well, i must admit im not much of a “ladies man” but i was wondering if anyone taught themselfs how to kiss using lucid dreams. was it effective. it seems like it could be effective but also how would you know if you were doing good or not, i mean you may think you are doing good but in actuality you are not. well thats my question, feel free to make fun of the fact that a 16 year old has yet to kiss a girl
The usual method (I assume) of learning to kiss is to have another person receiving it, and gague their reaction. If that person is just a construct of your mind, it probably won’t work too well.
You could practice in lucid dreams to build confidence, though. If you do, tell us when you actually kiss someone, and how similar it felt! I’d be interested to see how well someone’s mind can simulate kissing before they know how it feels.
Well errr mabye…
Worth a try i guess.
And can you learn how to play the guitar in a dream because i was going to try it out. Anyone know?
Well to play the guitar you might need to learn how to read music, you couldn’t do that in dreams. But after you’ve had a few lessons you could practise in a dream. The benifits of this would be the neural pathways that control the movement of your hand along the guitar, will get stronger. So yes it would help with some aspects, but you won’t become an expert. It would be even harder if you don’t have a guitar in real life.
Well,i dunno much about kissing in lds apart from the fact thats its not recomennded if its such a big deal for you.Propably you will loose lucidity very fast out of emotions.Id learn something less emotiuonall first to know how to stabilize lds and such.
But thats only my personal opinion,everyones different.
And as to the kiss itslef.I think theres no such a thing like a bad/good kiss.For some you will be allways good kisser and for some you will never be.Its a question of synchronicity between two ppl.Same goes with sex-one will be happy with you while other might not be uncorking shampagne.
Its about how two matches to eachother.
So do not worry bout techniques and such.Close your eyes and give whatever u wanna give.No need to think then:)
and besides that- its really much much better when you dont go to details with it.Let it have mystery for you.
even if practicing in a dream to kiss did work it wouldn’t matter anyways. you’ll find out that you’ll learn instantaneously. the only way you could be a bad kisser is if you bite her lip or burp during it.
think about how you’re going to feel during it, gosh darnit don’t forget about yourself. and if for obscure reason it was a bad kiss she probably isn’t going to hold it against you. she liked you before you kissed right, so it wouldn’t sabotage what could be a beautiful relationship. snicker
just go with the flow.
if there was anything to practice in a ld concerning romance, then it’d have to be sexual endurance.
yeah, and your teeth shouldnt hit each other either, except that isnt that bad of a thing, more just kind of funny =p
Except both wear braces. That could lead to complications…
i once had my teeth clank into hers.
Lol Bet that was funny…