LDing foods???

Does anybody know any foods to help LD or any ways to LD easily in one night…ive been trying for so long i want to again so bad :grrr:

Ive heard that bananas and popcorn can help

ehh i ate alot tonight…does racnh croutons and french vanilla cappuchino count? (and a little fresca)

There are no LD’ing foods or any ways to LD easily in one night. Sorry. :tongue:

Foods may work. Like bananas. But drinks too, like orange juice. :happy:

On the LD4All guide, it suggested pickles and mustard…

I ate pickles covered in mustard the night before…

UGH, it was the most unpleasant thing ever

and the worst part is…

no Lucid Dream.


I also heard whole grains is a good sleep food.

I ate some whole grain cereal before bed once.

I had okay dream recall, but no lucid dream.

Chocolate often works for me. I remember many times when I’ve woken up in the middle of the night, had some chocolate before going back to sleep, and had amazing lucid dreams.

Nice. I’d like some pickles with mostard, by the way. :happy:

ive aten ice cream before bed but ive tried this so many times and no LDs i onl remembered it pretty good.

I remember making a topic about chocolate and LD’s. once i ate a ton of chocolate then went to sleep and remembered 6 dreams( my usual is less than one ) and 2 of em were lucid. then some other guys said they would try it and they had similiar results. Go with chocolate :wink:

Wow. I am going to buy chocolate. :happy:

Chocolate it is! :open_mouth: :razz: MovieMe is running to the store before it closes

Here it is i found the link to my old topic.


im gonna try hot chocolate tonight :happy:

MMM i do love those CILD’s i had back then. In case ur the one percent of people who didnt read my chocolate topic then i have deemed CILD Chocolate Induced Lucid Dream. :content:

Okay, so I’ve heard that orange juice, bananas, and chocolate do something to help LD’s hmm?.. Well last night, I tried a Banana chocolate smoothie thing it was actually alright) and it seemed to help with the dream dry spell I’ve been having for the last week. Or maybe I just really thought it would give me dreams and I chugged a 16 oz placebo… or well… gonna try it again tonight.

bannanas give me excellent recall.

also, chocolate

the best drinks have lots of caffeine like tall boy amp energy drinks (142 mg of caffeiene)

See the problem with LDing foods with me is diabetes… I usually have to find a way to weasel around that while trying to keep my foot. Any LDing foods that have less than 15 grams of carbs?

also, one day in biology people had all of these cell projects and some people made like cakes and HUGE cookies and stuff. i ate a ton of cake and those HUGE HUGE plate size cookies and they were good. anyway, that night i had 5 LD’s! so lotsa sugar could be something to think about.

Tonight i’m gonna eat a banana, hopefully it will end my dry spell.