I’ll post my results bright and early tomorrow. I’m pretty confident after my experience napping the other day. It’s never been so easy for me to stay alert while falling asleep.
My daughter finished school so it will be a bit harder for me to get LD’s but I will try again. Once I do I will look. WE should all wear a red hat or something crazy to catch each others attention.
If the amusment park/ferris wheel does not work in a few days we should change to a forest or desert…
Phi_guy is right the location must be a forest or somewhere peaceful!
I agree… somewhere quiet and not so crowded and distracting.
Yes, perhaps a beach on an island with access to trees and a peaceful sunset just where it gets from bright white yellow to bright yellow-orange, still vibrant and warm and purifying,
fruit smoothies and drinks and birds chirping, and dolphins!
I’m all for fruit smoothies.
Sounds good. I’m currently tinkering with a slightly new technique. If I have the ability to get it to work, I should be having an LD in a night or two. Maybe tonight if I start preparing now.
i certainly had an occurence last night but it was while i was sleeping ,
i went to bed at 6 am and shortly thereafter i was strongly linked to zaret and felt like i was in the atmosphere of this dream we are working upon, and noticed i did not like the amusement park setting
namely because our conceptions and dreams of these parks must be different, for me there is not an issue of crowds it is where i explore my subconscious and the wild things it can come up with
I have not been lucid for the past 3 days BUT I have been dreaming like crazy, I recall about 4 different dreams all after 7 am this morning, and sure had many more before that.
All of them in crowded settings. I’m going to start working on the morning to build a dream journal, as I want to improve my dream recall.
I have been trying to connect with Presence of Light lately, but have problem identifying him in my dreams.
btw, if anyone chose an alligator pm me…
I foun this photo on my hubbys work, maybe something to get inspired…
no idea how to post pics here…
i also dreamed of alligators ,
not of our location though, all my lucidity was for exploring my NDs and then doing my usual lucid activities
a few times in an LD i’ve said “any lucid dreamers come here” and talked to them, maybe we should try this approach, except “anyone from ld4all come here !”
I, once again, didn’t recall any of my dreams. : /
Hopefully I won’t be woken suddenly in the morning.
you should set up your sleep so that you find yourself awake in bed wondering about lucidity in the morning, sleep in , then work on WILD and MILD ,
if you use an alarm then you need to get enough sleep so that you are naturally awake with 2-3 hours to work on lucidity in the morning before the alarm goes off.
i don’t like alarms unless used to induce lucidity on purpose.
Elephant anyone? weird thing it was kind of a picture that looked like an elephant but there was a monkey/gorilla hidden in the elephant trunk… just weird
I dreamt of n elephant at 5 june , lol.
He had some fun at a huge water slide.
Did somebody came on a broken bridge during the sunrise because I have met 3 shadow-characters there that were pretty out of my usual dream line.
Well, I shouted out in my dream last night at some girl who was picking herbs out of my garden in the woods! Her name was Ebil, and she has a sister Elfe. Her hair was dirty blonde… long and curly… and I think there’s someone on this forum with “Ebil” in their name. I’ll have to ask them.
So, there is an Ebil on this forum… but they seem to be male.
we need to collectively describe blonde/brown as something other than dirty, because some of our words simply do not have innocent origins, i sense this being one of them !
i keep getting impressions of lizards, but have not worked upon this SD while lucid ,
i am very absorbed within the plots of my dreams, usually 25 - 75% lucid, then i will have a re-entry and be fully lucid, but still enjoy the plotline, unless i get a deliberate goal in my mind before dreaming, or sometimes during dreaming (like a time i went to go ride this roller coaster i loved, and was lucid for quite the while)
Dishwater blonde? Ash blonde? I have very, very light blonde hair… so how about dark blonde hair?
I’m going to meditate a little before bed… my mind is just jumbled, and clearing my mind before setting my intention will probably do me worlds of good.