LDing foods???

i am definitely trying chocolate tonight!!! Its a great excuse :woo:

I’ve noticed most of my very clear and sometimes lucid dreams occur after I eat lots of carbs…

Not sure of any specific foods, but I went looking through my old, real-life dream journal and found that connection. Diet sodas appeared to help a little as well…

Geez, now I’m getting hungry. XD

moved to an existing topic

Is there any food you can eat that will induce lucid dreaming?

Uh this is highly unscientific, but one time my Mexican friend was staying over at my house, and we were about to go to sleep. I offered her some bean dip with a bunch of jalapenos I had made, and she was like, “No, are you crazy? Jalapenos give you crazy dreams!” I said, “Really?!?” and chowed down. Sure enough they were super vivid and lucid.