Lucidity Challenge 48 - Task 3 - VampireVolfGame

also did my personal task which is electrokinesis/lightening from my body

and need to add a detail in a dream, i bit a girl vampire style

Congrats Koal. :grin: . I just did my first actual LD challenge so finally get some task points up too.

augh… I’m obviously warmed up after a few weeks now, pity its taken me most of the challenge time to get to this point with my LD again. ah well if we have a week left I’ll be trying to complete all the tasks in this time (though of cause now I’ve lost my early bird points so don’t think I can win the challenge even if I had a good night and just did LD after LD to get through all the challenges).

In the LDs I just had, I did the

  • role playing
  • I tried eating something not eatable but aren’t sure if I score point there as it truly wasn’t eatable, trying to eat it was so ghastly it was what I think may of caused me to drop out of the dream.
  • I accused someone of being a vampire.

I went to do the wishing well task after these but decided best to wake myself up to write this all down as I had forgot half of the first LD by doing these one after the other after the other. I didn’t wake up between these (medium length LD, short length LD and 3rd one was short length LD), I just dropped out but was still in a asleep state (so they count as one dream don’t they if one dropped out of each but didn’t wake up? … so I guess that is 5 extra point?).

If I didn’t have to worry about my memory, I would of tried doing the whole 3 weeks worth of tasks tonight. It’s taking me about 30 mins to go into a LD.

[spoiler]I cant remember the point I became lucid in the first dream as I did a second LD immediately after this one and in doing that I forgot 90% of the first one (I did debate whether to wake myself up before doing the second one while very clear with the first as I was concerned I may forget the dream otherwise, I should of done that).

In the first dream I ate pasties. After I finished pigging out on the pasties. I thought “oh shit I’m supposed to eat something not eatable but now I’m feeling very full” (maybe the pasties and eating them made me become lucid due to reminding me of the challenge but I think I may of been lucid before that).

I then looked around for something not eatable to eat and couldn’t really see much I could pick up to eat, so ended up doing what another here did and thought I’d eat an article of my clothes. I found I was wearing a jumper so I tried to eat that. Trying to eat into it was aweful, I couldn’t get my teeth to bite though it and just had a mouth of knitted wool jumper. It was too dreadful and I couldn’t swallow it.

(my LDs are so realistic usually, next time I’ll find something not eatable which is small and I can just swallow so don’t have to chew. I didn’t think of taking my jumper off and trying to shrink it).

Then I dropped out of that dream (probably cause the jumper eating was so bad!!), so then tried to get myself into another dream, so was just thinking “I want to be somewhere with a person to accuse of being a vampire or werewolf” … I didn’t care about the location so just focused on task thought. Note - I didn’t wake up during this dream dropout so was still asleep.

I suddenly found myself in a forest setting (the first dream wasn’t in a forest) and there was a young man there. So I accuse him “You are a vampire” … and he goes “yes I are a vampire” and bares his teeth at me.

So I decide to have some fun and say to him “My teeth are bigger then yours!” and bare a set of huge vampire teeth at him back (role playing a vampire). He went into extreme nervous giggling at this which was very funny to me, I almost laughed myself out of the dream and then he run off in fright. I decide to continue to get my fun so chased him through a forest.

Then I had another dream drop out (but was still asleep) and brought the forest setting back in to hunt for a wishing well to do that challenge but at this point then decided I’d best wake myself up as I already know I’d forgotten most of the first LD and was at risk of forgetting the first one entirely and wasn’t sure if attempting to eat something scores points or if I had to actually eat the thing so didn’t want to forget that. Nor my the vampire part of the second dream.

Here’s my highlight of these lucid dreams (the full version is on the spoiler). I still think of the DCs nervous giggles at what I did and its still making me want to laugh.
I suddenly found myself in a forest setting (the first dream wasn’t in a forest) and there was a young man there. So I accuse him “You are a vampire” … and he goes “yes I are a vampire” and bares his teeth at me trying to frighten me.

