I saw Inception Sunday evening (from 18.30 to 21.00), really felt like I was in a dream when walking home. I knew I had to check the lucid quest again which I had briefly read the day before. I posted in the Dutch forum about wanting to create infinite stairs as well as some other goals. I went to bed with my thoughts still on inception. I woke up around 2 and fell asleep again thinking about having a lucid dream about inception.
I don’t think there are really any spoilers in my dream, but just in case
Sunday 8 - Monday 9 August 2010
Lucid Dream
I am not entirely sure, but I think this was before I was thinking this before I was dreaming. There is also a chance I thought t while dreaming already. I am walking rounds on the infinite ‘esher’ stairs. I think this could be a good to use for WILD too; rather than using stairs that go up, I can use infinite stairs. So before falling asleep I keep walking in rounds, which is also where (my memory of) my dream starts.
I am walking on the infinite ‘Escher’ stairs I have created, just like they are in Inception. It’s nice to just walk rounds on them because of the idea that they are infinite while I am only walking upstairs but still in rounds. I get tired of it though and similar to the movie my stairs start to ‘lift’ because I want it. I walk/fly off them onto normal ground again.
I realize I want to try and get into another dream and see how that feels. Particularly how the effect of my body movements in one dream would affect me in the next dream. Rather than using the machine as they do in inception, I am thinking about entering my next dream. While doing so I sink through the ground, literally, and get into a lower level of the building I am in. Every time I do so, I get lower in the building.
[com]I don’t remember much after this. I woke up around 5/6 I think and after this still fell asleep until I had to wake up at 8 again to go to Uni.
I am satisfied that I had a lucid dream again (good feeling!), that my mind created the Escher stairs (but I want to make a more difficult maze in one of my following dreams), and thought it was interesting how I was sinking through the floor. I also thought about the similarity with an elevator and how Cobb is using the elevator to move between different memories. Too bad I don’t remember exactly what I saw.
Definitely have to explore some more of inception![/com] [/spoiler]