Lucidity Challenge 39: Congratulations, Koharo!

BrandonBoss, I thought you wanted to win a fight for your personal goal? That seemed more like an assault. :tongue: Joking aside, congrats on getting your goal done. Did you mean that your replacement personal goal was to do that again but with a real opponent, or was that just a comment?

Scores are updated.

Okay, voting for the group incubation has closed, and Siiw’s idea won by a landslide. She mentioned that “when I decided on the power object, I remembered a dream with several coloured crystals in it. The one I picked up gave me so much power over water that I was afraid and dropped it there, in a mountain side, above my parents’ house. The other three are still free to grab. There is a red, a green and a yellow one that were never used by me, while the blue gave me the power to summon tidal waves. I didn’t really explore it, since the power scared me.”

As this group incubation is just a straightforward implementation of the task as a group, it’s worth 30 points, broken down as follows:* 6 points for remembering to use crystals and trying to act upon the group incubation task, with another 6 points for using one (using one before next week nets you the early points if those haven’t been earned yet; you can get the combo points instead if you combine it with next week’s task)

  • 6 points for meeting a single LC participant DC, with another 6 points if you meet two or more
  • 3 points if at least one of those LC DCs attempts the task in your dream, with another 3 points if he/she manages it
    Siiw held the crystal in her original dream, which would count as an object to keep on your person to use its power. As a condition on this wasn’t set in the group notebook, know that if you want points from the “empowering” object category instead, you could perhaps pull the crystal’s power into you and discard the crystal, or perhaps absorb or consume the crystal in some way. Use it in the way that fits the points you want or need.

Today’s randomly generated goal:
<James_UK2008> !ideaLC
LC participants, in your next LD, you should swap voices with a DC while in a toilet and in the form of a spider!

but spiders don’t have voices :cool_raz:
Siiw, then I guess the other person becomes mute while you gain a voice :razz:

One of these days, the script will spit out something reasonable. In the meantime, if you manage this task tonight, you get 30 points. :tongue:

I haven’t been lucid at all since the challenge started, but I was able to fly when I held a big piece of wood in my dream last night.

I always just attack people. They can fight back if they wish, if not they will get beaten. :razz:

No replacement, just gonna keep fighting. I am sure the next person will put up more of a fight than a naked girl… gonna try not using dream powers as well. If I finish it too quickly again I will have to find a harder goal. I have literally never beat some in a fight before like that. Normally teleport them away or age them backwards or forwards. Hukif warned me of the latter though, and that they might get really strong if I age them, they might just be at a very weak age.

Siiw, I think it’ll be hard to pull a log out of nowhere for repeating points for held objects, but congrats on getting the task done in an NLD! There’s always points for empowering objects, anyway, and you now have the group incubation for points too. :tongue:

BrandonBoss, that’s fine. Remember that you can try one more personal goal for 25 points; just tell me what it is before you do it, and I’ll update the sign-up sheet with it.

Scores are updated.

[color=olive]@Brandonboss Nice sounds like a plan.[/color]

[color=olive]Alright got it.
Edit: Had to fix that link.
For today, 4 FLD 's and a Short LD.
I arrive to a concert without knowing being powered up by the voice of the singer, finding a power source and being powered up.[/color]

Last night I wondered if I was dreaming… 5 points! :neutral:

Koharo, I’m reading your dream journal entry, but I’m having a hard time finding the object in question that Task 1 asks for. It’s possible that I’m overlooking it or that it’s just not written, but it seems like it was just listening to something that did it to you. If there is such an object, let me know and I’ll award you the task points. Also, it seems as if you did the task and then became lucid — was there lucidity while you were doing the task, or am I reading it correctly and the task came first?
No matter what, I can definitely award you points for the FLDs and the LD. Given your propensity to FLDs, you’ll have a slow trickle of points even without tasks. :tongue:

LDbc12, it’s a start! 5 points is better than none!

Scores are updated, sans the points for which I’m requesting clarification. Once I get clarification, I’ll add anything else that should be there.

Last night I questioned if I was dreaming twice.

