Lucidity Challenge 42—Winner: Wyvern!

[title]Task 5: Kaiju[/title]

When you were deciding what team to join at the start of this LC, it was made clear that the Shapeshifter team would be given less points early on and difficult subtasks but would get to decide an important detail about a task late in the LC. Its members were given a survey last week about this task, which coincides perfectly with the release of the latest Godzilla movie. Behold a creature of their design, the Floraiju!


[size=75]Credit to Wyvern for this depiction of the Shapeshifters’ creature.[/size]

Name: Floraiju
Average height: 54’ 2" (16.51 m)
Average weight: 6.47 tons (5866.58 kg)
Habitat: Hawaiian tropical rainforests
Diet: Mostly other plant life, but is omnivorous[/center]
Once worshiped by native Hawaiians as peaceful, intelligent protectors of the islands, Floraiju were long thought to be creatures of primitive myths. However, as urban development in Hawaii continued, deforestation drove them out of hiding. Some of them have taken to venting their frustration at losing their habitats by destroying human cities, taking an eye for an cyclopean eye.

While not Godzilla-sized, 54’ 2" is a few stories high, so the destruction Floraiju leave in their wake is significant. The wing-like leaves protruding from their backs do not support their weight for flight but do serve to slow descents or to serve as extra limbs with which to hit things. Some have even picked up basic English in their interactions with humanity, although nobody has tried to communicate peacefully with one due to sheer fear.

The Shapeshifter team members will be appearing this week as these vicious things, and they are out for the Action team’s blood (how dare they have the most points available before now!). The Traveler team gets cut some slack and won’t be the target of the Floraiju’s ire, but will still need to interact with them for maximum points.

  • Encounter a Floraiju: [color=green]30 points[/color]
  • [color=red]You’ve seen enough movies to know that monsters never win. Take a Floraiju down by any means necessary (e.g., weaponry, giant mechs, superpowers, brute strength, etc.):[/color] [color=green]30 points[/color]
  • [color=#7030C0]Enter the Floraiju’s usual habitat (rainforest):[/color] [color=green]30 points[/color]
  • [color=#7030C0]It never hurts to try diplomacy. As a human, communicate with a Floraiju peacefully:[/color] [color=green]30 points[/color]
  • [color=blue]Become a Floraiju:[/color] [color=green]70 points[/color] (this cannot be used to earn points from past Shapeshifter team subtasks)
  • [color=blue]Do what kaiju do best! While in the form of a Floraiju, attack humans, destroy buildings, or assault society in any other way:[/color] [color=green]40 points[/color]
  • [color=blue](Bonus for winning Task 4) Floraiju can be vicious, but they can be fun-loving too! What’s it like to play hide-and-seek or tag with a human while you tower over him/her? What if you played baseball with another Floraiju by using a tree or skyscraper as the bat? Maybe humanity has giant mechs to pilot to join in your games? As a Floraiju, play a game or sport of your choosing with a human or with another Floraiju:[/color] [color=green]40 points[/color]
    Excluding Team Dreams and bonuses as usual, the Action and Shapeshifter teams have 710 total subtask points available while the Traveler team has 700. The team subtask totals will become equal next week and remain that way for the rest of the LC.

As always, I end with the Team Dream requirements for the week and the team’s incentive for winning the week.

  • [color=red]Action: Decide on how you’ll all take down a Floraiju. Join a teammate for your assault.[/color]
  • [color=#7030C0]Traveler: Decide on two questions that you and a teammate will ask of a Floraiju. The questions can be about the species as a whole, what it’s like to be one, if you can become a Floraiju somehow, or a particular Floraiju’s hobbies, or you can ask banal questions such as “How was your day?” and the like. You can ask more questions in-dream, of course, but I need two chosen ones to be asked and answered in-dream for points.[/color]
  • [color=blue]Shapeshifter: With both of you as Floraiju, coordinate in-dream with a teammate to attack humans or to destroy buildings. You need to name a specific action that both of you will do during your reign of terror, e.g., stomp a human flat, make a meal out of somebody, tear down a building, roar to scare people away, or any other action befitting a 54’ monster.[/color]
    The prize for the winning team is again the choice of next week’s task theme (or in this case, meme): Gotta Go Fast or Firin’ Mah Lazer. As before, consider what each theme could mean for you team’s subtasks and place your votes on the Team Dream discussion page. The winning team will have the majority vote chosen with a tie going to the trailing team members.

Have fun!