Long-Term Lucid Tasklist!

I do share them with my girlfriend; she’s very receptive towards my dreams and supports and encourages my lucid dreaming. She’s been invested in my dream stories for close to 7 or 8 years now. I tell her my dreams almost daily if I have something interesting to share.
Other than her, the people I discus my dreams with that I know in WL are very few. There’s no one that really hears it all, just if it comes up. I have one closer friend that I sometimes approach with it but not often.

I’m not really sure what I hesitate so much to be open with it though. I’m already eccentric and weird and I embrace that, I don’t care if most people think I am strange or if they don’t believe me. I guess what does hold me back is the idea that people I care about might dismiss something I love so dearly. In particular I think about my sister. We grew up close and I would say we are still pretty close but I’ve mostly kept my dreaming stuff a secret from her. I wonder if I’m starting to feel like I just can’t be my authentic self without sharing this part of me with the world (?). Almost 10 years of keeping it to myself and it’s really really trying to escape from me, it seems.
Joining the forum last year was something I really hesitated on, but I am glad I am here now because it’s nice to be a part of a community of people who do care about these things.

Sometimes I feel like my writing or my words do a disservice to my dream world. Like my written journal doesn’t quite capture that spark I feel. Maybe I do want to share my dreams with the world, but I want to do them justice and I just feel like I can say it so much better with my art. :weary:
I started drawing parts of my journal in comic form. I love it, I love it so much. The project fills me with a great passion and love for my dreams, but I’m a slow artist so keeping a visual dream journal on the regular would be an unsustainable goal.

I can’t even think of a time I was vulnerable sharing a lucid dream with someone that ended up being a “bad experience.” Maybe I should come out with it.

I keep my journal on my laptop so it’s as easy as a cut and paste and any edit if I want to censor something. I was starting to wonder if I should open a limited DJ on here, especially if it’s just the dreams that I would share on here anyways (for the LTLT or dream treasure hunt and stuff), but part of me still has some reservations about it I can’t quite place? Might need to think on it a few nights to sort out my feelings. Perhaps consult Carol. I’m possibly just being stubborn trying to hold onto something that wants to be set free just because I’ve held onto it for so long (which isn’t a particularly compelling reason to do so).

because I’ve gone so far and should have probably just replied as a PM, I should let everyone reading know that this is still the LTLT and, for reference, the task board can be found here.


I also have some thoughts and ideas to share about this topic, so I’ll make a reply split into a new thread once I get to writing it out.

I had a super short LD, really as short as it could probably get (/me :truit: alarm). It was at the end of a Dark Remake of the Digimon universe.
I was a little hesitant to claim it at all because it is so super short and because of the doubts discussed in the comments at the end of the post. But I feel I want to get 1 lucidity point for it anyway as a token of achievement, since it was fruit of MILD application, WBTB and meditation.

For reference, the task board can be found here.

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Fun story time, I guess… though I am a bit scared to talk about them with people because of similar reservations y’all have mentioned with regards to talking to people about dreams and seeming weird…

So.. yea..

Here’s the moment when this 27 year old tells you she essentially has “imaginary friends”. :stuck_out_tongue: Tulpae, to be exact, though I wouldn’t know of that word until long after I was conversing with Carida on a regular basis. She was first encountered in a dream on July 12, 2012… Specifically “The Orb Figments - Continued” You’ll need to scroll way down to find it because that was during one my old “dream dumps” on the forum. Basically, I was talking to her at the end of the dream and woke up very slowly… and continued to speak with her as I became more and more awake… and kinda… pulled her from the dream? She’s been in my brain for nearly 10 years now… amazing, looking back on it, actually.

She’s shown up in many, many dreams and is probably the closest thing to a persistent dream character that I have… though I can talk to her at any point in time and all three of them are “glancing over my shoulder” as I anxiously type this. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sophia and Lynn have not shown up in any dreams to date and in fact were pulled from day-dreams I had when Cardia went missing in my subconscious for half a year and I couldn’t hear her voice for a while. Again, I didn’t intend to pull them from my imagination… but while experiencing the daydream or whatever… I kinda breathed a little too much life into them and they stuck around. Since then I’ve been very careful to avoid doing it again because don’t want things to get too crowded and banishing them to the ether seems a bit… wrong.