Also had a ver’ long FLD where I got a remote that let me summon a suit like Iron Man’s. Was able to fly around and whatnot. Only thing it didn’t seem to have was the lazers or a visible HUD.

[color=olive]I became lucid as it was happening but more toward the end of the power up, and it was a person and not an object. I’m forgetting the slightest details, objects. :ack: The task is still incomplete.

Yeah. In order to keep up I’ve gotta keep my WBTB 's on rapid fire without burning out, and hit hard with an LD at a good length. I think I have an idea of how I pulled off my lucid streaks in the past.

:neutral: It seems I’m hitting everything but the target at the moment. Alright reloadin it.[/color]

Rhewin, as said in chat, since you told me your questioning and FLDs were all in one dream, it counts for the category only once. Great job on getting the task done, though! Hold onto that remote if you’re going to try for more on-person objects in the future.

Koharo, I know you’ll get it. When you joined this LC, the first thing I thought was, “Koharo’s going to have this task done in no time flat. He’ll get some anime or Power Rangers item and be right on it, or he’ll absorb some electricity and spit it back out.” Keep on keepin’ on!

Scores are updated.

I’m not sure if this counts, but here goes!

[spoiler]The last dream I remember from last night was non-lucid, and it was set in some sort of grey huge canyon at night, and you could walk on small plataeus in this place, but you couldn’t cross to the next plataeu because they were all too far away from each other and if you tried jumping you might fall into the canyon/abyss below.

I found myself in this place and I was at the edge of one of the plataeus and I wanted to cross to the one before me, but I looked down and I saw how big the fall would be so I was discouraged. I had nowhere to go.

However, a DC calls out for me out of a sudden, and I turn around to meet this old bald man who points me to a machine that is sitting right on the edge of the plateau. He tells me that I can use it to make bridges fall, and I thank him and go try it out.

The machine was some sort of crane, and when I pressed a button to turn it on and then pulled a lever, it made a bridge fall from the plataeu before me, kind of like how drawbridges work? I woke up after I got out of the machine and crossed the bridge to the next plataeu.

The dream lasted about five minutes.[/spoiler]

Only an FLD… that may have been an LD… but only an FLD… :sad: Almost did the task again too… :angry:

FLD Fragment ~ False-Lucid Dream

Dreams so Far:

[spoiler]NLDs: 1
FLDs: 1

Task 1: Part 3, Part 4, EARLY

Hmmm… One lucid last night.

I think I will have to fight some zombies in my dream then in order to practice for the zombie run I am doing next Saturday. So that will be my task: Fight zombies and don’t get bit.

Lucid dream:

I am talking with someone and walking down a hallway. I notice that I am surrounded and jump on someone, throwing them to the ground. I get up and my dad asks me what that was about. I realize I am dreaming and just take off running down the stairs near some houses. I either woke up here, or I lost lucidity, because that is all I remember.[/spoiler]

paual, you’re on the right track, but I sadly can’t count it. Note that for objects that affect the dream instead of empowering you to affect the dream, I ask that you should be able to keep them on your person somehow so that you can exercise the same dream control in any LD in the future just by taking it out of your pocket. While Siiw’s was a bit big to literally be kept on her person, she could conceivably pretend to pull it out of her pocket anywhere. However, there’s no indication that your machine can be moved, and besides that, I’m not sure it could be used anywhere else. Don’t get discouraged, though; we’ve got 46 days to go!

Scipio, you were so close. :sad: Five points puts you back in 2nd for now, though, and I know I can count on Mr. LucidTech to get this task done!

BrandonBoss, you didn’t list a length, but it sounds like it was a very short lucid dream. I’ve scored it as such, but let me know if you feel it was longer and there’s just things forgotten or not stated.

Scores are updated. I’m going to post again right after this one with instructions for everybody, so don’t go anywhere!

Task 2 Preparations

We interrupt this LC to bring you an important message.

You’ve probably taken a look at the other competitor’s goals at this point, and you’ve also talked to other people in the group incubation document, in this topic, or in our IRC chatroom. Does anybody else think along the same wavelength as you? Is there anybody that has a goal that makes you think, “wow, I wish I thought of that?” Is there anybody with dream journal entries that you enjoy?

The next task as well as a bonus task will require you to summon a single dream character based on another LC competitor, as opposed to the task having an optional group incubation. Talk to people in the competition via IRC, forum PMs, and the group incubation document’s “Task 2 Preparations” page to find a partner — the agreement must be two-directional. Be sure to ask about any of the person’s goals that you don’t understand. When you and another person agree to be each other’s DCs, post in this topic declaring so before the start of Task 2 on Tuesday. You can only be with one other person, so choose carefully but quickly.

If not all people have chosen partners, I will pair people up randomly, respecting unanswered one-way partner requests if brought to my attention. In the case of LC dropouts/idlers or an odd number of competitors, I will make exceptions so that people outside of the LC can be partners. I will also politely ask that people that often see each other as DCs outside of the LC refrain from picking one another.

Of course, if you see somebody outright lie about being your partner, bring it to my attention. I look forward to seeing how people pair up! I’ve made my own guesses — a sort of LD4all shipping, if you want to put it in the worst way :tongue: — but I am sure I’ll be surprised. :smile:

As for today’s random script output? More nonsense.
LC participants, in your next LD, you should build an ark while in Antarctica and in the form of an atom!
I don’t think it’s going to happen, but 30 points if you somehow manage that tonight. At the very least, I remove each action/setting/form once it’s been used, so as all of the nonsense gets spit out, the odds of more coherent dream ideas increase.

Well since I can’t decide… I’ll hear my “choices’” choices. :razz:

Mew151, Siiw, and Koharo… wanna team up? :happy:

Last night I got a bunch of points.

Here I
-had 2 long LD’s, one being my longest,
-found an empowering object (but did not use it successfully),
-and I completed my personal goal.

Also, I am thinking about who my partner for Task 2 will be. I might post on the group incubation document page if I get to it.

LDbc12, it’s really cool that you got to waterbend like that! As I said in my sample sign-up, I want to learn manipulate some force of nature in my dreams too, so I’m jealous. :content: We’ve got six and a half weeks of dream control training left in this LC, so you’ll only get better from here! Also, if you know what those pills were meant to do, be sure to use that effect next LD (no need to swallow the pills again) for those 20 points. In terms of creativity points, though, the “lucid pill” is the oldest trick in the book, so I can really only give one measly point. :tongue:

Scores are updated.

Yeah, I am only remembering like 10 seconds of that.

Nap time! 3 LDs! 1 long lucid, and two average lucids chained together.

SPOILER - Click to view

Lucid 1 (15 minutes)
There is a huge lake that me and my wife are around. I suddenly realize that I am dreaming. There is a huge train and I jump on it. It starts going through a tunnel and I duck, since I am on the top. I jump off the side and try to land on my arm and feel some real pain. It snaps and my neck hurts a lot too. I stand up and start regening, my bones pop into place. I spend a lot of time at a house talking to some random dream characters. Wake up and check the time. notes on the dreams.

Lucid 2 & 3 (chain… 20 minutes? long)
I am back on the train at night, some lady is communicating with me telepathically, but when I realize that I am dreaming she leaves. I am at the front of the train so I jump up and grab a hold of a light structure. The train fully passes me and a Semi truck driving on the track passes underneath. I hop on and he loses control and jettisons the truck into the water. I try to remember if semi trucks have some sort of floaty seat, and it floats right under my butt as I think of this. It takes me a long time to swim to the shore. I go into the house and start trying to remember goals. wake up
I am in the house again… goals, forgot to grab them when awake. I grab my phone and sit down. I look through the internet trying to find a list, but the website is saying that only one person has the ability to control it. I finally start being able to exit websites and google “goals”. My wife comes outside of the house and calls me in. She starts making passes at me and I run and jump out a window. Again, trying to break my arm. It snaps and the pain felt much more real. I get back on my phone and the stupid “only one person can use this” sign is back up. I wake up.