So I decide to have some fun and say to him “My teeth are bigger then yours!” and bare a set of huge vampire teeth at him back (role playing a vampire). He went into extreme nervous giggling at this which was very funny to me, I almost laughed myself out of the dream and then he run off in fright. I decide to continue to get my fun so chased him through a forest[/color]

OH. How do you remember that many without writing them down? That’s a serious question.

I used to have 7-8-9 dreams per night but the only way I could ever remember more then a couple each night was to program myself to wake up after each single one,so I could write it down. This ended up completely messing with my sleep terribly so I ended up giving up wanting to remember my dreams for a long while.

how do you remember that many? excellent memory???

I had a short LD, posted here, that does not complete any tasks.

ok im done.
added two more dreams with tasks. edited the beginning of the dream titled “Creatures Forming - Space Fighter + Ship”

sorry for the drunk talk before, not that i was drunk i just had so many dreams this night, didnt feel much like i slept at all, almost like a full cycle of being awake - day & night, not in a bad sense but somewhat overwhelming. then i got high from writing all those dreams for hours… so… yeah…

to recap.
i just decided last night to back up a bit from the LC, i have other ambitions for lucid dreams, greater in cause, even though i learned so much just by staying in the LC so far (importance of putting a goal, managing to stabilize my lucidity, learning the great FILD technique!) i feel like i should use this ability in another way.
then i went to sleep having all these dreams and accomplishing a buttload of tasks, including: eating something weird, aliens, spaceship, moving with my mind, biting, personal goal, and possibly some others! im not sure if they will count as sneaking into a place and maybe the monthly task but im not sure of it myself.
so yeah… i still want to kick Thorn’s avatar’s ass so ill check up on whats going on here from time to time (probably every day…)

this is a link to my journal, forgot to link it:

i would like to have my next personal goal to use an actual real version of a lightsaber since thats what i originally wanted my personal goal to be, but i wonder if its a bit of a problem now since we already have lightsaber related tasks, so let me know if i should choose something else.

again, use FILD, someone around here gave an information link about it, its a GREAT technique! highly recommended, i really though ive been through all techniques but this one surprised me.


20-25 minuets is normal for you? O.O

She reaches out and I see there is a knife on the ground she’s reaching for, she grabs it.

I’m shocked I’m about to be cut so this brings me to sudden awareness into this dream. I’m now lucid in it.

liked the preview, how are you doing anyway? still sick?


will make damn sure to read that one!

sea dove xD

just xD , i actually laughed while reading this xD

sea dove, what i meant is that i do have a lot of dreams every night, and this night, i wrote down my first dreams since it was awesome, when i started figuring out i keep doing tasks, i wrote them down each time i woke up, thats why i say “this is what happens when i actually write down my dreams” since so far i havent, although a lot of credit goes to FILD for throwing me in and out of short lucids.
i think my top mark is somewhere between 12-15 dreams a night, crazy.
anyways the way i do this is not by writing all the details, far from it, i write down points - in a desert - tell a DC to help me find a way - alien tribe - speaking weird language … and so on. its just to get my memory running when i do write it down in detail after i finally wake up.
when i start to write down all the dreams in detail i find that i hardly look at what i wrote that night, its enough to read several points and i just remember the whole thing.

So I accidentally did a task in this morning’s LD. That was nice. The LD, too, was quite strange, and I greatly enjoyed it! :happy:

Captain Clucks ~ Medium Lucid Dream ~ Roleplay, Regained Lucidity

Stats so Far:

[spoiler]NLDs: 3
Short LDs: 3
Medium LDs: 2
Long LDs: 1
Regained Lucidity Counts: 1

Task 1:-E White Magic | Explore a Castle | Exploration | Alchemy
Task 2:-E Sneak into a Building | Visit a Space | Move Something with your Mind, Use Cyber Technology, & Hack Other Technology
Task 3:-E Vampires | Roleplay

May I suggest to match your personal challenges to your other ambitions for lucid dreams and that way you can be doing this and those at same time and wont feel so taken away from your LD ambitions. (I cant remember now how many times if we do our personal challenge we can choose another one).

