Lucid Dream Powers you have achieved - Part II

oh yeah,just rememberd one…

once I had the ability to make myself realy small.I did this for a quest(resize yourself quest,if anyone remembers)and I made it :happy: :cool: :content: :happy:,but what stinks is that they said id get my wings but when I post I dont see wings :sad: :cry: anyone know why?

I PMed Q because you were supposed to get them ^^ :sandra:

oh,hehe,now I see the wings.a few days ago they wernt there now they are :eh: :neutral: :confused: oh and I remembered ANOTHER one…

flying through walls.did this once.i suppose if i can fly through walls i can walk through to…

I can

  1. Fly
  2. Have sex (all the time, doesnt make me wake up. thoguh it isnt as fun as the real life sex, or I would think. im a virgie)
  3. Make fire/lightning balls
  4. Make people give me blowjobs :wink:

Ripping veins from people’s bodies is fun.

I guess that’s just a form of telekinesis. :content:

once i grew an extra foot but i woke up .5 sec after i acheaved it
all i could tell was that the foot was webbed :crazy:

This one i find interesting, do you actually start pulling incredible moves? or do you just become more flexible, stronger, confident and do the moves that you can imagine? (for example you imagine being able to do a move i dont know the name of where you side kick an enemies head then swipe back the foot the other way knocking them to the ground.

…Oh right powers… hmmm, just telekinesis, pyrokinesis, time manipulation (for some reason in a ND i had a sword that when i swung it would slow down time) and universal construction (my fancy name for summoning)

My list

  1. Creating Fire
  2. Creating Water
  3. Creating DC
  4. Flying
  5. Going trough walls. (Well, roof actually)
  6. Super strength

Those are some I remember really well.

Woohoo, lets add a new one to the list, the use of Stargate ring platforms.

Still, a loooot of kinks to work out of the system as i didnt summon what i wanted, but on the bright side summoning things with rings (yes the accompanying cool sound also played as they whooshed down) is so much cooler than just summoning them from nothing, because as we know those things and anything else made from Naquada are awesome.

all i’ve done is

  1. controlled my pet ebil black panther
  2. changed the scenery to suit my needs
  3. planned attacks and taken over countries
  4. going invisible
    and thats all :cool:

My powers are
1 Flying
2 Teleporting
3 Changing things (for expample clothes)
4 Morphing
5 Moving with time
6 Create new thing

When I need to have things within a scenario I can generally produce them. I can fly. I can dance in a ballroom styley. (Don’t ask :eek: ) I can beat the living crap out of anyone I need to. I can resize things and I know how to ride a Motorbike. I can also change round the rooms in a house if I don’t like the layout.

The last one gets the most frequent usage. :happy:

Another power i learned only just last night was to be able to move extremely quickly. There was a group of people called Blinks that fought by attacking at incredible speeds. They unintentionally taught me how to move quickly :content:

I know that in lucid dreams you can do pretty much anything, and one of my favorite things to do in lucid dreams is to have powers. Some I’ve used are to confuse people, transform me or others, and of course flying :smile: . I want to know some of the powers that you guys do in your lucid dreams, and if you have any suggestions that would be fun. Thanks.
The Luciddator

Being god…

But seriously throwing fireballs, jumping through walls, being in wars, teleporting…You can do whatever you want, its so fun lol :content:

i like weilding a blade that only works for me. having magic such as blizzard, thunder, fire, using them all to win a war greater than life. so much greater that it meens pure peace is waiting after it.

anyway, cool topic


Wars are fun. No swords for me though; my epic battles typically involve guns. Lots and lots of guns. Wouldn’t call it an LD power, but I can mow down a ton of people with the right hand-held gatling gun. Blocking bullets, now that’s a nice power. I’ve done that one or twice.

Flying’s the big power everyone seems to try. Doesn’t work for me a lot of the time, but it’s definitely worth trying, cause it’s awesome when it works. Way better than a theme park.

Pure telekenisis, Changing any state of matter, moving matter.

Ever been in WW2? :razz:
I am trying to become a support gunner during the second world war, hehe…
I think that will be enough action for one night :cool: Tell me about one of your god o’ war stories :wink:

I’m positive there used to be a huge thread on this somewhere in the forum. Maybe the mods can help you out. There were all sorts of ideas in there.

Alternatively, I’ve got a (bit of an outdated) link to “Magic in Dreams” in my signature that you could have a look at for ideas, although it wasn’t for lucid dreams in particular.

Thanks guy, I love the suggestions! I like to sometimes just go Grand Theft Auto on a city sometimes, but still, keep the powers coming!
The Luciddator