This whole forum contains lots of information about lots of practices to become lucid. I guess you’re new to the subject, so first thing you absolutely need is a good dream recall. Some might argue this, but if you can’t remember your dreams, how then would you know you’ve had a lucid dream? I’d say you should at least remember one dream a night. The BIG Remembering Dreams Topic part 2 can be found here (there’s always a link in the first post of that topic, referring to previous parts):
Next, you should start with basic LD induction techniques, such as doing reality checks, WBTB and MILD. Here are the BIG Topics about these practices:
Reality checks (part 2):
WBTB (part 2):
MILD (part 2):
Also check the Newbie Advice Topic, with helpful hints (part 2):
Browse the forum a little and if you need specific information about a specific technique, you could also use the “search” function (all above). Ofcourse you could also ask us if you have a question
Good luck