Lucidity Challenge 39: Congratulations, Koharo!

I had a FLD last night. Do tasks accomplished during a FLD count, or do you have to be lucid?

Yes, HeadInTheClouds, they count. The only distinction I’m making is that Task 6 is “do something to complete one of the PMed goals”, not “do something that happens to be one of those goals”. Again, this is to prevent farming points from flying in particular, but also to avoid losing the actual purpose of the task. I’ve marked the five FLD points, so just post the tasks that were done.

The next post will have the final task.

Scores are updated.

Final Task: Showdown

We’ve finally arrived! It’s week seven of the LC, and it’s time for an epic finale! At this point, you know who you want to out-score to move up in the rankings or to defend your spot, and it’s finally time to put your money where your mouth is!

The following points can be earned once per dream, provided that every fight is different:* Fight/compete with an LC rival or rivals: 50 points for the first fight, and 25 points for each subsequent fight
“Different” fights/competitions aren’t, for example, fisticuffs two dreams in a row but different kicks and punches the second time. A different fight is one built on completely different premises. Perhaps you use fisticuffs one dream, then fire laser beams at each other in space in the next dream, then battle Pokémon next dream, then play dream chess and be the Kings in the next dream… if the premises of the competition change, then the fight counts as new. Note that you can choose an individual LC rival, or choose a group, or even everybody else!

The following points can be earned only once:* Dwell on your experiences from this LC and unleash your inner power: 100 points
It wouldn’t be an LC if there wasn’t some arbitrary, oddly-defined task at some point, and here is the one for this LC. For the “inner power” points, think about your experiences with the LC. Did you have any revelations about dream control? Did having a partner and/or finishing the goals of others cause you to realize the power of friendship? Did you have any revelations about yourself? Can you draw from these realizations to attack your opponent, gain strength, grow or transform into something stronger, etc.? Think of the cheesiest anime or work of fiction you’ve seen or read in which the protagonist lectures the villain about friendship and good morals during the final battle before suddenly kicking butt — THAT is what the task is alluding to.

If you want points for a group incubation, please post an idea in the document within 48 hours (I will allow the extra 50 minutes by which this task was late, but you shouldn’t be delaying that long). Now, go kick some butt, and claim your ranking in the LC!

Just a bit of points… No tasks, but I was close.

Friend Fragments ~ False Lucid Dream
A Short Lucid Game ~ Short Lucid Dream

Dreams so Far:

[spoiler]NLDs: 3
LMs: 1
FLDs: 3
Chains: 5
Short LDs: 9
Medium LDs: 1
Long LDs: 2

Task 1: Part 3, Part 4, EARLY ; Part 1 LUCID ; Group Incubation Attempt LUCID
Task 2: - none -
Task 3: Parts 1 and 2
Task 4: Part 1, EARLY ; Part 1 Repeat, Part 2, LUCID
Task 5: - none -
Dream Chemistry: Part 1 ; Part 2
Personal Goals: Guitar Name ; Food
Quests: Plant a Seed

Scipio, your points are added in. You have less than a week to get back to 4.5 LDs a day to win the LC! :smile:

Scores are updated.

I had a short LD. Will type up after some food, work was crazy.

Siiw, I’ve marked it. I also read the DJ entry and marked it with Task 3 and creativity points accordingly.

Scores are updated.

[color=olive]From 11/18/13-11/19/13, 4 short LDs and 3 FLDs.

-Looked up at the sky, but the sun wasn’t rising/setting, and there weren’t any stars (LD4all gathering)
-Becoming one with the wind repeatedly
-Messenger crosses boundaries
-Using lightning while drunk (Drunken lightning)

-Finding Geekboy and Letaali[/color]

3 more FLDs and probably no more sighs such good FLD spree has ended right before the end :razz: inb4 I’m still doing my best to get some points

Wow. I wonder if I hold the record for number of NLD tasks completed. :razz:

Celestial Skies ~ Non-Lucid Dream ~ Task 6 Part 3
Nap Fragments ~ Short Lucid Dream

Dreams so Far:

[spoiler]NLDs: 4
LMs: 1
FLDs: 3
Chains: 5
Short LDs: 10
Medium LDs: 1
Long LDs: 2

Task 1: Part 3, Part 4, EARLY ; Part 1 LUCID ; Group Incubation Attempt LUCID
Task 2: - none -
Task 3: Parts 1 and 2
Task 4: Part 1, EARLY ; Part 1 Repeat, Part 2, LUCID
Task 5: - none -
Task 6: Part 3
Task 7: - none -
Dream Chemistry: Part 1 ; Part 2
Personal Goals: Guitar Name ; Food
Quests: Plant a Seed

Koharo, funny how as soon as HeadInTheClouds gets within 20 points of you, you break out a bunch of LDs. :smile:

IkranMakto, I’m still waiting for an LD out of you. :sad:

Scipio, having that record is kind of a Pyrrhic victory, isn’t it? You still have so much LD stuff to do!

