LD4all lucid Quest 56: Double Combo - Take Your Pick!

June/July Lucid Quest Successful :yay:
July 20, 2010

The Quest Combo I had selected, as posted, was [color=green]Discovering My Personal Symbol[/color] and [color=green]Retrieving a “gift” from behind a mirror.[/color]

This has been successful completed over the course of 2 LD’s.

Completion of the first quest:

Final success on retrieving the gift from behind the mirror was as follows:

The earliest memorable point in the dream began with me lying on the grass on a sunny day. I was under the canopy-like roof of a sandstone building, red like a desert obelisk. It was the low overhanging roof of a church with some Egyptian hieroglyphics, the Eye of Horus among them. I “recognized” it as a church from Lincoln, but I could have sworn I was in Decatur. [b][color=darkred]Simply feeling the need to make this evaluation caused me to become lucid. I felt like I was seeing out of only one eye. So I began rubbing my hands together as one waking LD’er had recommended. It didn’t help. My vision cleared up on its own, though.

I remembered my desire to complete the lucid quest combo since time was running out. I entered the closest building and sought out a wall-length mirror. I found one, excitedly telling myself “This is it, this is it…” Pushing my hand into the silver surface, I paused. I concentrated on the fact that I didn’t want to enter another void on my third ever remembered attempt at entering a mirror. As I stepped through it, I was muttering to myself “not-a-void-not-a-void…” for an instant there was a void… but an apartment took form.

I somehow recognized it as the apartment of a co-worker with a rich imagination. Her belongings were scattered on a dresser in a room of pastel violet. The trans-mirror artifact that caught my attention was a paper and pen RPG module by Iron Crown Enterprises (Makers of Middle Earth Role Playing in 1987). The specific game it was for wasn’t mentioned, but an orange splash on the cover boldly stated “Wound Edition.” It wasn’t as exotic a dream artifact as I had hoped for, but I shrugged to myself, thinking it was better than nothing. [/color][/b]

Here I present, the two items I was sent for for in my nocturnal travels:

:clap: congratulations! Well done :happy: Enjoyed reading your dreams and I like your symbol. Have you ever looked into sacred geometry? It reminds me of something like that. A balancing of some kind.

As far as I remember you are the first to have actually succeeded into bringing something back from the other side of the mirror! (correct me if I’m wrong)

:woo: Really??? I wasn’t around for the original debut of the quest, so I wouldn’t know. Unless you mean that I’m the first to retrieve a mirror item for this June and July specifically…

This whole experience has left me with a feeling of empowerment since I first woke up at 5:30 to record the dream…

yes, really really, and I mean from the original Quest :smile:

Nice! Congrats, sockhat. Great LD’s. and I really liked your symbol, I might try to look for mine as well… :smile:

If I’m reading the correct quest, a certain Illuminada successfully retrieved a coin from behind a mirror while attempting to initiate a SD with you.

A Myahana claims to have completed the quest, but does not relate the dream it took place in.

So apparently I’m lucky #3.

Part of what helped, I think, was that prior to sleep I had though of the mirror as a Slipgate, as debuted in the original Quake.

I never tired of jumping through the slipgates and hearing the awesome sounds they made. (The rest of the game gave me shaky hands and terrible aim when I played with the lights out).

ah see, my memory was off :smile: thanks for correcting me :smile:


Completed quests #25 + #27

There is still more for me to do though. My original plan was to find my symbol (#16),
Visit my past self in a past dream then visit my future self in a future dream. I didn’t find my symbol or visit a future self, but I did visit my past self in a past dream. I’m super exited about how quickly I completed the quest. I only learned about this yesterday, CALD works wonders for me.

Read About it here


Oops. I didn’t mean to correct you. I’m an analyst by nature (to a fault.) :shy:

If I am lucky- and I am not saying I will be lucky- I will be going to my dream destination, Kinvara, meeting up with the dream-version of my cousin Kane, and then after doing some stuff I will try entering a video game.

And if I am still lucid, I may go over to England and visit Fawlty Towers. Ha ha ha…

…why isn’t anyone else laughing?

Well this has been a fun and interesting ride! It was inspiring to see which Quests everyone picked - and how you went ahead completing them!

Two people: TheChris and Grayscale-Blush, I award a half wing, since you almost completed it :smile: (That means if you don’t Quite succeed in a next Quest - we can add up those half wings and make it a full one :content: )




for earning your wings with this Quest! :yay:

:boogie: :boogie:

Congratulations Wyvern for completing the Quest :smile: Extra lucid cookies for you!

and well done for everyone who tried but didn’t succeed this time :smile:

Another opportunity to earn your wings in the next Quest :smile:

:yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: Thanks!