Liquid dream software!

I once tried your software, and while it seemed to have potential, it was highly buggy and even crashed for some reason I cannot explain. Then it refused to open and asked to be installed again, but installation would not succeed.
Also, I don’t think your software is to blame, probably it was another dream journal, but most of LD related files in the LD folder I had were deleted, and then even using file recovery tools I only got back 3 out of +15, and of those 3 one was partially overwritten already.
Another bug I remember is something about some character the software interpreted as invalid, tough I was merely typing english text.
I don’t know how stable the software is now, but it seemed good, if only it weren’t that unstable…


I wasn’t aware there were 3 pages when I wrote this reply. Congrats IAmCoder! =3

Err, thanks, I guess.

Can you try again? I am hoping that it was another app, or has been addressed already!

downloading it now. ill try it tonight :smile:

Any luck? I finally got around to writing out a user’s manual:!

Well, I just installed your dream journal software, and I have to say that I am impressed. This has to be the single most awesome dream journal I have laid eyes on. It has a good bit of what I want in a dream journal and even some stuff I haven’t thought about. I am working on programming my own dj at the moment, but until then (and possibly even after), I am going to be using this.

Edit - The sound on that lucid realm worked the first time I played with it, then failed when I used it to sleep, but now it is working again. I am thinking it must be because I stopped it without resetting it or something, since when it had a chance to run its course it worked. I will test it again tonight.

Thanks for the compliments! I would definitely recommend writing your own DJ - it has been a great journey for me. And please let me know what I can add that you would want in a dream journal.

Please let me know if the play / stop function is not intuitive and can be improved.

Here are some things I would like to see in a DJ. They may or may not be in yours; I haven’t evaluated it fully.

  • Statistics about everything. Which characters were more likely to appear in which dreamscapes (or dreamscapes with which types of features) or in dreams dominated by which emotions, standard details on dreams/lucids/etc, details on suppliments I took or techniques I tried in relation to recall and lucidity, etc.
  • More details on DC. For example: What type of DC was it (e.g. flat dc, sentient, DG, ect), what form was it (perhaps some general choices like human, animal, mythical creature, etc; not a fully formed idea at the moment), general personality, and perhaps the option for including a picture.
  • Ability to map individual dreamscapes and export them to picture files. I am thinking something like a SVG editing program here. That would possibly be the best for the job.
  • Ability to automatically post a dream from your journal to an online journal (at LD4all, for example).

This isn’t everything, but those are the big things. Most of them are not difficult to implement, but for me, they allow interaction with the dream in a more meaningful way outside of the dream. Most dream journals are dream oriented, but for me, DC are much more important than dream plot, so I pay attention to DC tracking features in a journaling system more than dream logging. It is this that originally spurred my desire to code my own DJ. (I do like your dream classification dropdown, though. I like the idea of giving credence to things as small as daydreams and small thoughts, being a big daydreamer myself.)

As for your play/stop, it appeared, at least at first, that it was just pausing it and not stopping it, or at least that it wasn’t resetting it when it stopped. I don’t know exactly, but I will be trying it out more tonight.

Thanks for all the ideas! I think auto-posting to LD4all should be the quickest for me to implement - stay tuned…

Your DC oriented view is interesting and has started turning some gears. I have always felt that emotions are the key to dreams: what was the main feeling in a dream + when last did you feel that in waking = meaning.

I was hoping someone would appreciate the ability to track thoughts and daydreams! What language do you code in?

Awesome :content:

I liked your emotion based tracking as well. Emotions are very important in dreaming.

My favorite language is Tcl, but I am learning C# for this project because I want to test out .Net and release cross platform software for the Mono framework. Much as I hate to admit it, Visual Studio 2010 has to be one of the best IDEs I have used as far as ease of coding goes. Now, I code in Batch, AHK, and VBA at work, but I don’t really count those because those are just what I use for work.

After my first dream no words are showing in the “Unassigned” box. The words i allready have assigned do apear in the other boxes. im just unable to add new ones non-manualy.

I think this program is very usefull and i enjoy using it, my problem may just be a user error. Im also running windows 7, i noticed some concern with 7 in previous posts.

This should be fixed in the latest version (3.1.1)!

I have been writing in C# for most of my career - definitely has everything you could ever want. And there seems to be a steady demand for it.

The unassigned list currently only lists words with 6 or more letters, e.g.: “12345” will not appear, but “123456” should?

Oh, i remember reading that on a previous page. Just a bummer because my biggest dream signs are water and my brother “David” lol both 5 letters. Thank you for the quick feed back ill try to use some larger words when recording my dreams. Realy like what your program does :smile: thanks for making it.

Well, regardless, I like your software, tough it was horribly unstable when I had it (by february or march I think) I’m trying it today, so I’ll let you know if it works (and great at it) or if it leaves a crater where my laptop was ;D

And, did you find anything wanting? I will release an update again soon…

Since it looks like your software is .Net anyway, is there any chance you could take MoMA to it and see if it is compatible with mono? If it is, you could just release it and have it run on mono for Mac/Linux instead of having people run the software through Wine.

Thank you, that does sound very promising. I will run a scan soon and let you know what it says.