Lucidity Challenge 45 - Winner - Thorn!

Here are two lucid dreams. The first is a long one in which I complete my personal goal. The second is a medium-length one with no other points.

Assuming this doesn’t interfere with future LC tasks, I would like my second personal goal to be to shrink, given that I failed it in the second lucid dream and haven’t done it successfully in a very long time. If this is not feasible, I have other goals on which to work.

Hmm. Awkward. I had plans for a shrinking task, but I’ve got 3 days to come up with something else I guess… congratulations on completing your personal goal. You’ve also snatched the lead from the defending champion drd by 10 points!

And on a side note, I thought this bit of your lucid dream was excellent -


^ Again, I can switch. Is breathing fire acceptable instead? You can keep the task. :tongue:

I have no breathing fire tasks planned at this time, Thorn, so that one’s fine, and now you know you’ll have an opportunity to get points for practicing shrinking too. :cool:

So, I did tasks! Specifically, I went stargazing for like a second and jumped between rooftops in a medium-length LD!

Technically, they weren’t rooftops for actual buildings, just fake buildings, but it was still an impossibly long distance (which was actually only a few yards… but still!) so I’d say it still counts probably.

As much as I’d like to keep the score I have, I have to point out that you’ve made a 10 point error in my favor. I had a short, medium, long, and medium LD in that order, which is 20+30+40+30=120 lucid dream points, but you have me marked for 130.

In a ND I had last night, I sat by a campfire at night, and ate food prepared in it.

Mew did tasks while lucid?! obfusc8 does an RC Congrats Mew!

Thorn - you’re just too darn honest, ain’t ya? :wink:

Scores have been fixed/updated.

^ Well, I may have secretly been wanting a 10 point “honesty bonus” that’ll never come. :smile:

Had a long LD last night. I raged and smashed something, picked a lock, and defended a DC.

Drd is leading the pack once more… will he win three lucid challenges in a row?
Latest Scores

You have a little extra time as I’m going to be late back from work this evening. New tasks and team advantage will be calculated at 7pm GMT, so post any current task completions now for them to be included in the calculation.

Probably, but he never wants to host, so the LC’s just become a competition for second place. :tongue:

Here is a medium-length LD I had this morning with no tasks accomplished, although throughout all of my dreams I kept brushing up against task concepts and personal goals without actually completing them.

The action team wins this week and gets an extra sub-task.

Action 5 tasks / 4 members = 1.25 completions per member
Adventure 2 tasks / 4 members = 0.5 completions per member
Puzzle 1 tasks / 1 member = 1 completions per member
Current Standings

  1. drd (370)
  2. Thorn (280)
  3. Letaali (220)
  4. Mew151, Scipio Xaos (200)
  5. James_uk2008 (80)
  6. Stari_maga, Hodge_Podge (50)
  7. squoak, Loah 0 (INACTIVE)

Week 3 - Superhuman

Ah comics. If you’ve ever daydreamed about which mutant power you’d love to have, raise your hand… How many school lessons did I idle away imaging stopping time, teleporting, flying? How many exams did I sit through wishing I could read the smart kid’s thoughts? The answer, as you probably guessed, is a lot. I’m sure everyone has had these kind of dreams before, but that doesn’t make them any less fun.

THE FLASH: Run superhumanly fast. On foot. No vehicles for this one. 20 points.
SHADOWCAT: Phase through a solid object. Why bother opening a door when you can walk through it? 30 points.

HULK: Throw a car or large vehicle. This is about strength not psychokinesis/telekinesis. It doesn’t have to be a vehicle - anything of that size and weight, or bigger. Impress me. Because HULK IS STRONGEST THERE IS! 30 points.
ICEMAN: Freeze the ground and skate on it. Are you too cool for school? Prove it. 40 points.

PROFESSOR X: Use telepathy on a DC. Find out what they’re thinking, send them a message or warn them about something. If you’re feeling evil, you could implant a suggestion. 30 points.
BLACK WIDOW: Go undercover to infiltrate a gang or organisation. Pretend to be a member of an evil organisation or gang. Earn their trust and then destroy them from inside their own ranks. 40 points.

IRON MAN: Fly with technological assistance. Iron Man’s suit or repulsors, jet pack, rocket boots, Falcon’s metal wings. Standard airplane or fighter jet. 30 points.
ANT MAN: Shrink yourself to the size of an insect. Ever wanted to be a fly on the wall? Now is the time! 40 points.

Team Dreams

SUPERHERO - Choose an evil comic book supervillain or organisation to fight. Need help to take the bad guy down? Summon a team mate for the fight to earn double points. Here’s a list of supervillains to get you thinking. (No, ‘the LC Host’ is not a valid choice of supervillain! :tongue:)

SECRET BASE - Choose a comic book themed city, location or secret base to visit. Go there with a team mate for double points. E.g. Gotham City, Metropolis, Avengers Tower, The Triskellion, Xavier’s Institute for Higher Learning.

BATMAN - Choose one of Batman’s gadgets or vehicles to test out (with/on a team mate for double points). cough Batcycle! cough Here’s a list of his common utility belt items for ideas
Batman’s utility belt

Action Team Advantage
SUPERHERO TEAM UP: Complete any task with any LC participant for extra points. Yes that means completing a team dream with the appropriate team mate is now worth even more points - and if you mess up and summon the wrong person, you still get a bonus! (Action team 40 points, Puzzle/Adventure: 20 points)

Best of luck everyone.

So… yep. Not only did I complete the task before the deadline, but I also could have posted it before the “new” deadline… Oh well. :razz: Just thought this was funny enough to mention. I’ll just have to take the advantage for the final week. :ebil:

Anyways, this morning I used a lasergun! Points!.. but where are those LDs off to? :angry:

Mech Combat Shard - [ND]Non-Lucid Dream[/ND] - [ND]Task II Part 3[/ND]

Stats so far:

[spoiler][color=violet]Lucid Moments:[/color] 2
[ND]Non-Lucids:[/ND] 3
[LD]Short LDs:[/LD] 0
[LD]Medium LDs:[/LD] 0
[LD]Long LDs:[/LD] 1

Task I:[color=green]-E[/color] [ND]WIZARD[/ND] | [LD]DRUID[/LD]
Task 2:[color=green]-E[/color] [ND]Teleported using a (magical) device.[/ND] | [ND]Fired a lasergun.[/ND]
Task 3: ~ none ~

Had a very nice LD here this morning which around 3-5 minutes long makes it a medium LD for me. Don’t think any tasks were completed.

I’m not sure how long a medium LD would be for me, so I’m just going to say I had a short lucid dream last night.

Congratulations on the lucid dreams, James_uk2008 and Letaali. Scipio - unlucky! Sounds like you scraped painfully close to a few other tasks in that dream too.

If anyone is having trouble accessing the one drive pages to discuss team dreams, you can PM me your thoughts and I’ll collate the votes. You have until 8pm tomorrow night. P.S. When I say comic book themed, anything from comic inspired games, films, TV shows, etc, is also fine, and it’s not limited to Marvel or DC either, as long as I can find what you mean on google. :smile:

Scores are updated.

Last night I had a medium length LD. I also completed my personal goal, and the Hulk subtask. My DJ post [

Here are some points. The first ND has some stargazing, although I didn’t have to look “up” as in the task description nor can I guarantee it was nighttime on Earth, so if this isn’t acceptable, I understand. The second ND has me breaking somebody’s nose in a fearful rage. The third dream is a short LD with no tasks accomplished.

Also, I’m jealous of the people with super wide columns on the score sheet. Can I change my sign-up name to “Thorn the Magnificent” or something? :tongue:
/me is trouted