I also did the task and had two more LD’s the last few days
I will translate my dreams asap!
So how many LD’s and OOBE’s you had in total Amaryllis?
3 LD’s and 2 OBE’s (I think)
but I’m confused myself with all the dates because the forum was down for a while and I also slept at day sometimes… so my whole dream rhythm is mixed up now lol
No LD’s to report, and no ND’s involving water either
I’m so glad to see everyone doing so well! Great dreams
Total points!
Amaryllis: +35 (completed the task) +10 (bonus) + 50 (3 LD’s) + 20 (2 OOBE’s) *sigh * = 115
Shadow dreamer: +35 (completed the task) +10 (bonus) + 30 (LD) = 75
Rkr7: +35 (completed the task) +10 (bonus) + 30 (LD) = 75
Alissa: +35 (completed the task) +10 (bonus) +30 (LD) = 75
Cauli: +20 (nothing appears) +10 (bonus) +30(LD) +15 (OOBE) = 75
Legendary dreamer: +10 (remembering the task) +10 (bonus) +50 (LD’s)= 70
Q: +10(remembering the task) +10 (bonus) +30 (LD) = 50
Download: +30 (LD) = 30
There was water in my last ND. At least I’m breaking the habit of destroying my DR!
TASK 2 - Change your personal history.
With this task you have to try to visit your past (this life) and change something… it could be anything: a conversation, the place where you live, friends or family , it doesn’t matter! It also doesn’t matter how you enter your past, through a door, a DC brings you or you fly…you pick! But… the difficulty here is that you have to know for sure it’s your -real- past and nothing… surreal. You also have to travel to the present again, to see how much have been changed. (And you have to be sure it’s the present cuz the future is the bonus )
You remember the task but you can’t travel to your past: +10
Or/and you are in the past but you forget to change something: +10
You travel to the past, change something but don’t find a way to go back to the present: +20
You travel to the past, change something and go back to the present - but the present is not changed: +25
You travel to the past, change something, go back to the present and it is changed (and you can describe what have been changed): +35
Bonus: +10 if you did the task before Wednesday, 26 Aug, at 18.00 GMT.
Bonus 2: You have been in 1. the past, 2. the present (task completed) and 3. went to the future too: +10
Extra bonus: Since nobody have seen the white rabbit in Amaryllis’ task… you can earn +15 points if you dream about it. (ND, LD, with our without task.)
LD: +30 (and +10 for the next ones in the same period, if you were awake in between)
OOBE: +30 for this time only! (and +5 for the next ones)
Good luck everyone!
You can’t earn extra task points once you have completed the task Shadow dreamer. But you can earn extra points with LD’s, OOBE’s and extra bonuses.
I forgot to post my progress here! I thought I did.
Over the break I did have a few lucid dreams (3 I believe) in which two of them I considered the task.
I was just saying I stopped destroying my recall, so hopefully I’ll do this task and REMEMBER it!
woohoo! extra OBE points
I really want to leave the house for once!
This sounds like a really interesting task! I’m looking forward to it!
I also did it
(I’m competitive as well Q! )
Longest LD of my life (so far)! I was busy all morning writing everything down… it took me a while!
Coudn’t get lucid, my vacations are over and routine is starting to stress me.
I did it! Second LD this week!
shadow dreamer. Will you put a link to your DJ in your sig (I’m lazy )
or link to it in your post saying you did it, will help too
Yes a link please, cuz this forum is too huge to search in all those DJ’s…
If you want your points… hehe…
1 OBE and 1 FA LD. I had set my mind to the task, however my mind was so immersed in a hypnagogic imagery that I had created my own task, which is to fly under a dark, starry night sky. Even though I didn’t really accomplish this LD-Challenge task, the settings were absolutely beautiful.
EDIT: Holy shit! I believe I JUST earned myself SIXTY POINTS!!! I’m ecstatic xD
Also, Dryalantha, I am currently in the middle of journaling the dreams. It’s probably going to take me quite a while before I can post it
EDIT 2: Quote from DJ:
[spoiler]Wednesday, August 26th 2009 - 3 new lucid dreams (1 OBE + 1 FA LD + 1 HI)
My first OBE worth journaling, a lucid dream false awakening so vivid I just can’t help but journal it, and a hypnagogic imagery that was so fun and vivid I just felt like I could WILD into it any second.