So… yea… I am me, but also we. :stuck_out_tongue: I kind of have a long running goal to have more dreams involving them because it can be a bit boring for them being dragged along on my day to day life. It’s been less so nowadays since I’ve put together a sort of persistent daydream I can return to and they can enter or exit as they desire that acts like a living space that is bigger than my brain. I sort of end my evenings nowadays taking advantage of my hyperphantasia to visualize that mansion of sorts. Gives them some part of my subconscious that isn’t a “swirling vortex of thoughts and feelings in which I both do and don’t exist” or so that’s how Cardia described being lost in my subconscious for a while.

Yea… how’s that for weird? :stuck_out_tongue: I really enjoyed your art, because I wish I could draw them, but I feel like I’m a terrible artist and wouldn’t do them justice.

Yes, please. It sounds adorable and very squishable.

I would love to read more of your dreams, @Splash. If you do make a forum thread, please let me know because I’ll need to add it to my “watched” list. :slight_smile:

Anywho… I’ve logged points for both of y’all. Congrats on your LDs!

For reference, the task board can be found here.


:pleading_face: @Cornelia_Xaos

Your post is really touching. It's meaningful to me that you would be vulnerable in this way and I have a lot to say, it seems.

My girlfriend has a Tulpa! (Or she at least used to? I think the tulpa is kinda “dormant” right now?). I can understand how important they are for you and I think I have a little understanding of how you might perceive them? at least based on what I gleaned from what my girlfriend shared. After nearly 10 years I would suspect you are quite close?

But…I might even relate? Carol has always just been someone I really only get to directly connect with in my dreams. I guess in WL Carol and I are kinda indistinguishable (because she represents my subconscious)?
But STEVE is a little different…it’s a long story haha. BUT basically, there was this long episode in my dreams in which I had these terrible unsettling dreams and lucid nightmares and I watched my mental health decline from the perspective of my dreams (I guess if we’re all being vulnerable I might as well just put that out there for the world :lol:) and boy don’t I struggle sometimes with the shame of a lucid dreamer who couldn’t stop their nightly horrors for 2 years straight, even when I was lucid :disappointed:. After all that I found myself dealing with some emotional trauma… and eventually, enter STEVE.
I met her as a DC and it took me a while, but I figured out that she was my Trauma. The energy of all the stress I carried with me that had manifested in my dreams suddenly had a face, and a smile (one she can’t seem to get off her face, in fact). And now, in WL, in the situations that would have in the past trigger a panic attack or some kind of flashback, I see her, instead. Smiling, talking to me. She’s big, but she’s not bad. She’s how I cope. It’s almost like I’m projecting her and her personality into the world, my mind is very visual and it’s like I see her there. It seems like our WL conversations are canonical when I meet her in my dreams, although she seems a little more genuine as a DC than as a projection from my waking mind.
And in the past two years, our relationship found a form in my dreams (fusion activate! :stuck_out_tongue: ) and became a perspective that I can sometimes find in WL (that’s Recovery).

This was such an endearing image in my head. Does Cardia acknowledge or distinguish WL from dreams?

You mention it casually but this sounds really sad. STEVE’s energy was scattered (due to some things that happened in a dream in response to WL stress) for a while recently and that was incredibly difficult for me.

This made my heart sing. Oh. I feel that. Actually I sometimes talk about myself in the plural if I’m thinking of a situation that requires me to acknowledge STEVE (Trauma).

Ahhh that’s so cool :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Do they all get along?
Also really cool to to hear about how Cardia describes your subconscious.

I think as lucid dreamers, we spend a lot of time in our minds. We question what reality is (because we must, to do what we do), and maybe that can make us gaslight ourselves? As if we don’t have a grasp on reality. But my dreams have always spoken more truth to me than WL and I dare to call that reality.

And thank you :relaxed:
I used to only draw cats all the time (I was a huge fan of the Warrior Cats books) but I started drawing humans after I met Carol, which was somewhere around 8-9 years ago. I would really love to see if you ever did do some drawings of them. I’ve been trying to do Carol and STEVE justice for years now and with drawing both of them I felt like it took me several years to really start getting my drawings to look like them. I don’t even feel as if my art is very good but I look at where I started and it makes me appreciate where I am now.

