sex

I haven’t had a lucid dream about having sex, but in a normal dream I had about it the orgasm never ended :wow: . It went way longer than humanly possible for a male. It was weird though, cuz it felt very much like real life but it was also very different. In my opinion I would say it is actually better in a dream :gni:

Has anyone ever had LD sex with their “dream lover”. By dream lover I mean the perfect DC that your mind creates on its own and you fall in love with. I am currently trying to work on summoning mine. I actually met her in a regular dream and she was so pretty that I realized I had to be dreaming. I’m not kidding. lol

The DCs I’ve had sex with were all just random women I stumble upon in the dream. However, I did have this dream where I met a girl and fell in love with her instantly. We gazed into each other’s eyes for what felt like two minutes. During that time, I could feel our souls conversing. My soul told hers my whole life’s story and everything about me, and her soul told mine the same. It was an amazing experience. And the moment I saw her, I knew this was the girl I was going to marry. However, when I woke up, I couldn’t remember her face at all. :bored:

Park, I envy you :neutral:

And sage, I feel sorry for you :neutral:

Sounds cool though.

They say sex without love isnt just good enough.So instead of making perfect DC lover i rather fall in love in one i have in front of me allready:)Saves time:)All it takes is “damn shes got beautifull eyes and smile i could kill for”,even if she doesnt at the moment,she will by the time you undress her:)
good luck:)

aww poor sage, thats so romantic sighs dreamily :content:

I know exactly what you are talking about because I couldn’t remember my girl’s face either. Its very similar to when you are little and you dream about getting that perfect toy and you wake up and its not there. You get sad hahaha

No comment. :cool_laugh:

I ususaly don’t even care if the person (DC) is hot or not I just jump them. Sometimes if its a woman all I have to do is look at her and I’m spent. :content: I’m sick of doing this though but saddly it seems that I sometimes go for it automatically in my dream and then wake up and go ah what a waste.

If you are spent by looking at a girl in an LD then you have some lucidity issues bro. hahahaha. Your DC has way too much control over you. In theory, you can fuck all night long in an LD and never give your DC the satisfaction of giving you an orgasm. All you have to do is tell your self, “This feels good but I’m not done”.

Lol i just realized I started this post off thinking I wasn’t very good at LD sex but it seems like I have gotten farther then most. I don’t know if thats a good thing or bad thing.

it’s your persistence. (and naturally jack is the expert on sex now, he’s mr. persistent!) :cool:

yeah, i know that all too well -.-

You wish:) :wink:

rolls eyes no i dont!

see what i mean?

Now that I think about it, the girl from that dream seemed Canadian… :wink:

wahh better run for your life!! (or at least your sexual dignity) :tongue:

only time i ever had sex in a dream was when i wasnt lucid. However i did become lucid when i relized that this chick IRL wouldnt have sex with me in the middle of school :gni: and i woke up when i relized it was just a dream i guess cause i got too excited and so the whole expierence didnt last too long :down:

One, I’m a woman. Two I can have longer ones if I want to but sometimes I’d rather do something else with my LDing time rather than bang some girl all night.
Besides, me being a woman I can have more than one anyway. :tongue:

hehe thanks sage, im honoured :wink:

btw, how can someone “seem” canadian? was this girl wearing a parka and saying “eh” alot? :content: