LDing foods???

Sugar helps LDing…wow thats bad news for me…

I will experiment with some foods tonight, and post the results tomorrow.

So far i have eaten some oily tomato soup with pasta, a pear and an orange.

Drinking caffeine can help with a WILD. Maybe some things such as coffee, soda, or tea. I drank lots of soda before WILDing a few nights ago, not because I was drinking it for an LD, but I was drinking it while I was reading in bed. And what do you know - I had my first vivid lucid dream ever! :woo:

Somewhere in this forum there is a list of LDing foods.
Ones that I know of are:
1.) banana
2.) chocolate
3.) warm milk (to get you to go to sleep)

That’s all I know of right now.

I’ll try it- it’s a good excuse anyway…

I did an experiment with cheese to see if it would alter my dreams. I will post it later in my DJ

hey cool
Must get some choclates! Ill check it WOW!

So if I make a warm chocolate covered banana drink it will help me LD?

The results of my cheese experiment: They make your dreams go even more crazy, and makes your dreams more frightening.

How many nights was this over?

Four, and each dream was even more unusual than usual (and some were more frightening).

Wow, I’d like to try that! :smile: My dreams are always really faded and hard to remember. I’m not lactose intolerant, but cheese isn’t exactly what I like to eat. :tongue:

Chocolate definetly gave me a very vivid dream, but I’ve not become lucid at all…

I think it also is connected to when you eat it, like really late or right before falling asleep(or an hour before)…these seem to change my dreams or make them more vivid depending sometimes :smile:

Oooh, chocolate you say? I’m in luck then, I have a bag of assorted Hershey’s/Reece’s Chocolates just laying around begging to be eaten, I think I’ll do that before I go to sleep tonight. That should spiff things up a bit in my dreamscapes :content:

PS: I tried like 4 of the foods on the LD4all guide. I had a turkey sandwich with lettuce, cheese, mustard and mayo (May as well have pickles since it’s the vinegar that does it) With a tall glass of milk, I would have prefered tuna, but I didn’t have any :sad:

That makes:

Pickles and mustard (Check)
Lettuce (Check)
Milk and dairy foods (Check)
Fish (Couldn’t, wish I could have though)

So actualy I did 3 at once. I got nothing, not even good Dream Recall

Well, I’ve eaten strange foods tonight XD so if I get recall I’ll recommend pizzas…

Ah…Irish and UK Cadbury’s (different then the ones in the US) are much creamier, and I guess heavier? I find that they are great. It’s been years since I’ve eaten Hershey’s, and don’t remember much of dream recall before 5 years ago…(wasn’t focused on dreams like I am now sometimes)

But good luck!!! :smile: :happy:

merged into existing topic :moogle:

do u know what kinds of food can make u lucid i heard about the chocolate but i dont think i can try that cuz it might keep me up and i have to be awake by 6:oo :cry: it sux and were always doing somthing on the weekend please help

I’ve tried bananas and popcorn but I haven’t noticed much of a difference, but tonight im trying chocolate so hopefully that works

lol i love chocolate i think ill try to eat some before bed but i hope it doesnt keep me up all night long i have to get up at 6:oo am tommaro

how can u not like cheese cheese and chocolate are the best thing to happen to this world in a long time wow ive neaver heard of any one not liking cheese even my lactose intolerent friends love cheese and when i heard about the lucid dream i hit the roof i thi k now i might be truely happy

Ice Cream is on the list :woot:
maybe cookies&cream. thats chocolate, AND Ice cream!!
if it works than this is my way to get lucid :tongue: