Lucidity Challenge 45 - Winner - Thorn!

Week 3 - Superhuman

Ah comics. If you’ve ever daydreamed about which mutant power you’d love to have, raise your hand… How many school lessons did I idle away imaging stopping time, teleporting, flying? How many exams did I sit through wishing I could read the smart kid’s thoughts? The answer, as you probably guessed, is a lot. I’m sure everyone has had these kind of dreams before, but that doesn’t make them any less fun.

THE FLASH: Run superhumanly fast. On foot. No vehicles for this one. 20 points.
SHADOWCAT: Phase through a solid object. Why bother opening a door when you can walk through it? 30 points.

HULK: Throw a car or large vehicle. This is about strength not psychokinesis/telekinesis. It doesn’t have to be a vehicle - anything of that size and weight, or bigger. Impress me. Because HULK IS STRONGEST THERE IS! 30 points.
ICEMAN: Freeze the ground and skate on it. Are you too cool for school? Prove it. 40 points.

PROFESSOR X: Use telepathy on a DC. Find out what they’re thinking, send them a message or warn them about something. If you’re feeling evil, you could implant a suggestion. 30 points.
BLACK WIDOW: Go undercover to infiltrate a gang or organisation. Pretend to be a member of an evil organisation or gang. Earn their trust and then destroy them from inside their own ranks. 40 points.

IRON MAN: Fly with technological assistance. Iron Man’s suit or repulsors, jet pack, rocket boots, Falcon’s metal wings. Standard airplane or fighter jet. 30 points.
ANT MAN: Shrink yourself to the size of an insect. Ever wanted to be a fly on the wall? Now is the time! 40 points.

Team Dreams

SUPERHERO - Choose an evil comic book supervillain or organisation to fight. Need help to take the bad guy down? Summon a team mate for the fight to earn double points. Here’s a list of supervillains to get you thinking. (No, ‘the LC Host’ is not a valid choice of supervillain! :tongue:)

SECRET BASE - Choose a comic book themed city, location or secret base to visit. Go there with a team mate for double points. E.g. Gotham City, Metropolis, Avengers Tower, The Triskellion, Xavier’s Institute for Higher Learning.

BATMAN - Choose one of Batman’s gadgets or vehicles to test out (with/on a team mate for double points). cough Batcycle! cough Here’s a list of his common utility belt items for ideas
Batman’s utility belt

Action Team Advantage
SUPERHERO TEAM UP: Complete any task with any LC participant for extra points. Yes that means completing a team dream with the appropriate team mate is now worth even more points - and if you mess up and summon the wrong person, you still get a bonus! (Action team 40 points, Puzzle/Adventure: 20 points)

Best of luck everyone.