I do share them with my girlfriend; she’s very receptive towards my dreams and supports and encourages my lucid dreaming. She’s been invested in my dream stories for close to 7 or 8 years now. I tell her my dreams almost daily if I have something interesting to share.
Other than her, the people I discus my dreams with that I know in WL are very few. There’s no one that really hears it all, just if it comes up. I have one closer friend that I sometimes approach with it but not often.
I’m not really sure what I hesitate so much to be open with it though. I’m already eccentric and weird and I embrace that, I don’t care if most people think I am strange or if they don’t believe me. I guess what does hold me back is the idea that people I care about might dismiss something I love so dearly. In particular I think about my sister. We grew up close and I would say we are still pretty close but I’ve mostly kept my dreaming stuff a secret from her. I wonder if I’m starting to feel like I just can’t be my authentic self without sharing this part of me with the world (?). Almost 10 years of keeping it to myself and it’s really really trying to escape from me, it seems.
Joining the forum last year was something I really hesitated on, but I am glad I am here now because it’s nice to be a part of a community of people who do care about these things.
Sometimes I feel like my writing or my words do a disservice to my dream world. Like my written journal doesn’t quite capture that spark I feel. Maybe I do want to share my dreams with the world, but I want to do them justice and I just feel like I can say it so much better with my art.
I started drawing parts of my journal in comic form. I love it, I love it so much. The project fills me with a great passion and love for my dreams, but I’m a slow artist so keeping a visual dream journal on the regular would be an unsustainable goal.
I can’t even think of a time I was vulnerable sharing a lucid dream with someone that ended up being a “bad experience.” Maybe I should come out with it.
I keep my journal on my laptop so it’s as easy as a cut and paste and any edit if I want to censor something. I was starting to wonder if I should open a limited DJ on here, especially if it’s just the dreams that I would share on here anyways (for the LTLT or dream treasure hunt and stuff), but part of me still has some reservations about it I can’t quite place? Might need to think on it a few nights to sort out my feelings. Perhaps consult Carol. I’m possibly just being stubborn trying to hold onto something that wants to be set free just because I’ve held onto it for so long (which isn’t a particularly compelling reason to do so).
because I’ve gone so far and should have probably just replied as a PM, I should let everyone reading know that this is still the LTLT and, for reference, the task board can be found here.