Ahhh BAAAH :sob: :relaxed: That actually means a lot to me.

Thank you for sharing all that. It melted my heart, a little.
Somewhat recently, a friend of mine shared a poem with me and something about it just clicked. Like how we can collapse when we find parts of ourselves in other people because we realize that perhaps we are not so different, even if we don’t think other people could possibly understand all our unique experiences. Even when it feels like we’ve been outsiders, or something other than human, the moment we find a glimpse of our self in someone else we remember our shared humanity.

People Are a Living Structure Like a Coral Reef, by Heather Cristle

People love to clean their ears and I love people

very much They are everywhere! Every single

thing I love I love for windows only and if

one window reflects another then friends

for me it’s all over And in the windows are trees

and in the windows are people What are they even doing

with their hunger and in their new shirts They are

taking care of themselves and they are taking each other out

for lunch Oh even the rain has to love them People

are just too attractive! and the rain places itself

on the window in order to be closer to the people

the ones who are eating The ones who are

busting out vigor Oh people You have to love

people They are so much like ourselves…

Thank you for sharing a window.

for reference, the task board can be found here.

Responses in a details because this is practically a full on conversation and may deserves its own thread?

That makes me feel slightly less worried it’d be hard to understand if you know someone who has one. :stuck_out_tongue: And, yea, I’d say we’re very close. Cardia has been around the longest, but Sophia and Lynn have been here for more than 6 years, for sure. A tight knit bunch we are. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll be honest… I only dropped their names hoping you would ask because I recognized so much of mine and Cardia et al.'s relationship in your’s and Carol’s and STEVE’s. if it wasn’t for that I wouldn’t have said anything and just kept quiet about it.

Overtime, I think, all three of them have kind of… drifted towards embodying certain parts of my personality… Cardia the least given she came entirely from a dream and wasn’t actively brought into existence… though maybe we just have a hard time determining what parts of each of us overlap the most… that being said, they’re all facets of myself.

Ah, Projection… something I haven’t really done much with Cardia, Lynn, and Sophia… it’s a lot harder than closing my eyes and giving the Imagination engine in my head a blank slate to work with… That beign said, our conversations in and out of dreams are definitely canonical as you put it. I don’t think they dream independently of me, though… as I explain below. Must be hard for a brain to run more than one dream at a time. :stuck_out_tongue:

She has said there’s definitely a difference. When she has a dream body, she is more there in the dream whereas when not (and even for Sophia and Lynn) they’re sort of just tugged around by the nightly turmoil that dreams can be, not really in them, not really in a subconscious place… just sort of part of me. It’s not as unpleasant as always being in my subconscious, from what I understand.

My biggest concern with telling this to people is the worry I’ll come off as if I’m saying “I hear voices in my head” or something… and while that’s technically true… well… I don’t want to weird people out. With dreams, everyone dreams… but most people don’t have imaginary friends past their teens… and even less can visualize things to such an extent that they get sensory feedback. So I’ve been really cautious about talking about them with others.

Thank you, as well. :heart: :heart:

So… yea… back to the LTLT… I had two medium-long dreams this morning! Insanity! And they were both highly detailed and just wow! No LTLT tasks… despite my brain thinking so in the first… Hopefully this bout of lucidity keeps up as I would like to maybe make good on my year-plus-long endeavor for a tea party!

For reference, the task board can be found here.


When reading your dream I was wondering if the FM of the money asking task will now make it to the backlog. Because that’s definitely what I would do xD

I actually looked at the spoilers

I think “DC interaction“ would make for a great new category with potential for many task ideas. I just had this idea right now. Next to that I have a few simple suggestions that are not on the list yet. When I’m free, I’ll compose a PM and keep adding as ideas pop up.


2021-02-26T06:00:00Z: An Upside Down Walk

Objective: Walk on the ceiling inside any building.

Time to channel your inner spider(man?) and take a trip upside down in your own home… or wherever you happen to be. All you have to do is walk on the ceiling inside a building. Maybe try walking up the wall, first?

For reference, the task board can be found here.


I love this idea!

