Lucidity Challenge 39: Congratulations, Koharo!

Koharo, graded, with a few creativity points for doing another task while lucid.

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Another short LD, but no tasks :sad: .

Had a very brief nugget of lucidity for the first time in nearly three weeks:

Probably lasted around 30-45 seconds.

HeadInTheClouds, it’s better than nothing!

James, I’m glad to see you LDing again. I was starting to miss your lucid DJ entries. :smile:

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Yay, exciting night!

I had a short lucid dream, then I woke up but I remembered not to open my eyes and managed to slide into a new short lucid dream right after. I did wake up completely after that though.

I don’t think any LC progress was made - only personal growth - but I’ll update with a DJ entry later just to make sure.

EDIT: Journal entry updated here! 2 short LDs, chaining???, no LC progress

Had a WILD this morning, accidentally used a clock as an anchor and 2 minutes in, the whole city was shaking each time the clock ticked. :sad: woke up then. Did nothing interesting.

paual, a chain only counts as one LD for the purposes of the LC. That said, congratulations on the LD!

BrandonBoss, maybe I’m just weird, but I would find the idea of my entire dreamscape rhythmically shaking interesting. Then again, I guess I’m just an LDing amateur. :wink: I would think that it could be used to start off a dream adventure by making an in-dream justification for the shaking — an earthquake, Godzilla stomping, an aerial bombing, or anything else that could rattle such a place.

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I had two really, really low-level lucidity short LD’s. No tasks.

LDbc12, I’ve added the points.

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3 more FLDs
3 more this night :wink:

IkranMakto, it must stink to have so many dreams in which you “know” you are dreaming but never consciously realize what that means. :sad:

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Past two days, got 3 I could definitely call FLD’s others…Yea…
A successful ranger morph, but a task fail since tech wasn’t in mind.

Okay, so I think I got a bunch of points last night.

The first dream was a short LD with no tasks
The second one (Long LD) has a few things:
-I found geekyboy

-So, as I said in the DJ, we couldn’t really see the horizon, but we could see all the colors and we knew it was a sunset. So I’m not sure if you are going to count that or not.

-I found Zellounous

-I flew, but he was unable to.

I hit the jackpot last night! 4 LDs in total :happy: .

Two of them were short, with no tasks. The third was a long LD. It was on the edge of being a FLD. I have a hard time differentiating between the two, but after much thought, I went with my feeling that it was a long LD. If you want more explanation, just let me know.

The final LD of the night was a medium one, with a task involved. I was in Las Vegas, and I had been lucid for a little while. I walked out of the hotel I was in and I started to search for people to accomplish tasks. In particular, I was looking for argon, geekboy, and Yev. There were two guys standing around with their backs to me. I called out for argon, and one of them raised their hand and faced me. I looked at the guy and said “put your hand down. You’re not argon :confused: .” I then called out for geekboy, and both of the guys raised their hands, with the other one now turning to face me. I talked to the guy who claimed to be argon and told him to put his hand down, because if he was lying about being argon, then he also wasn’t geekboy. The other guy was geekboy. Just in case, I grabbed both of them around the shoulders and we all looked up at the starry sky. Well, sort of, as this was just a ceiling painted as such. However, this was not acceptable to me, so I continued to concentrate on the ceiling until it became an actual starry sky. Compared to all the times that I’ve looked at the sky before in dreams, this was the most normal and least spectacular sky I’ve ever seen. It looked like what it’s supposed to look like IRL.

Koharo, that counts as the task, and I’ve given it the appropriate points. I think this message of “intent” is just confusing you, but I"m not sure how else to put it. :confused:

LDbc12, I’ll count it. I can’t believe Zellonous said he couldn’t fly; what a negative Nancy! I’ve thrown 4 creativity points on top of it all, too.

HeadInTheClouds, I’m sorry to hear that the sky wasn’t impressive this time around, although it seems like the dream in general was out to make your life difficult. Awesome that you changed the ceiling into an open sky just with your thoughts, though. :happy: I’d’ve never thought to do that. Take 5 creavitity points for it.

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I wondered if i was dreaming at one point. The dream itself is unfortunately unpostable.

C’mon, Siiw; you need a lot more than five points at a time to catch up! :tongue:

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Thought for a second that I might be dreaming… looked down to do a RC… and that is all I remember. :meh: It was one of the first dreams of the night and I can’t seem to pull anymore up.

I also had a ND that I was flying. I had 5 long dreams last night, which is strange, considering the fact that I didn’t sleep on saturday night. :razz: Almost got lucid in all of them though, so if I can freaking sleep tonight I should get some lucids down and hopefully some more tasks.

SPOILER - Click to view

I am hanging out with some old friends of mine after the mission and we are all seeing who can stay afloat the longest. I jump in the air and miss the ground (like in hitchhikers guide) and then dodge a chair, I stop at a table and run into the side a little. I realize now that I know how to fly in real life, as opposed to in a dream, this will be an awesome skill, why couldn’t I do it before?

IkranMakto, I only just noticed that you edited your last post with more dreams after I scored it, and it went unnoticed because it was on the previous page. Please make a new post to post new content if there has been grading since your original post.

BrandonBoss, just as I said to HeadInTheClouds, I can’t take flying as a PM goal completion unless it’s actually being done for the sake of completing a goal. I’m being extra picky with Task 6 and especially with flying because so many people simply fly as normal dream transportation. Maybe this distinction seems arbitrary, but it’s being done in the interest of fairness. I will, of course, give the “wonder if you’re dreaming” points.

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ok. :smile: no problem.