Five stars again and favorited, because it was so vivid. This wasn’t really a lucidity session, as I had brief periods of awakening between them.
First, a bit of background information: Every night, when I go to bed to sleep, I put some music on to help reduce hallucinations. Tonight I listened to “Trail of Broken Hearts”. I believe that is what got my mind so immersed and inspired some of these LDs.
“Here we are, far beyond the distant sky
Seen all the world, and how the story will be over
Through the snow, and tainted mountains we have climbed
Now we have found the light that guides us over…”
Dream #1: The Mind-Immersing Hypnagogic Imagery - Lucid: YES - Type: Vivid HI
Lucid Dream #45 - Hypnagogic Imagery #1
So here we go into #1: the mind-immersing hypnagogic imagery.
I listen to Trail of Broken Hearts, and that seems to get my mind so calm that it feels like I could do a WILD any second now. The hypnagogic imagery was so vivid that I could already feel myself immersed in it.
In the hypnagogic imagery, it was Christmas Eve down over at the North Pole. Me and Sonic the Hedgehog started running together and eventually we flew, seeing all the lights from the cities and towns down below us.
It was just starting to get dark out. We were approaching a thunder-storm cloud. I could actually move around in the sky and feel myself moving. I was just ecstatic.
It was snowing, when we approached the thunderstorm cloud.
I was laughing to myself out of joy.
“Fly away, down the lonely roads of yesterday
Close your eyes to see the light of brighter days
And all alone we’ll be where time can never heal,
With the trail of broken hearts, flying free!
…A trail of broken hearts, flying free…”
Dream #2: Symbolic Clouds - Lucid: YES - Type: OBE
Lucid Dream #46 - OOBE #1
I’m in my physical body, doing the WILD method, and I just slowly feel myself some SP slowly coming up into my body. I feel my soul exit my body, and into the non-physical dream-version of my bedroom. I look outside; it is night time. I open my window and I see a whole bunch of sepia-brown clouds in very symbolic shapes. I knew the clouds have meaning, but I kindly asked my SC (sub-conscious) to clear them out since my goal was to fly across the starry night sky. The clouds took the form of sea-shells. After that, I watched the clouds silently explode, scatter, come together, and then disappear. Very surreal.
A few stars appeared in the sky and on the horizon. I then tried flying, but to almost no success. I think I know what I’m doing wrong. I need to focus more on letting it happen, and less on the intention to make it happen.
- jump -
I’m at a store. It looks like some sort of computer store. There the manager is talking with the store owner/clerk. He’s at the table with me, talking about setting up a wireless server for his store. “Well, I’m going to have to argue with Windows Vista in order to get the server going,” he says. I was about to make a silly remark (“Why don’t you use Windows 98 or 99 (meant 2000)? It’ll work much better.”), but I decided not to, since it seemed rude just to but in.
Dream #3: The Aurora of My Mind - Lucid: YES - Type: DILD
It was another false awakening. In this false awakening dream, I immediately knew it was a false awakening due to another reality check (you should know which one I just did by now ). I checked outside, and it was daytime, again, cloudy. Outside. I kindly asked to clear them out again, and they were gone. Beautiful, fluffy white clouds broke up and each were absorbed into one, and slowly disappeared. I then asked it to turn into night.
SC: You don’t need full control, do you?
Me: Well, not really. As long as there’s something to journal, I’m fine.
It then turned into evening time, as I watched the sun suddenly come over us very fast. It was beautiful, but blindingly bright. I looked over at the house to my right, and the sun was just barely over the house, slowly going down.
I turned back to where I had originally been facing, and I noticed the road suddenly dip into a huge pond. I walked towards it. I turned back, and noticed suddenly that dead trees appeared right in the middle of the road. There were pieces of the road scattered all over. An absolutely amazing sight. I walked right back towards the pond. I first attempted to fly, and I made a running jump, with success, but right as I get into the air I land right in the pond. The water is very cool, but refreshing. I then wake up, with a smile on my face.[/spoiler]
It’s 18.00 so I’ll count all the points together.
Please, next time be sure you have posted the link to your DJ! Cuz if I have to search in all the DJ’s it costs me more work to search then create the tasks…