I might have done two power subtasks, but I’ll leave that to you to see, as for the rest, I don’t want to point out anything specific, but I hope I managed to contribute to the team at least a bit. I enjoyed these dreams, though!
Am I too late to sign up for this one?
Team: Explorer
Personal goal: Visit the halls of the underworld
(The personal goal may need a bit of explanation — it’s some huge space deep underground, like the Mines of Moria in The Lord of the Rings. Hopefully without the fight with the Balrog that’s in LotR. But whatever, if there are monsters, so be it).
Extracts from my dream journal this week that may qualify for the challenge:
1. I walk down some stone steps, into what is either a dive bar or a friend’s appartement that has been converted from a cellar. There’s a party in progress. The snacks are in a round bowl. about 12 cm across: hazelnuts, with their shells and skin removed; candied fruit peel; and 1 cm cubes of something white, sweet and medium soft, like nougat or Turkish Delight. It’s been sprinkled with seeds that are thin and spindly, about 3mm long: tastes like cumin or aniseed. There’s a guy there who looks like a mid-career Jeff Bridges. He comes up to me and says that I’ve been here all evening (although it’s really only been about a minute perceived dream time) and that we haven’t spoken yet.
I’ll leave out the rest of the dream as it probably isn’t relevant to the challenge.
I think this counts for “Eat a food that doesn’t exist in the real world”. You probably could make cumin-flavoured nougat with hazelnuts and candied peel, but I don’t recall having ever seen it … at least, not with the cumin.
The stairs going down is a dream-sign for me. It’s rather video-game like: it indicates a transition from the ground level to “dungeon level 1”.
- I’m looking at a sheet of paper with some complex Japanese(?) calligraphy. I can’t read it, or remember it accurately enough to transcribe on waking. Each radical has been annotated in the Latin alphabet, except in a couple of places where Cyrillic has been used for sounds that don’t occur much in English. This is different from the “ruby” style you seen in Japanese books for kids, where there’s a hiragana pronunciation above each kanji character; here, the individual radicals have been annotated
I mention this one in case “player discovers magic scroll with weird runes” is a subtask.
I slept 2 more hours and fought some spiders in an underground temple, saw an ancient artifact, solved riddles, swam underwater, shrunk a DC and then assumed control of that character. Note sure if that last one counts, because I wasn’t really playing with the DC, I was playing as the DC. But it may also count for the “Take a powerful DC’s form” subtask.
I usurped a king/ruler and took charge in a ND last night. That’s about it. I almost did the “Have the LC host give you a power/transformation” thing, but I just got a suggestion, not an actual power.
No LDs last night. I became invisible in one of my NDs.
En’enra, I laughed so hard reading your dream. Maybe if you hadn’t smack-talked me before you met me, I wouldn’t have had to be cruel. I mean, my avatar does have his arms crossed as in your dream, but he’s smiling; I swear I’m usually a nice guy! I’ll give the “play with a shrunken DC” points on a technicality, as the dream seemed to be a video game that would be “played”. I’m kind of curious about how the dragon looked, as if I appeared as my dragon transformation is in my own dreams (and also in Wyvern’s, as I transformed recently into a sketch of how he saw me as a dragon in his dream), it’d be a really crazy coincidence. I’ll give credit for the mini-map as a finding a map of the dreamscape, even if the “finding” part is debatable. Congrats on stumbling across an unrevealed Hero subtask too, and hopefully we can be friends in the future.
Susan_Y, it’s kind of unorthodox to accept points from before a person actually signs up for the LC, but because of the team structure and the fact that you’ve only done one subtask so far, I think it makes more sense to accept them in this case so that the team you joined isn’t suddenly dragged down. The people below you in the standings all have zero points, and I doubt they’re concerned with what numbered place “last” is, so I don’t see it as unfair to them either. I’ll let you join with the “unreal food” subtask already done.
Congrats to everybody that’s been scoring points, by the way; En’enra’s dream just made me laugh for obvious reasons, so I had a lot to say to her. I’ve updated everything.
So… SC LIEKS TO MAEK JOKE EH?? Still, lucids! Maybe tasks, too.
Skunk! ~ Short Lucid Dream ~ size=75̶[/size]
Adventure Time ~ Short Lucid Dream ~ size=75̶[/size]
Music with Friends ~ Short Lucid Dream ~ size=75̶[/size]
Stats so far:
[spoiler]NLDs: 2
Short LDs: 3
Medium LDs: 0
Long LDs: 0
Task 1:-E C4 & I5
^ Noted and scored. There were no subtasks done.
Hey look at that, I’m somehow completely incapable of even remembering my dreams.
Ughgh… -_-
Does a RC have to be a universally recognised one like looking at hands, pinched nose etc…?
One of my personal RCs is typing my password on a computer, since I do it so much everyday… Last night I dream typed my password, which I believed was ‘ThisIsADream’ I tried to type it multiple times, failed, but did not become lucid.
Had a long ld this morning. I gave a DC money, and I used lightning from my hands
Okay, I’ve updated everything again. There’s only 10 more subtasks on the grid before I can stop updating the thing.
Lottsa recall. And, yes, Thorn. Only 10 more subtasks before you can stop updating… and I can stop marking things size=75[/size].
Fish and Minecraft ~ Non-Lucid Dream ~ Task I Part D5 size=75̶[/size]
More Minecraft and Unturned ~ Non-Lucid Dream ~ size=75̶[/size]
Scipio is a Crook ~ Non-Lucid Dream ~ size=75̶[/size]
Stats so far:
[spoiler]NLDs: 3
Short LDs: 3
Medium LDs: 0
Long LDs: 0
squoak, sorry, but I don’t see any points.
Scipio did a new subtask, but it was on the grid in a place where the subtasks around it were already revealed, so there is nothing new to update besides the scores.
One long LD and two short LDs.
In the long LD I spoke with my dog who, while not being able to verbally communicate as he is a “real” animal, gave a clear understanding of the conversation and would bark or give body language as a reply. I also dressed in a Star Fleet uniform on the Voyager. While Voyager is technically a scientific vessel, Star Fleet is also a military organization and I believe that counts as dressing as a soldier. They also taught me how to use a phaser, but this was before I was lucid. Finally, I saved Captain Janeway from a monster I no longer remember. Though I’d hardly call Captain Janeway helpless, there are no restrictions on what a “damsel in distress” is other than a woman in danger.
In one of the short LDs I also was given an award from one of my professors at a small ceremony for my work last semester at my university.
In an ND I also used pcychokinesis.
Things that may not count:
- I fixed a radio for one of my professors in the LD
- I used parts from the old radio to make a remote control for a DC
Short LD last night. Was early in the night and control/lucidity was a rather low.
I recognised you, Thorn, and you gave me rocket boots. I’m hoping that counts as a power, although it’s really just tech… in which case you tricked me! I was in New York city, and flew vertically up between skyscrapers rather than horizontally.
That’s probably the only stuff that might have counted. The rest was typically random.
Edit: Just seen the additional unlocks on the board… There was a gravity flip which is what caused my lucidity in the first place. I ran along the wall.