And goodness @Cornelia_Xaos

You’re after my heart on this one. I found out about lucid dreaming through a YA novel in which a character was a lucid dreamer. In the book it was mentioned that he used to have trouble walking through walls and solid objects in dreams and I apparently took that to heart because it’s often given me a challenge haha. My solution to spite the fact that I had trouble going through walls was to walk up the walls onto the ceiling instead, which I think is arguably more fun anyhow.

For reference, the task board can be found here.


I did a Leap Of Faith and earned some points :biggrin:

The LD wasn’t very long, but I think it was a little over 2 minutes. So I’d like 2 points for that. And I grew arms again, which should be worth 4 points. So in total I would like to ask for 6 points, please :smiley:

So I grew arms again, although I actually really like to have a slice of pizza still. The reason is because I got this idea that I can just look at my arms and be transformed already instead of doing a dedicated transformation sequence as an alternative approach to reaching my personal goal. And while I’m looking at a pair of hands anyway, why not grow another one and look at two? :mrgreen:

For reference, the task board can be found here.

Interesting… I’ve never had trouble with going through walls so the idea of walking on the ceiling seemed really fascinating and fun to attempt… interesting to find someone with the opposite problem!

You’re gonna turn the tasks into Reality Checks so you can get all the points, eh? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve updated the task board and awarded you points, @Marvin. Congrats on your LDs! :grinning:

For reference, the task board can be found here.


I did some Improvised Acrobatics last night and humbly want to claim, umm, say 2 points for lucidity length. I also tried to eat pizza but it’s like it wasn’t really there as I held and ate it, so I consider the task a failure. So no task points for that night.

For reference, the task board can be found here.


Ooh… so close, @Marvin… you’ll get that slice next time! I’ll go ahead and add your points for the dream itself, though. (Some of those fragments seem pretty interesting!)

For reference, the task board can be found here.

2021-03-12T06:00:00Z : Earthbending

Objective: Do a little Earthbending.

So… I may have been watching a little too much Avatar lately, and a lot of the various elemental bending types may have found their way into the backlog of task. (Spoilers!) But… well… yea… this fortnight’s worth of tasks is to do a bit of Earthbending. Make some earth move… with your mind! Note that this does not include any of the specialized earthbending techniques (like metal or sand bending). So go channel your inner Beifong and move some rocks!

For reference, the task board can be found here.

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Also… this morning I had two LDs! They were both kinda medium-short and no tasks so only 2 points for me… Also… it’s a very big coincidence that the latest task ended up being earthbending and I did that in this morning’s lucid… no points, though. :stuck_out_tongue:

For reference, the task board can be found here.


Had a medium length MILD I can claim for points, no pizza yet though, and

I'm still not sure if I want to open a dedicated DJ on here or not.

 March 12, 2021
On a bus, on a trip. I’m sitting in a busy space. There are musicians on the bus, a jazz group I think, with a trombone and a pianist and perhaps a percussionist.
They have their instruments and a space set up at the back of the bus where they’re playing.

[[Recall Gap]]

The group stands outside several closed doors in a room. Behind every door is something spooky, apparently. From where I stand, I can’t see in when someone opens a door. I’m told behind one door is a darkness with a creepy figure standing in the distance. This upsets everyone who opens the door, but I don’t think there’s really much to be afraid of.

Suddenly, I realize, this is a dream! Yes! My MILD induction! I’m supposed to meet Carol and STEVE for pizza!
I walk down a set of stairs to another space. The room is long, with booths and tables on either side of a single aisle. There are several square windows along the wall and DCs in formal attire. The colors of the carpet and walls are rich red tones, perhaps with gold accents along the wooden décor.
I feel the room bounce a little. Ah- this is my train of thought! It’s been so long since I’ve been here. I smile.

I go through a door on my left to another train car. This room looks like a lounge and bar a fancy hotel would have. Not the atmosphere for a pizza party, it’s kinda…posh. The DCs in the room are all well dressed and the room is quiet.

I quietly walk across the red plush carpet to a set of stairs on the far end of the train car. The DCs seem to watch me, I feel a little out of place like I’m not dressed for the occasion.

I walk up one flight of stairs to a landing that makes a right turn to another flight of stairs. At the top I look back down the stairs and find myself looking down the stairs to the basement in the house I grew up.


