Looking for someone to share dreams. (Looking)

You should not be disappointed because of that. In the dreams, everyone looks as he/she wants to. For example, even if I am also a male, if you are going to meet me in a dream you would also see me as a girl because I like the way she looks like and I permanently copyied her body shape in my dreamworld. :wiske:

Dryalantha, I posted the elephant information fast as I was running out the door. My elephant was in a puzzle or picture that was given to me while waiting at a line to go in a water park. (but I never got in the park as I woke up), this was a ND not LD

In other news…

Yay, I became lucid this morning, weird thing is that I was in school talking with an old friend, when she ask me something and I replied “u know this is a dream cause we finish school like 10 years ago” she looked at me like shock and I invited her and some other girls to fly. We had a blast but after a while remember I had to look for my ld4all friends so I decided to look around for a ferris wheel and see if I have any luck there before searching into the forest. I saw a Huge Ferris wheel from far away while flying so I went there, Once I arrived I started to look around, no body in the ferris but a small group in a kiosk next to it, while I was approaching the group 2 males where talking about me possibily being Zaret but when I said Hi and was ready to talk to them everything became dark and realized I was back in the bed. grrr

I became lucid within the first hour of going to sleep last night… but it became a nightmare almost instantly. Everything went black, and very thick so I could hardly move. I tried to call out, but I wouldn’t make any sound, and I heard voices echoing in my face, and right next to me. I kept trying to wake myself up, but I couldn’t… until I managed to make my waking body say something outloud. I’ve never had a lucid nightmare before. I’ll try again tonight, hopefully without nightmares.

Moogle had me edit the title a bit… but we’re still on the mission I hope.

I apologize. RL events have recently come up that leave me unable to give sufficient attention to this project.

I hope I may join this project? :grin:
Every night I have at least 3-4 dreams so there is a lot chance you can meet me…or dreamsigns or whatever… :tongue: (here it is GMT+1)

Sure you can. : )

That’s okay, life happens. Hope everything is alright! Feel free to come back if you get the chance.

Last night I’ve met a chinese/japanese girl who was in danger, she was bleeding and people were teasing her. :eek: (ND)
In another ND I was watching art video’s a girl have made… I can’t remember how she looks like, but I was watching her video’s at some exposition. The last video was about animal abuse.
Does this sounds familiar to anyone?

That’s all, in my other dreams I’ve met people I know IRL too, so. :smile:

I tried sleeping with a little bag of gems under my pillow, and had very vivid dreams. Though it may have been caused by a few different things.

In one part I was in tropical water, amusing some people… I would take water, throw it into the air… and then using ‘energy’ I kept the water floating in the air, and would form little silvery, opal-like dolphins with it, and guide them back into the water. I’ve been having dreams where I use energy to do things like that since I was little, it’s a little upsetting when I wake up and find that I don’t have that ability while awake.

I know how it feels. I also have some abilities in the dreams like kinetic movement, fire starter, rain and wind (sometimes storms or even uragans) starter and my favourite, the light used in any of it’s forms. IRL, I sometimes wish I could have some of these abilities, although I may say that sometimes the rain IRL fells like is kind of connected to my feelings and beliefs :happy:
Last night I met another strange DC. It was a dog, and I was trying to keep him from reaching some kind of food (I believe it was a pizza or some kind of speciality) and, at a point, he stopped and shouted that he wasn’t even trying to get that food. Then he turn in some wolf-man and we had a little talk. I remember he was upset I did not tell him from the beggining I was lucid, he thought I had a ND and that’s why he didn’t talk in first place. Too bad I forgot to ask his name.

Also, I found a pretty interesting idea for a place to meet in my dream last night. In the dream I was photographing it… it’s in the middle of a vast body of water, sky blue water perfectly clear… the water is very very shallow. In the middle, there’s a tree… not very big… with dark bark and no leaves. And the sky is as perfectly blue as the water… so it’s hard to tell if there’s a horizon. What do you think? I’ll draw up a picture if it sounds good.

yellow sandwiches?

Presence of Light, I think I found you! I told you my password… I don’t remember if you told me yours though. I’ll update my journal later.

was your password was yellow sandwiches ?

Hahaha. Nope.

May I join this project? :woo:

(Or is there too many people? :eh: )

Sure you can. I’m not sure how many people is too much… I’ll put a limit of about 7 or 8 for now. I just don’t want to be too overwhelmed with people, I’m much better with small groups.

I’ve been sleeping with crystals under my pillow for the last three nights… and I’ve had two lucid dreams these past two nights. I didn’t think it would have such an effect. I also seem to be more aware in normal dreams… such as using energy to manipulate the water, and last night I was looking in a mirror, and changed my appearance by slowly moving my hand over my face.

  1. Thanks for letting me join! :content:
  2. I’m going to sleep with a crystal under my pillow tonight.
  3. I’m also going to try WILD tonight.

Laughing Crow, which crystals do you use? I use sodalite since last night, for my 3rd eye chakra and I had a LD last night…I wonder if it keeps working. :grin: