Lucidity challenge 12

Mm can i join this chalenge ?

whats the next challenge?

Sorry, i was late with this one, so as a result, this one lasts until 6pm Thursday…

Rules that apply to every challenge:

You have a normal dream without ever considering you are dreaming = 0 points
You consider you may be dreaming at least once in the dream, but don’t get lucid = 10 points
You realize you are dreaming, but wake up in under approximately 10 seconds of your realization = 20 points
You realize you are dreaming and have a lucid dream that lasts over approximately 10 seconds = 30 points

Rules that only apply to this challenge:

Jump into a painting = 20 points
If it is a famous painting (must be real) = 15 points
If you can name the painting (must be real) = 15 points
If you somehow change the painting = 10 points
If you paint it yourself = 5 points
If it involves the subject of dreams or sleep = 5 points

Maximum Score = 100 points.

Glad I checked on this topic one last time before going to bed. :smile:

I got 1 Ldthisa morning:
I lie in my bed. I know that in my dreams i often do that. (it s like a FA but I dont wake up I dream I lie in my bed) So i did the nose RC. It worked so I did it again, It worked and I woke up. I dont know but I think it was under 10 seconds.
Then another dream (I dont know I i get points^^):
In the end I had the idea of dreaming. So I prooved it by control: I threwed a weapon on so. It laned in fr. of him on the ground. I tried It again with a concentration and then it worked but the dream ended.
If I get points on 2 dreams I have 30?


Yeah, okay. Multiple dreams give more points.

This leaves the scores at:

  1. hunaynay - 0
  2. mattiasdavis - 30
  3. MorphEus!?!?!?1 - 0
  4. Dreamghost - 30
  5. Shaolink - 0
  6. Magnus - 20
  7. Lil-P - 0
  8. ian1 - 0
  9. BlueAndWhite - 0

Hi, just checking - are the times your giving in GMT… or your time zone?


They are my time zone… Which is GMT.

So, both!

I just ended up late or early both times… But tomorrow will be on time! Hopefully.

Wait, but - your in the same timezone as me, and at the moment were not GMT, we are british summer time, and we are one hour behind GMT.

Well… British time then.

I never could remember which was which…

Lol, so it will be 6pm in my time? 5pm GMT?


Okay, sorry, I was late again…

Rules that apply to every challenge:

You have a normal dream without ever considering you are dreaming = 0 points
You consider you may be dreaming at least once in the dream, but don’t get lucid = 10 points
You realize you are dreaming, but wake up in under approximately 10 seconds of your realization = 20 points
You realize you are dreaming and have a lucid dream that lasts over approximately 10 seconds = 30 points

Rules that only apply to this challenge:

Enter a movie or game = 20 points
If it is a real movie/game and you can name it = 15 points
If you manage to change the storyline somehow = 15 points
If you talk to the characters = 10 points
If you already are one of the main characters = 5 points
If it involves the subject of dreams or the subconscious = 5 points

Maximum Score = 100 points

quick question (I read the rules from the first challenge but I’m not sure), if, for example, tonight I have a LD where I enter a painting, do I still get the points? or is it only ONE current task at anytime?

I dream a lot that I’m in a computer game, lol. so I hope it won’t be that hard! :wink:

I’m not sure about that one… I think Magnus told me about this.

He said it should be allowed. I think.

So go for it.

cool, thanks. :wink:

And I had a small LD this morning, less than 10 seconds. I saw some really strong HI and a few seconds later I was in the dream.

I’m in a field. There are lots of indians here. I look around and see their chief. I lose lucidity and say something to him…

Yeh, magnus says you can do all the challenges, but you dont get 10 bonus points if its not the current task.

I had 2 lucid dremas last night, both less than 10 seconds, is that 40 points? :mrgreen:

I had 3 LD’s last night. :tongue: One was over 10 seconds and the other two, I’m not sure, so I’ll say they were less than 10 seconds.

In one of them I remembered the task and turned on the tv. I woke up before finding a movie to enter… :sad:

I also had a NORMAL dream where I was in the computer game Thief. Not sure if that counts, since it was a ND and I didn’t exactly ENTER the game, I just was there…

Omg mattias… haha, no competition for you really. Lucky! x

No luck for me so far. :sad: