What are your magical powers?
I can
*Go through windows and glass (one of my standard flying points is my kitchen window, in fact most of my LDs involve the kitchen window and flying out of it.
*Shoot lighting from my fingers with extreme concentration
*Explode into the sky with my feet (haven’t tried that except for once)
*Kill by clapping my hands (Much like Jesus did in the Infancy Gospel of Thomas, though the historic accuracy of that is disputable)
I got others but these are the only ones I could think of.
I attained the “”“ability”"" to create multiple copys of myself which i can control …
(Oh no! The Grilled Cheese Sandwich was a Mimic!)
Becoming an absolute god would be my greatest lucid dream power of all, albeit not really my favorite thing to do. Quite frankly it’s a very awkward experience.
I’d say my favorite dream power though would be to make silly objects do useful things… like the Hand-Buzzer of Warp! ^^
Or the Cheese Wheel of Persuasion!
Or the Ever-Filling Glass of Water… which I made because I was bored and thought it’d be funny to splash water in one really mean dream character’s face. I’ve never used that dream object since…
Sure, I can shoot energy beams, make Shadow clones, set things on fire, summon dragons, morph the landscape and manipulate the elements, and summon a plastic foldable chair and some tea while hacking monsters apart–but I like to think it’s the silly-happy things that make a dream really fun
*talk to animals and ask what they represent in my dream
*change animals into some other animal
*fly through windows and walls
*ride a horse without saddle and reinds like i could never do IRL
*have sex :
*into space and see planets and star clusters from nearby
…proabably more but I can’t think of anything remarkable right now…
I have a bit of an interesting thought on this. People seem to gain abilities in their dreams based on what they’d really like to do most at the time. So I’d like to see people post their dream powers in the order they got them. Just a suggestion, of course, I’d love to see what the first powers people attained were (though I’m sure about 75% of them will be flying). I’ll list my powers this way.
Mind control (I believe I was about 7 at the time, and wanted people to do what I said for once).
Incredible strength (Can barely remember this dream at all, because I was about 9 at the time, but I was fighting off a carjacker and halfway through it realized I was dreaming and beat the tar out of him).
Flying (First time I actually consciously tried to have a LD, about 2 years ago).
Control of the elements (fireballs from my hands, lightning from my fingertips, the ability to move water throughout the air as I wish, you name it).
Hmm…after that point I’m not 100% sure what order I gained powers in. I’ll try anyway.
5. Summon small objects (anything bigger than say, a shield just doesn’t work).
6. Telepathy (Discovered this by accident ).
7. Ability to transform into animals (Another accident, turned into a black tiger, and loved being able to run FAST for once! I’m one of those people who always runs like they’re wading through water in dreams).
8. Ability to phase through objects (Just discovered this trying to move through my mirror, have to close my eyes to do it though).
I think that’s about it, at least the major ones anyway. I know there’s a lot of people out there that can control time, which is something I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to do. Yet a lot of people do it on accident right away! That’s why I’m interested in what everyone learned to do first. Let me know.
I have had around four or five lucid dreams now (sometimes you wonder if you were really lucid, but if your are you can usually tell because YOU feel just like you do while awake - almost like a spectator of the world around you). Been on the forum for close to around half a year. It’s come to my attention that some of the things that other people find difficult come naturally to me, and vice versa.
So, I was wondering what ‘dream powers’ other people seem to be naturally good at while lucid? Mine are -
Gliding/hovering (it’s very easy for me to get off the ground, often happens naturally as soon as I become lucid, but it’s very rare for me to get higher than, say, a really tall tree. No space jumps for me!)
Increasing clarity/color of my environment
Conjuring up generic people - a.k.a. random hot girls
Difficulties are -
Conjuring up specific people, like personal friends IRL (very difficult for me! Never done it, and even when my friends come into my dreams naturally they tend to be blurry and to change from one friend to another randomly)
Changing my environment while spinning (though sometimes it changes unexpectantly from me just thinking about a certain place)
Transform myself (never really tried it, but it certainly doesn’t come naturally)
I’d like to hear others so maybe we could get some tips from those who are experts in each ‘department’
Well, basically, it’s whatever you can imagine so there really are no limits to “powers” in a lucid dream.
I’ve had many different things.
Flying is very useful to me and I never had any problem with flying high , I was unaware that many people have this problem until not long ago.
I can manifest specific people, objects, scenarios, pretty much anything.
I don’t change my environment through spinning, I do it by closing my eyes and try to see what I want through them.
Transforming myself is something I haven’t tried so many times. I did it more than once, a few times accidentally and a couple of times with the intent. I have not perfected this ability yet.
Don’t worry about what you’re not able to do. 5 LDs is almost nothing, you’ll get more and more of them, and with experience, your control will get better and better, it’ll start feeling more and more natural.
Once you have a LD routine, you can do dream exercises to improve your control.
In the stage you are in, I would suggest you to enjoy whatever comes along the way
1:Flying, this is my favorite, I fly with help of my mind.
2: Telekinesis (what else ), Ive used TK both to good and evil, I have used it to move objects, like trains etc.
3: Freesing powers, like turning an entire mountain to ice
4: Spawning objects. Do I really need to explain
5: Lightning powers, everything that involves lightnings, from hands to thunders
6: Teleportation. Im not gonna explain this either
-metamorphosing (even though I keep losing control of it, and sometimes turn into ashes for example)
-having full control over DC
-waking up, without lifting the sleep paralysis (very creepy though, It’s like being stuck forever to a dream. And you can’t even see right)
-visit other me’s in other realities
-travel back and forth in time
-looking at me, from a different perspective
-summon DC’s
-yet learning to do other “powers”
I’ve had this abilities since I was a child. The first lucid dream/nightmare I recall was when I was 4 years old. Yet only recently I’ve learned to master these. It’s, pretty tough, though…