Lucidity Challenge 39: Congratulations, Koharo!

BrandonBoss, your pink hair and smiling face hide a fierce competitor who’s leading the LC without having done any of the Task yet. That said, you’re only leading by 19 now, as LDbc12 had a productive morning. :tongue:

Scores are updated.

Yeah, I thought so too! But yeah, this only keep me more motivated, haha :smile:

And now to think of task 2 as well, yes

Haha. Yeah, i am still hoping to do task one. I always get my tasks to do mixed with random ideas I thought of doing, such as go in water, hurt myself to increase pain tolerance, etc. What was strange was that all my dreams are normally really bright, and those were really dark in the middle of the day. Maybe my dream realm is getting more consistent.

Are the tasks going to go through all the weeks like the last one? Will I be able to do this first task next week? If you don’t want to answer, then I understand.

^ Yes, you definitely will be able to do Task 1 next week! All main tasks are worth points until the end of the LC. For the early and combo bonuses, I’m using the rule set that was used in LC 36 and prior; you can get an early bonus by getting a task done during the week it’s given, or a combo bonus by gaining points from both it and another task in one dream. You can earn such a bonus exactly once per task, and they’re of equal value. So if you put a task off, you can combine it with another task later on and get the points — it’s perhaps more work, but you can make it happen.

I wasn’t calling you out for avoiding the tasks or anything, heh. I was just pointing out that you’re leading without having done any just by sheer LD count. Also, since people are partnering up for Task 2 as stated at the top of this page, your partner might be hoping that you’ll be doing Task 2 next week. :tongue:

Unless Ecila6 has changed her mind, I believe her and I will be partners.

ND where I was playing Sonic and All Stars Racing Transformed in a dream, though I was actually participating. I collected chaos emeralds (which, speaking with Thorn, counts for the crystal thing), and every time I got one I went into All Star mode (basically faster and invincible). I had to have an emerald for it to work, but each time I used them I got their power if only temporarily.

Also, had a dream where I was napping. Nothing LC related, but I did become briefly lucid as I was waking up.

Rhewin, I can count on you to find the loopholes. :tongue: Since you brought up the possibility of a temporary power, I’ve had to change the repeatable points for empowering objects to optionally not re-summoning the object, as your dream’s empowering object fit the definition in every way but requires re-summoning. You also worked on me saying “crystal” in the topic without specifically saying they needed to be Siiw’s. Ah well; I reap what I sow. :tongue:

Scores are updated.

I’ll be partners with LDbc12, or Ikran.

[color=olive]For today, 5 FLD’s.
I completed the task in two different ways or twice, but wasn’t lucid when doing so:

-Summoned Death the Kid’s death cannon, replacing my left forearm. Only felt a gradual power surge, but didn’t get a test shot in.

-Found a small game piece that could be used for teleportation. I would slide it on a blueprint of a building and teleport there after removing my finger from it. Used the item successfully twice.[/color]

Koharo, it seems like you have two instances of on-person objects (the first one literally, amusingly enough). It didn’t meet the repeat point conditions, but you got points for the FLDs, finding such an object, using it, and for getting the task done early.

Scores are updated. You’re trailing 3rd by a single point. :tongue:

Had an LD here. which was around five minutes long in total.

In the first one, I was able to summon Thorn, Masonc1 and Scipio (first time I’ve summoned Scipio and also the first time I’ve summon three DC’s in an LD.) and was left in complete darkness. Thorn had the previously mentioned crystals as part of the group incubation. Upon touching them, I was exposed to quite a lot of Hypnogogic imagery which led me straight into a chain.

In the second segment, I met my personal goal by specifically rubbing my hands together to anchor myself into the dream more which worked a treat. I tried summoning Scipio and accidentally triggered a nicely detailed transformation into Machamp which Scipio had technically planned as a form for himself. :razz:

James, it sounds like you had a fun morning! I always say it’s an honor when you let me into your dream, and it sounds like we were going to do things together for once instead of one of us affecting the other. Cool that you got Masonc1 there as well and even got Scipio too — that’s one more than the LC requires, if we say that I’m somebody involved with the LC, so good on your for taking the initiative. I also respect your decision to stop Task work when the dream went along with your desires. You also stayed calm and made the dream go your way even when your sight failed. :tongue: I’ll give the eight of the possible ten creativity points for all of that stuff combined. As you told me in IRC that you felt the stabilization was in line with your personal goal, I’ll award those points as well and allow a second goal to be chosen.

Scores are updated. Way to go!

is it too late to sign up or too many people?


Two LDs this morning (and about 15 dreams, holy crap!) one short one average. Might not be the most fun or interesting to read, but I enjoyed the crap out of it.

I didn’t think you were calling me out. I seem to remember my current tasks like 1/5 LDs and actually care about it 1/10, so a lot of time it can take a week or two for me to get to a task, sometimes it is the night of the deciding of the task (note me fighting).

I am going for 62 (2/day) LDs this month, but would be happy with 50 (low goal, still 16 higher than my best), so you better be ready for me to have more LDs than everyone else. I’M ALL FIRED UP

Last night, I had a short LD here and I once again found a (different) empowering object but failed to utilize it.

As far as i can tell from the group incubation task 2 preparations document, Squoak and I are partners… yep!

Success here
Glitter Dancing Wand of Power

Yeah… I can relate.

Another FLD… at least I’ve got a trickle of points now… :razz:

Government Surveillance ~ False-Lucid Dream

Dreams so Far:

[spoiler]NLDs: 1
FLDs: 2

Task 1: Part 3, Part 4, EARLY

Loah, you can definitely join! Just get the four-item sign-up done before the task goes up on Tuesday. If possible, do it sooner rather than later, as we’re seeking out Task 2 partners right now and your sign-ups will provide some insight into which people want to partner with you.

BrandonBoss, it’s no big deal. :smile: This task just seemed natural for you considering the “powering up” that picture seems to be doing, so I was surprised. I feel like I’m not giving you the smiles and confidence that I’m giving everybody else after their dreams, but it’s because I know you’re already a very proficient LDer. It’s a good thing!

LDbc12, while I can’t give you more points for empowering objects until you get one working, you did get the points for the LD as well as 3 creativity points for doing something more original than the lucid pill. :smile: Remember that you can look for an object that controls the dream without needing to be consumed or absorbed in some way for points, and remember that the group incubation is worth up to 30 too!

Lumessence, I thought it was very sweet how you aided Scipio with the group task. If only you’d actually turned Koharo into a newt; it might mellow him out a bit. :wink: You didn’t mark a dream length, so I scored it as a medium LD with a chain; correct me if this is wrong. I also gave 8 creativity points for your actions in the dream.

Scipio, I’d love to have a steady rate of false lucidity; it tends to be more fun than dreaming about work.~

As Loah is joining, this puts us at 23 people. Since that makes pairing impossible, I am allowing myself to be used as a partner, with my sample sign-up as my Task 2 information. Note that this does not give you any advantage or disadvantage due to the nature of the Task. Current confirmed pairings are squoak/LDbc12 and Ecila6/Lumessence, with a few more under development in the group document.

Scores are updated. We’ve got ten people with points now; keep it up!

LC length: 10 minutes
Desired Goal: Find and ask my sister what her real name is.
Desired Action: turn the sky into an ocean.
Desired Setting: on a spaceship or a space station.
Desired Form: a child, (5-9 years old)

if that form will be ok. i don’t really like transformation into other things.

Loah, that’s fine! I’ll add you to the sign-up list and scoreboard, and will PM you the link for group work.