Ok I’ll try FILD again this night; perhaps it will work this time
Hello again! i tried WILD…it did not work so i went on to my good old FILD. i woke up with crappy vision as usual but all i do is wear my glasses, rub my hands and say “increase lucidity” and everything is fine. However, there was this dog following me all over the place and no matter how i tell it to go away it would not stop following me so we just went on our lucid adventure together. if it shows up in my next dream i think ill name him Luci. Hey maybe he’s my SG or DG if they can be animals, can they ?
Oh no, sorry I read over it somehow!
And just this night I needed your advice. But thanks next time I’ll hopefully be able to remove the frozen sight!
You are forgiven. Also you can try a mantra like “this is my dream, im in control and i can move my sight.” Hope they help and Good Luck!
yes they can-i hope ill be able to achieve FILD this night
Gonna try to get my wings (finally) just gotta go to my dream destination. Wheres that still havent thought of a place
Oh i see, thats cool then, I hope Luci returns tonight and that you do achieve a FILD and the same with me at WILD. I think i’ll do the quest too and i’ve decided to either go to Tokyo or…Hogwarts
I didn´t have a LD tonight, but I had a very vivid ND.
I´ve been away from home more than 6 months now. I´ve spent my time in Thailand. And I really like it here, but I still miss my family and friends. In my tonight´s dream I was back home. I saw my dear people and spent very good time with them. And because the dream was so vivid and felt very real then if I woke up then I really felt like I was home tonight. It felt really good .
I had a really vivid nd. And I think I had a ld however I can’t remember anything about it, However I swear that I did because I remember thinking rub hands, don’t get excited and just kept on repeating I’m dreaming. i don’t remember what I did in the ld though .
What happened tonight? Anybody had something interesting? Any LD-s?
I had two quite vivid dreams, unfortunately not lucid
Tonight I am going to do FILD. I´ll let you know what happened tomorrow. Let me know about your experimences too!
Yes I had one (+1 completed quest)
Lucid Dream
FILD worked for me pretty good (besides the frozen sight )
HI! In my last LD i tried to complete that quest to go to my dream destination where i decided to go to Tokyo with little success. At first I tried to concentrate on where i wanted to go and told myself when i turn around there will be a door that will lead me to there. I dont think i put much effort into it and thats why it didnt work. After a couple failed attempts i decided to hitch a ride so i stopped this guy driving a bus and asked him if he could take me to Tokyo. He told me no and started to get angry when i would not stop asking him, finally I left hm alone. I asked another guy who i knew IRL but he said not right now so i gave up and continued with my dream. I’ll try again some other night.
BlueMoon congrats on that completed quest (jealous… ) and again Good Luck all!
well i decided where I want to go-faireland
this is my plan-turn into an albatross, then fly into a cloud, and when I fly through the cloud itll be there.
BlueMoon, how long time ago did you start with trying to get lucid?
I think 3-4 weeks now! I also had lucid dreams in my childhood (I remember 1 dream in my childhood that made me lucid) so maybe it’s easier for me.
But I still had no success with a WILD (have been started 1 week ago).
Neopets, nice. I surprised myself by having a DILD last night. it was a somewhat terrible dream and you know how i get with nightmares…Lucid! So way into the dream this guy decides to get rid of my brother…permanently and thats when i became lucid. I told him its my dream and he cant do that, he agreed and told his crew he’s not gunna do it. After that, I decided to put my quest into action. I saw a car and just got in it a began driving. i wanted to fly there but im not all that good at flying so i drove. 5 mins into driving my alarm freaking woke me up! I need to find a faster way to get to Hogwarts, maybe ill catch the train on platform 9 and 3/4 or just make the car fly!..hmmm…Do it HP style…
You´re lucky, BlueMoon. Wish I was like that too.
What about others? How long have you been trying to get lucid?
Hey, well I’ve been at it since the summer of last year and the crazy thing about it is that i got a LD and FA the very next night i found out about it. Got a couple after that, took a break, got a few while in the break and started faithfully again last month. I have to admit that the break has really helped me because I’ve gone from one LD if any a month to at least once a week now. I’ve been slacking with my DJ though…
I´m going to give it a new try this night. I have my blackberry with music right next to my bed. Wish me luck!
Maybe I’m too late but good luck!
Hope you’ll have amazing lucid dreams this night.
An update on my progress.
Nothing realy interesting. Had a 3-4 day dry spell with no real nd’s or ld’s. For the last 2 nights I have had vivid nd’s. Third time lucky