Yeah right now it is cause I’m not back to how I used to do this. What I think of a average LD for me is usually 30-45mins but I have to work up to that again after taking a break for a while so currently doing them far shorter then normal (the one in which I had several different dreams in the one session without waking up,my last LD… all together went for about 45mins to an hour).

To the one who is running this challenge…

umm did I count it wrong then for the scoring as I split up the times in my head for the various dreams in the one session in which I dropped out several times but didn’t woke up… and as they then weren’t counted as individual dreams?, should I have combined the time I was dreaming of those together.

In that case I was I had LD session for up to an hour so in this cause it would of been a long LD. (I thought I’d mention this in case if merging the two shorts and the medium were only counted as a medium dream by the one scoring. sorry I’m still unsure how the scoring works exactly)

I cut it short and woke myself up due to wanting to be able to remember it all. The longer I do a LD, the harder it is for me to remember it all so I need to purposely wake myself up. So due to me not wanting to forget things for the challenges, will mean I’m cutting many of my LDs shorter.

To those who run these challenges, I’d like to say it would be good for those of us who can have super long dreams if there was more then just short, medium, long and ones longest dream. To get my longest dream, I need to have a dream which lasts 3 to 4 days and nights. (I’ve had two which I went through several days in a dream where I slept in the dream and woke up the next morning in the dream and continued on in the dream, day after day).

I’d find it sad if I had a dream in which lasted 2 days dream time (which would be very very rare for me) but then only be able to get my normal longest dreams points score and hence have it give me the same number of points in which one of my common long dreams of over 45 mins would give me. (between 30-45 min ones, I currently feel unsure whether to put those in medium dreams or long dreams category anything over 45mins I certainly would at this point call long).

So anyway I wish there was another category for those of us who can have at times longer dreams. eg short, medium, long, very long (for a persons rare length ones)… then also ones longest. Maybe others in future running challenges can consider this.

I actually on a disability pension as I’m that ill, my illness completely disables me (puts me in a wheelchair for short shopping trips etc, some times I are that sick and weak cant even sit up or walk to my toilet). I’m doing “okay” if one can say that right now. It isn’t uncommon for me to be having to be ambulanced to hospital sometimes as much as once a fortnight for a IV drip.

Today, I’m having one of my better days and actually thought I may be well enough for a visitor to come and see me. (some days I’m getting close to organ failure, Im currently at risk of kidney failure and going blind, and just aren’t up to attempting to LD or thinking about trying to do LD challenges).

Sorry is it is you I haven’t responded back to with the pms?? (I forget someone I haven’t been), I just didn’t feel well enough but today being a better day for me I are planning to catch up on my pms and reply back to people.

It was kind of why I freaked out over that game challenge thinking I was expected to vote daily as I never know when I’ll be next have to be taken to hospital.

Very glad you enjoyed reading it :grin: . I love lucid dreaming due to stuff like that, it gives me a lot of enjoyment. Often even reading others LDs and the funny things which occur do too.

oh wow!! that is crazy. I don’t think even when I had all night awareness I was having that many. I once saw something written on how many dreams a night people are supposed to have and found I had more then what was being said but your amount… wow!

lucky :smile: . The writing down a few words to jog memory with my dreams doesn’t always work for me (maybe cause in real life due to my illness I have bad memory issues to the point that short notes don’t always work, I look at them and go “what”?.. so I dare say that real life memory issues isn’t helping me remember my dreams)

yeah, I know that feeling, one needs to cut back at times.

Scipio Xaos. How are you scoring if you loose lucidity but don’t wake up, going into a completely different setting with different occurances (no intent to get back into the same dream setting etc as before), so I assume as no wake up it counts as one dream? (I think I’m understanding that right?). But then to work out the time length do you add together the two dreams you had? so say a short and short may end up equalling a medium length dream if one puts the two times (seeing they were counted as one dream) together?

