Life is the Matrix

Due to the separation of Beyond and the new Spiritual Corner, it was felt this topic would be best suited to Lounge. :moh:

Ever wondered if life was the Matrix (the movie based on the concept that reality is simulated)

After observing a few things, it is just a reasonable explanation to reality - if not more- than to jump to the conclusion of a god and/or celestial being

if you are hardcore christian/agnostic, don’t pass this line


Life could be simulated because of a few reasons

  1. We can’t pinpoint the creation of time- merely because it was started by a programmer hitting enter: starting off the simulation

2.We accept our reality - just like the Truman Show, we accept our reality for what it is, and don’t question it.

Next, comes religion

Take this into consideration. For now we will call the creators of our reality “the programmers”.

What IF the programmers created our reality, and watched it grow. It expanded, it evolved, and even got to the point of where the simulated people created movies of reality being simulated. At that point the programmers say “Ok, the people are getting close to solving this reality out- we need a way to stop it” What if religion is merely programmed into people as a blockade- a wall if you will, from the outside world. Add a few people that tell stories of a god that has the powers to be is and will be. Sounds like a pretty good way to mask things to me- create something that is unarguable and can’t be said against.

Now is the argument of time. If this reality is simulated some people might say that this program has been going for a long time. This is false because we may not be running in real time. The outside world (which may be simulated also) could be much faster- or slower than this.

The next point I want to bring up is senses.
What I mean by this is that we have a few:sight sound touch taste smell and thats it. If this reality is simulated, then the real reality could be loads different, with much more. Basically, the reality we are in right now could be considered bad graphics.

Finally I want to talk about ethics.

How should we behave if we are living in a simulated reality?

Is it ethical for “programmers” to create a simulation of reality?

I leave you with this:

When human life gets to the technological advancement to the point of simulating realities, that is when we will answer these questions on ethics. Until then, we will flow with the river - and hopefully - find a way to climb out.


Why did we even talk about this last night LE? :lol: it was weird
The scienetists are like “Hmm now they found it out after all their years its time to tell the truth! Mind as well just destroy the world in 2012.” Or they’re like "Noo :nuu: :nuu: !! Our plan is foiled thanks to those meddling kids!

Well, to me it seems somebody took the Matricks movies a little bit seriously perhaps…? :wink:

@ Saffer - and its people like you who keep us in the river eh?

I R OWNAGE :bounce:

There is no way to know. For example, if someone managed to discover a glitch or any other kind of proof, they’d get a memory wipe and move on.

Unless the “programmers” will want us to know.

Could you explain that please, english is not my native language and I’m afraid I don’t really understand you.

I like how you call them the programmers, its almost like your SG because you each have your own personal one. If you SG is the one planning out your life then talking to it in LD could help you understand whats going on i geuss.

@ the nameless one- thats a good point

why would programmers want us to know in the first place though?

Then again, to think that our reality is simply a test to see how long it takes for intelligent life to reach the point of figuring out that reality is simulated


good point indeed

@ Jake_Drummer

completely missing the point again I see. Not to be rude- but this is about life being fake- not real

SG’s in this since would also be simulated along with LD’s

@ saffers, my point being that people of your nature who shrug this topic off create an atmossphere of not questioning reality is all.

Again, not to be rude. Its programmed into us to not question reality.

I think thats what I was trying to say…probably not but I want to find a glitch, a flaw in their creation.

And to think that such a large world would have one KT- i think that the chance that this one simulated planet would have a sort of - glitch- or flaw of any kind

ah i just skimmed through it sorry for wasting a post haha didint mean to annoy any of you

Oh, well believe me I do question reality all the time, however this matricks stuff just seemed too far fetched for me. And you believe all the robot stuff too, or its actually other people who keep us in this simulation?

@ saffers- I believe that we are in a simulation of sorts, not sure who controls it, or even the possibilty of more simulated people simulating this simulation

if that makes since…


having a unique username may be a glitch just one of something might be probably not though…

Btw did you like the ending ? I think it sucked. IMHO part II. was the best, especially the fight scene with all those agent smiths lol.

ending of 1 or 3 or both?

Ending of part 3.

If our entire world is a simulated one, then:

A) AI exists. If it doesn’t, we are not realy an intelligent speices. (Unless there is a randomality issue, in which you can’t program Inteligence, but merely let it be created by itself)

A.1) If AI does exist, some kind of an AI with [nearly] unlimited power is searching what is going all the time, and detecting any question in reality, deleting it.

A.1.1) If it is so, people are only alowed to speak of this when the program wants to let us do that, either for research purposes or to prevent any interrupting the entire simulation. (In fact, there is no reason they even care wether we know its a simulation or not. After all, the entire simulation can be reversed and re started from any point they want, and we can’t get to their lives)

A.1.2) Such a being could have emphatized with us, wanting to help us actively (IE: Relegion), or passively, such as not deleting any “Wrong” thoughts of the simulated person.

A.1.3)We may be able to find exploits in the program. Only problem is the program would have been tested by an AI, meaning that it is flawless, so no odd things would ever happen.

A.1.4)Then again, such AI may have emphatized with us, creating very minor exploits, that we could use. That may be the explanation to “super natural” abilities.

A.2) If AI doesn’t exist, that means we are not intelligent. And why would someone want to run such a simulation? (Then again, maybe the simulation was just to test a universe, and not its species)

A.2.1) The creators will need to take 6 Trilion humans and give each a computer simulated person to follow. In no other wa could the follow such an extensive simulation. (Unless most people are not intelligent, but that’s another theory)

All in all, it doesn’t matter wether it is a simulation or a god blessed world, or even just a natural place; If AI does exist, it will almost certainly won’t create flaws in a test for us, computer simulated beings that act just like it’s superiors. Plus, any AI with the ability to talk would control the world (If it will see fit to).

If AI doesnt exist (Except for us, or they simply just can’t bind it to do their “dirty” work) Each person might have a “soul” that was written to it by a real person. For nine months they write a “soul” for you, which changes to fit your mind (If your mind states that you will fight for the death for what you love, your soul won’t stay that of a complete coward)

Also, outside researcher may plant ideas, thoughts and voices in our head.

Guess that sums it up (sorry for the long post)

Creativity might just be randomness that works (Genetical algorithms fits that, I believe). We don’t know wether our SC checkes many possible creative ideas, and brings to our thoughts only the ones that may have a chance to succeed.