Lucidity Challenge 45 - Winner - Thorn!

Thorn - According to the popular idiom, the size of your column is not as important as what you do with it. :content:
The stargazing task doesn’t require you to be on Earth, only that it is night and you look at the stars, so that’s fine.

Edit: Forgot to mention - sounded like you were ‘beamed up’ Star Trek style, which would count for the Teleportation Device task. If you want to claim those points, let me know.

Drd - grats on the personal goal. Did you want to pick something else as a new goal, for the further 25 points?

Scores are updated.

Regarding your edit, I thought about it but was unsure if it counted because the dream made no mention of a device for the teleportation. No worries, though, because today’s ND has it. That said, I see the scoring in the first post uses the word “subtask”, which no longer exists in this LC. If the change of wording somehow means that doing two Week 2 tasks yesterday would get me combo points (which I doubt), then by all means, count it! Else, I’ve done it today anyway and get the same amount of points.

Ahhh nuts… knew I forgot something yesterday. The team dreams will count as ‘Early’ for an additional 24 hours due to late posting. Sorry about that.

So team dreams are as follows -

Action Team have picked a fight with the master of magnetism - Magneto

Adventure Team will be exploring the Avenger’s base of operations - Avenger’s Tower

Puzzle Team will be throwing Batarangs around

Regarding Combos - I realise the wording change, which was an attempt to clarify things, possibly made this confusing.

You get 20 “Early” or “Combo” points, applicable once per week, for completing a subtask while it is part of the most recent week’s tasks or for completing a subtask alongside a subtask from another week, respectively. You can earn only one of these two 20 point bonuses per week.


But yea… short lucid dream! :biggrin: I did a current task (assisted flight) and an old task (wear a piece of armor). Yay!

A Scales Flight - Short Lucid Dream - Task I Part 2 & Task III Part 7 LUCID EARLY

Stats so far:

[spoiler]Lucid Moments: 2
Non-Lucids: 3
Short LDs: 1
Medium LDs: 0
Long LDs: 1

Task II:-E Teleported using a (magical) device. | Fired a lasergun.

Questioned my dreaming state in a dream last night.

Nice combo Scipio! You already had early points for week 1 though! :tongue:

Mew… so close… were you talking or typing those IRC commands? Talking to an IRC ‘bot’ would count for the week 2 ‘Talk to a robot or AI’ task!

Scores are updated

obfusc8: I was typing those commands, so it wouldn’t count.

I still have not received the Week 2 teleportation device points from my last post, and it’s affecting my placement on the scoreboard. :o

I earned points in today’s dreams as well. The first dream has me running superhumanly fast and talking to a robot, and while I protect a DC from getting hurt by a moving car, the car wasn’t deliberately aiming for the child, so I am unsure if this counts as an “attack” and leave it to your discretion. The second dream also has me running fast and has me phase through an object, much to my chagrin.

My apologies, Thorn, hopefully everything is fixed and you are back to second place thanks to last night’s points haul! (Protecting a DC from harm is definitely in the spirit of being a ‘Paladin’ so that counts too.)

Latest Scores

^ Except now I’m missing the combo points for Week 2, as the first dream had tasks from all three weeks. That’s the third scoring error you’ve made in my column. Don’t make me come over there and beat you up! :tongue:

In all seriousness, though, I know firsthand how easy it is to slip with the scores; it’s no big deal as long as it’s fixed. :smile:

I know. That [color=green]EARLY[/color] was for the early points for week three which I did not already have. :tongue:

And more points! No lucids, though… I’ll have those tonight I guess. I did FOUR tasks, though! :eek: Campfires, stargazing, being the hero, and larceny inside of two dreams. :happy:

School, Magic, and Movies - [ND]Non-Lucid Dream[/ND] - [ND]Task I Part 1 & Task 2 Part 1[/ND]
When Monsters Attack - [ND]Non-Lucid Dream[/ND] - [ND]Task I Part 6 & 10[/ND]

Stats so far:

[spoiler][color=violet]Lucid Moments:[/color] 2
[ND]Non-Lucids:[/ND] 5
[LD]Short LDs:[/LD] 1
[LD]Medium LDs:[/LD] 0
[LD]Long LDs:[/LD] 1

Task I:[color=green]-E[/color] [ND]WIZARD[/ND] | [LD]DRUID[/LD] | [LD]FIGHTER[/LD] | [ND]Sat by a campfire, PALADIN, and ROGUE.[/ND]
Task II:[color=green]-E[/color] [ND]Teleported using a (magical) device.[/ND] | [ND]Fired a lasergun.[/ND] | [ND]Stargazing.[/ND]
Task III:[color=green]-E[/color] [LD]IRON MAN[/LD]

Thorn -Maybe I did it deliberately, as you said you perform better in the LC when you’re annoyed about something trivial… or maybe I was just tired! :razz:

Wow Scipio… Paladin-Fighter-Druid-Wizard-Rogue that’s some serious cross-classing going on there. (Just as well there’s no XP penalty in this game!) Can you complete the set? :content:

Updated, scores are.

I took a nap today, and had a medium length LD. I completed the Shadowcat, and Professor X subtasks. I also did a long jump. Here is my DJ entry [

Last night I had a medium and a short length LD. I thought I had completed a task, but after checking I realized I didn’t. My DJ

Drd - Nice work! I might have missed some lucid points off your score. Got you down for 2 short, 5 medium and 2 long LDs. Let me know if I missed anything.

Latest Scores

Here are two dreams with LC points. The first dream has flight with technological assistance during the non-lucid part, and a medium-length lucid part. The second dream has a medium-length lucid part in which I leap between rooftops.

YAAAAS… It feels so good to have more than one lucid in a week… especially when I just broke ALL MY PREVIOUS RECORDS. :biggrin: All in all, three tasks done, there may have been more, and my LONGEST LD SO FAR! :biggrin:

So yea… I raged and broke something (but that depends on if you take “Happy Raging”… I also phased through a wall (I believe more than once, but I only recall doing it in one scene), and I “spoke” telepathically with a DC.

Scipio does ALL THE THINGS - Longest Lucid Dream - Task I Part 4 & Task III Parts 2 and 5

Stats so far:

[spoiler]Lucid Moments: 2
Non-Lucids: 5
Short LDs: 1
Medium LDs: 0
Long LDs: 1
Longest Lucid Dreams: 1

Task I:-E WIZARD | DRUID | FIGHTER | Sat by a campfire, PALADIN, and ROGUE. | BARBARIAN
Task II:-E Teleported using a (magical) device. | Fired a lasergun. | Stargazing.

Thorn - Badass jump, man! I’m giving you an extra 10 ‘creativity’ points for leaping with style (and because the swapping to flight with wings then landing on your face part made me mentally face-palm in sympathy). Also, pretending to be part of the evil sonic tribe counts as being undercover, so I’ve added points for that too.

Scipio - Grats, that was a whole lotta lucid. :woot: But what on Earth is a ‘happy’ rage? :eh: Sorry, can’t accept that one. It’s got to be berserk out-of-control / anger / ‘seeing red’ to qualify as a barbarian.

New Week’s Tasks and Team advantage will be calculated in roughly 4.5 hours time, so post any other task points before then to be included.


I traveled in a spaceship similar to the Helios from Borderlands. It was orbiting Earth. I saw Earth from space but I couldn’t see stars from that window.

I questioned my dreaming state without becoming lucid again in an ND this morning.