I’d like to keep a clear stat record like you are…

(I’m needing to get me get my head around how this score stuff works).

sea-dove: Lots of questions. I’ll try my best at answering them all. :happy:

If by “how are you scoring” you mean “how do you know” then I guess it’s sort of a gut feeling. I’ve paid attention to my dreams long enough that if I wake up I can usually tell if some dream scenes came from different dreams. Also, there’s the whole sleep cycle construct where all dreams from the same sleep cycle (90 to 120 minute period) should be the same dream. That dream actually happened inside one of those cycles so there was no guessing required. :razz:

For the time lengths, I gauge the total time I spent in both dreams summed together as the time for the overall dream. I don’t just make two shorts a medium. :razz: If the two short dreams, though, have enough lucid time in them that they appear to me to be a medium total I’ll count them as medium.

And thanks, I like keeping my stats recorded so neatly. Makes it easy to keep track of things. :happy:

And if you have any questions about the scoring of the dreams it would be best to look at the first page in the thread or ask Rhewin a question since he’s the current TM. :smile:

Had a small LD here this morning which was probably no more than 30 seconds long. No tasks completed.

deleted this post. It doesn’t matter…

Non-lucid dream, in which I play a very silly vampire online roleplaying game. Probably a reference to the VampVolf game (and the Twilight Saga, and MegaTokyo, and World of Warcraft…)
That was the least scary vampire dream ever.

No points scored. I’ve described it because it’s on-topic for the challenge.

Well you guys might be slacking, but I have no intention of backing off, as I proved last night… (I’m messing with you all. Had a not-very-lucid week until last night so seeing so many lucid dreams posted forced me to stop slacking. :smile: )

1 Short, 2 Medium, 1 Long LD. Attempted FILD but didn’t actually get it to work, just ended up with WILDs. Did the drain a DC task properly this time. Also transformed into a werewolf and accused my other half of being a vampire. Then Letaali showed up so I accused him of being a vampire as well. He played along with it. :wink:

Then I rode a bicycle across the sea. Whaddaya mean that’s not a task?? It should be. :tongue:

Congrats on four lucids in one night Obfusc8! This time I looked more like myself in your dream :happy:

Thanks :smile: Your comment just sparked another memory - dream you was wearing a science geek T-shirt with periodic table elements on it… oxygen and magnesium… OMg! :tongue:

I had two LDs this morning as posted here. The first is a short LD with nothing accomplished. The second is a medium-length LD with lucidity lost and regained; I finally earned the lucid bonus for Task 2 by moving something with my mind.

In ND #2 here I wondered if I was dreaming and RC’d but didn’t become lucid.

Had a really short LD (no tasks)
And a medium length LD with more or less 2 tasks.
1 Short, 1 Medium
I tried to sneak into a warehouse and I stole a laserblade (take something belonging to another team).

However I may haven t read the task well enough for “sneak into a building”. I may haven t been seen when I got in, but once i stole the laserblade I started to fight with it so I didn t really escape the warehouse (I didn’t get “caught” either hehe).

I let you decide how much points it s worth :tongue:

Wow didn’t read that! :sad:

Long LD in which I regain lucidity once. (I’m going to adjust my criteria for what I consider lengthwise, if this streak of long dreams continues.)

I completed my second personal goal of shrinking in size, and surprisingly managed to keep up the lucidity through several false awakenings.

I had another one of those “Am I dreaming?” Moments where I failed to become lucid… Maybe this is just a sign I will have a full LD sometime soon. +5 points

SPOILER - Click to view

Dream was basically me getting a ridiculous (and illegal) package in the mail… I looked at the package and thought “I would never order this- I must be dreaming” but my DC 's were able to convince me that it was an actual Package I ordered, so I didn’t become lucid.

Also, I completed the Roleplaying task!

SPOILER - Click to view

I went to an Anime Convention, dressed as Kirito from Sword Art Online. My friends who were there did call me Kirito in the dream. I basically went around and bought items like a rubix cube and pokemon cards. Then went back home with my friends to play video games