I head to the back door and slide it open to go outside. It’s dark out, and I’m surprised to notice a little bit of a chill in the air. The yellow glow of fireflies flicker over the field. I’ve never witnessed fireflies in such chilly weather, I find it charming. In the distance off to the right, I notice fireworks lighting up the sky. The distant booms echo on the mountains.

My mom, who is inside the house, tries to call and distract me. I pinch my nose and inhale, a gentle reminder that I’m still dreaming. I dismiss her.
I jump up to the roof and take a seat. This is pretty…but wait! The pizza party. Carol. STEVE.
Maybe they don’t know I’m trying to meet them? Maybe they can’t hear me?

I hop down to stand on the railing that circles the porch. “Carol! STEVE! (I’m here! I wanted to meet with you!)”

Two DCs approach from the side yard as if they had been walking up the driveway then decided to cut through the grass to make it a shorter walk.

One jogs at a steady pace and bounces over to me, (STEVE!). Her smile is genuine. We’re on the same scale tonight.
The second approaches more composed with a gentle smile on her lips. (Ah, Carol.)
STEVE holds my left forearm and I wrap my free arm around Carol.
We float into the air together. I look down at the world below. It’s brighter outside now, perhaps the sun has risen? I watch the field and the road and the hills pass under us. Well, there’s no pizza, but I can still ask my questions now that everyone is here.

“(So, uh, Carol…) What do you think about me sharing my dreams (and my comic! -with my sister, and my dream journal, online)?”
She responds as if she’s just now considering it for the first time “(Hmm…)That’s a tough one, sweetheart. I know you asked me to think about it [via dream incubation]…but, I forgot.”

She didn’t forget.
Not the response I was expecting from her.

[[She’s giving me sass for trying to put the hard considerations of the decision on her instead of thinking about it on my own for myself in WL. I should know me better.]]

(Ah…well…)I consider asking her if she has a pen, the current dream treasure hunt item, but dismiss idea because the mood isn’t right for it.

STEVE has held onto my arm. She’s been quiet tonight. I turn my attention to her, fondly. “(Hey- STEVE!) What do you think of the comic?”
She just giggles.
I guess that’s approval?

Conversations are over for tonight it seems. It’s nice to be with both of them in this dream. I’ve been focusing on floating and reflecting on the conversation that I almost don’t notice Carol and STEVE interacting with each other.

Carol holds STEVE around her waist as if she’s dipping her in a dance. They hang in the air together. Then, they kiss each other, sweetly, on the lips.
I’m surprised, considering Carol’s usual tough love, but they somehow seemed enamored with each other in a platonic emotional way. Almost seemed like they have kind of dismissed or forgot about me for each other’s presence. I’m surprised to see Carol actually show her fondness for STEVE.


For reference, the task board can be found here.


I’m wondering if you are following the general advice of giving your dreams titles. With the lovely one you just posted, I noticed there is none. Or is the spoiler summary the title? :smiley:

For reference, the task board can be found here.


That’s a lovely dream, @Splash. I hope you get to have pizza with them soon. :slightly_smiling_face: I’ve recorded your dream on the task board.

For reference, the task board can be found here.

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You know, I actually rarely title my dreams, or only in hindsight or when I add them to my own master list of dreams. Usually only the really prominent emotionally significant dreams get titles, or nicknames. I do have a few “eras” or “arcs” in my dreams that have an overall title, though.

Is there a philosophy behind titling dreams?

@Marvin and I will get our pizza soon enough! :pizza: We can do this :lol:
for reference, the task board can be found here.


I think it was even from LaBerge that I heard this piece of advice. The philosophy is to a attach greater significance to your dreams and really think about what they mean to you. This way your recall will improve and the fact that journaling works is indicative that titling as part of your devotion to dreaming should also be effective. It’s also a sort of automatic dream analysis, which is also a core discipline in his works.

I’m a bit suspicious about how much it actually does. In my paper DJ I don’t give titles, except sometimes an opening remark that defines the general theme of the dream. But in my LD4all one I always think carefully about the name these days. But that’s only in hindsight so I may be doing it wrong :rofl:

For reference, the task board can be found here.

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hi guys! I was able to have a lucid dream this morning and in it i completed the eating pizza task ^^

Here’s the link to the dream, it felt sort of average in length, although im not entirely sure how to measure that- would it be two or three minutes, about?
