Due to the separation of Beyond and the new Spiritual Corner, it was felt this topic would be best suited to Lounge. :moh:
Ever wondered if life was the Matrix (the movie based on the concept that reality is simulated)
After observing a few things, it is just a reasonable explanation to reality - if not more- than to jump to the conclusion of a god and/or celestial being
if you are hardcore christian/agnostic, don’t pass this line
Life could be simulated because of a few reasons
- We can’t pinpoint the creation of time- merely because it was started by a programmer hitting enter: starting off the simulation
2.We accept our reality - just like the Truman Show, we accept our reality for what it is, and don’t question it.
Next, comes religion
Take this into consideration. For now we will call the creators of our reality “the programmers”.
What IF the programmers created our reality, and watched it grow. It expanded, it evolved, and even got to the point of where the simulated people created movies of reality being simulated. At that point the programmers say “Ok, the people are getting close to solving this reality out- we need a way to stop it” What if religion is merely programmed into people as a blockade- a wall if you will, from the outside world. Add a few people that tell stories of a god that has the powers to be is and will be. Sounds like a pretty good way to mask things to me- create something that is unarguable and can’t be said against.
Now is the argument of time. If this reality is simulated some people might say that this program has been going for a long time. This is false because we may not be running in real time. The outside world (which may be simulated also) could be much faster- or slower than this.
The next point I want to bring up is senses.
What I mean by this is that we have a few:sight sound touch taste smell and thats it. If this reality is simulated, then the real reality could be loads different, with much more. Basically, the reality we are in right now could be considered bad graphics.
Finally I want to talk about ethics.
How should we behave if we are living in a simulated reality?
Is it ethical for “programmers” to create a simulation of reality?
I leave you with this:
When human life gets to the technological advancement to the point of simulating realities, that is when we will answer these questions on ethics. Until then, we will flow with the river - and hopefully - find a way to climb out.