Scores are updated.

I wondered if I was dreaming. :confused:


Yev, DC-me is a jerk and the LC people hate my ideas? Why? :sad: This isn’t the first LC post with such a dream and that makes me sad. :sad:

Scores are updated.

Had a short LD, very blurry with poor recall, though

LDbc12, got it!

It looks like an attempt at a group incubation was made, but it doesn’t quite look finished. People are saying they want a team competition, which was an option for the task, but I see neither possible teams nor a possible competition. I’ll allot 24 more hours for this incubation to be given enough detail to be worth points. I need something more than “let’s do what the Task says” to credit the group incubation with points.

Scores are updated.

2 short lucids this morning. First one I realized I was dreaming and wanted to wake up thinking I was late for school. Went back to sleep and had another where I just flew outside and star gazed. I want to say I had one other lucid a couple days ago, but I don’t remember it anymore so meh :meh:

Gwee, how could you forget? :sad: Lucid harder!

Scores are updated.

Sorry! I don’t really think you’d do that, I just wrote what happened in my dream. :tongue:

So, in the FLD I mentioned in my last post, I was a woman, but was able to change myself back into a man with the power of my mind. I don’t know if that counts for anything, but I figured I’d see if it did.

I had a short LD last night. I was searching for Yev, but found a girl that I used to know instead. I ignored her and started to focus on one of the tasks this week, reflecting on what I have learned recently in LD. I remembered that I’ve found that I can do virtually anything I want in my LDs, as long as I concentrate on it for a few seconds. Things don’t always instantaneously happen for me in my dreams. Having done this, I sought to unleash my power. So, I flew backwards into the air, but this wasn’t very awesome. During this period I had somehow done a 360 of my environment, and the girl from earlier had appeared everywhere, multiple versions of her lining the dream. Amongst all of the same girl, I found a guy, but he didn’t look like Yev to me. I waited though, and he eventually changed and even though he didn’t look like Yev from my previous dream, I could tell it was Yev. During this guy changing into Yev, I had decided to transform into the Hulk again, only being partially successful. I kind of looked like the Hulk from the old live-action TV series. I wasn’t very green either. I got carried away and ran towards Yev, jumping in the air and yelling “Hulk smash,” whereupon I smashed a British looking telephone box. Does that count as a fight between me and Yev? I then hung out with Yev, but the dream ended.

In case I wasn’t clear, I think that my above actions showed that I had unleashed that inner power in my LD last night. If that doesn’t qualify, let me know

HeadInTheClouds, while it was your Task 2 form used in the FLD, it wasn’t done in a way that fit any of the Task 2 point categories. :sad: Those first five tasks were all about using certain dream control methods, not about the results. I figured this would be a good thing as it let people go towards whatever dream goal they wanted while still getting points just by using an LC-allowed setup, but it seems to have been a struggle for many people, so I’m not sure I would make such tasks again if I ever hosted a future LC.

Moving on, I’m not sure you destroying a phone booth counts as fighting or competing with Yev if he didn’t do anything in response. I do enjoy reading the budding adventures of HulkInTheClouds, though, and realizing that you could do anything with a few seconds of focus certainly counts for the 100 points. I originally intended for those points to be coupled with the fight/competition, but you caught me on a wording failure, so you get the points. You also get the 5 points for meeting Yev, and I’ll throw in 4 creativity points for not just taking the easy way out and trying a bit to force the outcomes you wanted.

With regards to the group incubation, Yev was the only one to suggest something more detailed than the size of the teams, so I’m going to implement his plans for the group incubation. His idea was to have LC participants team up with their Task 2 / Bonus Task partners and fight other such LC two-man teams using magic only (so there are Task 5 points to be had here) in some sort of arena, with no “you lose” magic being used (e.g., killing rival DCs with one spell). It’ll be worth the minimum of 30 points, broken down as follows:* 6 points for remembering the group incubation, and 6 points for beginning the competition

  • 12 points for meeting the opposing team (remember that you get points for Task 2 for meeting your partner)
  • 3 points if at least one of the three LC DCs uses magic as specified for the duel, with another 3 points if he/she successfully causes an effect
    I think that individual LC participants will have their own interpretations of this task, as no win condition was specified, but I’m fine with that. The goal can certainly be to incapacitate the other team in a creative way, but it can be something else as well, e.g., creating a magic portal to the coolest setting wins or transforming your team or the rival team into the coolest things wins (remember Tasks 2 and 5 :smile:). Try to rake in as many points as you can, as the LC ends on Tuesday at this time of day!

Scores are updated. The competition is close again!