LD4all Quest 19: Crystal Moon: Enter a videogame

I cant believe this, all the lucid dreams i’ve had this month and i still havent done the quest whats the deal with that! mm gonna think about it tonight

yey… I did it! :content:
I went to Silent Hill (wasn’t completely on purpose, but counts anyway)…for like 3 seconds, but it was cool at long as it lasted.

well done painocus! :clap: is it in your DJ?

Not yet, I have to update the older LDs before I update this one.

And I’m a bit slow :tongue:

I could try NOLF. Show those chauvinist terrorists what Cate Archer can do. :happy:

I’m going to enter Chrono Cross and Zelda. Like I always do, I’ll go from one of my teleporters to Hyrule and Arni Village. Simply Awesome.

cant pick between legend of Zelda or diablo 2… maybe both… thankfully i have a video game room in one of my most seen dreamscapes (props to Paradiso)

OK, so I kinda did this last night?

It was a pretty regular dream and I remember getting into a lift and when I stepped out I was In the paradise plaza in the Willamette mall from Dead Rising. I remember thinking how weird it was that I wanted to have a Lost Planet dream but ended up in Dead Rising (made by the same people with the same game engine) and then i suddenly thought wait a minute, dream? and I was lucid, and I thought to myself, If I can get to the doors then i can probably bring myself out in Lost Planet.

I tried to make my way through the mass of zombies but had to start fighting to get past and then I forgot where I was trying to go and lost lucidity :sad:

I entered the WOW world again in a low level LD last night! I got in through the login/character creation screen.

This sounds interesting. Although I have yet to LD, this is definitely the kind of thing that keeps me trying.

I am thinking that Halo or Gears of War would be pretty cool.

congrats on completing the Quest siiw! :happy: :clap:

it somehow makes me want to play wow now too. i can imagine it would look even better in a dream :smile:

:woot: I did it! After attempting to fly for what seemed like an hour, and failing, I decided to teleport into a Zelda game. I couldn’t really remember any specific Zelda game, so I closed my eyes, and said “Go to where Zelda is!”. When I opened my eyes, I had a 3rd person view of a pit in the ground, surrounded by torches. People were standing around the pit, in cloaks. I forgot that I was dreaming, at that point :smile:.

:yay: congratulations wnvoss! :happy:

I like how you teleported to Zelda :yes:

i have removed some off topic and chatspeak posts. PLEASE ONLY post here if you are doing the Quest - and please then post what game you plan to enter and how you want to do it, and your dream if you have made an attempt.

please do NOT post about past LD’s / ND’s you had about games, it makes it hard to keep track of the people who are doing the Quest.

Thank you :content:

I did this in a lucid dream I had last night. I looked in my games draw and the only games in there were ‘nfl street’ for some reason. I jumped into the screen which was really cool, but I didn’t really feel like I was inside the game, just inside the screen watching the game and being a bit closer to it. When coming out I got stuck and half my body was in the screen and half was outside it!

OK, the dream is now in my DJ: CLICK! :content:
(It’s the “Enter Silent Hill” one)

I would enter Ico, but I still need to get better at lucid dreaming first.

Three words: Prince of Persia.

I shall experimentate a little and ask my subconcious to give me a Prince of Persia-dream this night that I also will remember. So it even does not have to be a LD. :content:

Im a dream last night I watched two DC’s enter a Virtual reality style game. :happy:

Not really the same as this but pretty interesting any way. Its in my DJ.


i kinda completed the quest!!!

it was in an ND though

I was in 2 videogames at once!

First, Mario Kart!

and second, MY favorite, Bloody Roar! (look to my avvy)

Yup, i got to race other people (on foot) as some panda and as yugo the werewolf :happy: