Long-Term Lucid Tasklist!

And I’m back with another short one!
It seems like I’m hitting one of my lucid streaks! Recently, as part of my MILD practice, I decided to write “realize I’m dreaming” on my current to-do list (you know, right under grocery shopping and right above doing laundry) and I guess I’m a stickler enough for getting stuff on my list done that it’s having an effect.

for reference, the task board can be found here.


Congrats on the streak, @Splash! I also had a lucid this morning. I kinda really wanted to go to Equestria again last night… and I guess I autosuggested it into happening. I would say the dream probably qualifies as a medium-short one. :smile: I’ll update both our points.

For reference, the task board can be found here.


A medium-short WBTB+MILD for me this morning! The frequency of my LDs and recall has been up lately :partying_face:


Congrats on the Medium-Short lucid! I’ve been on a bit of dry spell myself, but I’m glad one of us is having lucids. :smile: I’ll update your column on the task board. :slightly_smiling_face:

For reference, the task board can be found here.

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2021-05-21T05:00:00Z: Become a Dragon!

Objective: Shapeshift into a Dragon!

Alrighty, time for another shapeshifting task… and this one is a doozy! All you have to do is turn into any dragon you’d like! Metallic, chromatic, western, eastern… I’ll even accept Wyverns! (Even though the Monster Manual says they’re not technically dragons. :stuck_out_tongue: ) So grow a tail, some wings, whiskers, or whatever and do dragon-y things! Like breathing fire and terrorizing villages! :dragon:

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Lots of great tasks to choose from, but I’m still trying to get my pizza :lol:
My sleep schedule has been a little wonky (trying to get up an hour earlier to beat the heat at work) so my recall has been a little spotty, but did manage a medium short lucid this morning.

For reference, the task board can be found here.

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Interesting dream, @Splash! I’ve gone ahead and recorded your points on the task board. :slightly_smiling_face: And yea… lots of tasks… I’ve been fighting a major dry-spell myself…

For reference, the task board can be found here.

Yes, so many tasks, but at the same time so little lucidity :wallhit: But my intention for the next LD is set. My tactic is to incorporate a task from the LTLT into my own personal target. That way it’s not replacing my personal agenda, it’s augmenting it and helping me to achieve it. Let’s see how well that works in my next LD :tongue:

For reference, the task board can be found here.

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I Forgot Something Important so I couldn’t complete the skydiving task as planned. Although there was clearly the feeling of falling :shy: Anyway, I only came here to claim a single point for lucidity, and you may even say I only do it out of spite of my bad luck :lol: That dream was cut way too short again.

For reference, the task board can be found here.


Updating the boards. I didn’t realize the Skydiving task was the one you were going for in that dream! I can’t wait for you to get it… I wanna read how you decide to land. :stuck_out_tongue:

For reference, the task board can be found here.

To be honest I’m not so occupied with the landing, I’m more looking forward to enjoying the free fall and the view :tongue: But if I have to land then I’m set on how that should look like!

For reference, the task board can be found here.


I’m pretty sure I have @Marvin to thank for this lucid (seeing and reading his gave my subconscious a boot or something)… I had another medium-short LD this morning… and I did “An Upside Down Walk” task! Finally some traction… it’s been, like, 2+ weeks since my last lucid… I sure hope it’s not another two weeks before my next!

For reference, the task board can be found here


I think you’re giving me too much credit, but I’m always glad to be of assistance :lol:

Congratulations on achieving the task! I enjoyed reading the dream(s) of your last post. The lively description makes it easy to imagine what you were experiencing. I always imagined I would walk up the wall and eventually the ceiling for this task, but some jump-flip-combo seems a lot more approachable actually :stuck_out_tongue:

For reference, the task board can be found here


2021-06-04T05:00:00Z: Off World

Objective: Visit another planet!

Alright, spacefarers, time for another trip to the cosmos… All you have to do is visit a different planet than Earth. It could be a real one from our own solar system or something completely random pulled straight from you subconscious! As long as you certain it’s not the one we currently call home it’ll count! When you get to your destination, be sure to look around and take in the local sights. Flora and fauna, for sure, but also look at the sky! How many suns? Moons? Rings?! Your imagination is the limit!

For reference, the task board can be found here.


Had a short lucid dream this morning and I did “an upside down walk” too! It was in the front of my mind from reading @Cornelia_Xaos’s journal and @Marvin’s response. I actually did believe in the dream that the jump-flip combo would be easier than walking up the wall, but walked up anyway :lol:

For reference, the task board can be found here.


Congrats, @Splash! So glad to see someone else do a task. :smile: I’ll log your dream on the task board right away. :grinning:

I also have a short lucid to report… It’s not much, but it was spontaneous and something so… Yea… :slightly_smiling_face:

For reference, the task board can be found here.


I spontaneously became lucid during some Sport Activities this morning :smiley: For the duration I think it warrants 2 points. Unfortunately I didn’t do a task or anything else that would be significant for ld4all.

For reference, the task board can be found here.

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I’ve been enjoying reading everyone’s journals lately!

Happy to report a long lucid for me! When I read the recording the plot doesn’t seem that long, but I swear it did feel like quite a length of time (it was my last sleep cycle and I was lucid from about the start, to my recall); awareness was a little low and recall is a bit fuzzy is all :lol:
I’m a bit disappointed in myself for not giving the magic crayon a go, but it it’s not already something in the task list pool, drawing something to life would be a fun objective!

For reference, the task board can be found here.

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Congratulations on the lucid. Now who’s going for "all the points“ :lol: Lucid and the treasure in the same dream.

It did read like a long time to me actually :yes:

YES! When I read about the crayons I was so curious what you’re going to do with them. And then nothing happened. Well, let’s say we are all hyped up for their next appearance then ^^

Yes, @Cornelia_Xaos please add it!

For reference, the task board can be found here.

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Congratulations, both of you, for your lucids! I’ll update the task board right away… as well as add the crayon task to the backlog of future tasks… though I need to figure out what category it will be. :stuck_out_tongue:

For reference, the task board can be found here.

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